Graphics Server Properties and Functions

Graph Control Properties and Events

Properties available at both design time and run time

Underlined properties are new to V5.0

*Properties marked with an "*" are not available in the VBX Interface due to Microsoft's specification limiting the total number of properties to 256.

3D properties

CageEdgeColor Sets color of edges of True3D graph cage
CageFlip Allows back and side walls of True3D graph cage to switch
to opposite edge for better viewing
CageStyle Sets style of True3D graph cage walls (thick or thin)
CageWallColor Sets color of True3D graph cage walls
Elevation Sets vertical viewing angle for True3D graphs
Perspective Sets degree of perspective foreshortening for True3D graphs
Rotation Sets horizontal viewing angle for True3D graphs
SurfaceColorMax Sets color index used at highest point of True3D surface graph
SurfaceColorMin Sets color index used at lowest point of True3D surface graph
SurfaceWallColor Sets color of end walls of True3D surface graph
True3D Enables True3D graphing and sets projection method
True3DDepth Sets projected depth of True3D graph
True3DXGap Sets gap between bars in True3D bar graph
True3DZGap Sets gap in Z direction between data sets in True3D area, bar, or tape graph

Axis properties

Bar2DGap Sets the gap between bars in 2D bar graphs and Gantt charts
TickEvery Sets frequency of ticks on X axis
Ticks Enables or disables tick marks for axis
TickStyle Sets a style option for drawing tick marks
XAxisMax Sets maximum value for X axis
XAxisMin Sets minimum value for X axis
XAxisMinorTicks Enables minor tick marks on X axis
XAxisPos Sets position of X axis in 2D graph
XAxisStyle Sets method for determining scale and range of X axis
XAxisTicks Sets number of ticks on X axis
YAxisMax Sets maximum value for Y axis
YAxisMin Sets minimum value for Y axis
YAxisMinorTicks Enables minor tick marks on Y axis
YAxisPos Sets position of Y axis in 2D graph with one Y axis
YAxisStyle Sets method for determining scale and range of Y axis
YAxisTicks Sets number of tick marks on Y axis
YAxisUse Determines Y axis to which other axis properties apply
ZAxisMax Sets maximum value for Z axis of True3D scatter graph
ZAxisMin Sets minimum value for Z axis of True3D scatter graph
ZAxisStyle Sets method for determining scale and range of Z axis in True3D scatter graph
ZAxisTicks Sets number of tick marks on Z axis of True3D scatter graph

Color properties

Background Sets background color for graphic object specified by BackgroundUse
BackgroundUse Selects graphic object to which background colors and styles are applied
ColorData Sets graph colors
Foreground Sets color of titles, labels, legends, axes, grids, statistical lines, curves, and data labels
ForegroundUse Selects graphic object to which color setting applies
Palette Sets color palette for graph

Data properties

AutoInc Automatically increments ThisPoint and ThisSet counters
DataFields Defines the fields of a bound database to be graphed
DataReset Resets any or all array-based properties for graph
DataSource Defines the name of a data control to bind to
ExtraData Holds additional data for various graph types
GraphData Sets data to be graphed
IndexStyle Sets indexing method for array-based properties
MissingData Sets the mode for flagging data points as missing
NumPoints Sets number of points per data set
NumSets Sets number of data sets to be graphed
RandomData Enables generation of random data for graph
RangeMax Defines the upper range of data to be graphed
RangeMin Defines the lower range of data to be graphed
ThisPoint Indexes array-based properties, usually by data point number
ThisSet Indexes array-based properties by data set number
XPosFields* Selects database fields to be graphed as independent X values
XPosData Sets independent X values
ZPosData Sets independent Z values for True3D scatter graph

Environment properties

CtlVersion Gives version number of current copy of Graph Control
GraphCaption Sets caption text for empty graphing window
HelpFile Sets name of help file callable at run time
PropertyCaption Sets caption for property pages window
PropertyPages Makes property pages available at run time
Toolbar Enables display of Graph Control toolbar
ToolStat Enables or disables toolbar icons and associated property pages

Error bar properties

EBarGraphDataMinus Sets user-defined minus values for error bars, based on GraphData
EBarGraphDataPlus Sets user-defined plus values for error bars, based on GraphData
EBarSource Enables error bars and sets method for determining bar length
EBarStyle Sets style for error bars--plus, minus, or both
EBarUse Specifies whether error bar options in scatter graphs apply to vertical or horizontal bars
EBarValue Sets value used to calculate length of error bars
EBarXPosDataMinus Sets user-defined minus values for error bars, based on XPosData
EBarXPosDataPlus Sets user-defined plus values for error bars, based on XPosData

Font properties

FontSize Sets size for text
FontStyle Sets treatment (bold, italic, or underlined) for text
FontUse Selects text component to which other font properties apply

Graphing properties

GraphStyle Sets characteristics for all graph types
GraphType Selects type of graph

Grid properties

GridLineStyle Sets style for grid lines
GridStyle Places reference grids on graph

Image management properties

Backdrop Selects filename for graphing window's backdrop image
BackdropStyle Sets type and presentation style of backdrop image
ImageFile Sets filename for writing bitmap or metafile to disk
MapFile* Names the file for an image map
MapFormat* Selects the format for an image map
MapName* Names a client image map
MapRefStrings* Stores an array of URLs for use in an image map

Input management properties

Hot Enables and disables hot graphing
MousePointer Sets appearance of mouse pointer displayed in graphing window
SDKMouse Enables SDKHit and SDKPress events
SDKPaint Enables SDKPaint events

Labeling properties

DataLabels Enables and disables data labels
DataLabelFormat Defines the text formatting of numeric data labels
DataLabelText Sets text of data labels
LabelEvery Sets frequency of X axis labels
LimitHighLabel Places label text next to the high limit line
LimitLowLabel Places label text next to the low limit line
Labels Enables or disables graph labels
LabelField Defines the name of a data field for the Label property
LabelStyle Sets style (horizontal or vertical) for axis labels
LabelText Sets text for graph labels
LabelXDateInc Sets a date/time increment for labels on the X axis
LabelXDateStart Sets a start date/time for labels on the X axis
LabelXFormat Defines the text formatting of numeric X labels
LabelXType Sets the type of labels to be used on the X axis
LabelYFormat Defines the text formatting of numeric Y labels
LabelZFormat Defines the text formatting of numeric Z labels
SmartLabels Enables auto-arranging of pie labels to avoid overlap
YLabelText Sets label text for Y axis
ZLabelText Sets label text for Z axis of True3D graph

Legend properties

LegendField Defines the name of a data field for the Legend property
LegendPos Sets position of graph legend
LegendSize Sets overall legend size
LegendStyle Sets legend text to color or monochrome
LegendText Sets text for graph legend

Line, fill, and object style properties

BackgroundStyle Sets background style for graphic object specified by BackgroundUse
LimitFillPattern Sets the fill pattern of the shaded area above and below limit lines
LimitLinePattern Defines the line pattern of the high and low limit lines
MissingLineMode Selects option for bridging gaps caused by missing data
PatternData Sets fill pattern, line pattern, or line thickness
PatternedLines Sets style of lines
ThickLines Enables thick lines

Output management properties

ClipGraph Enables clipping of a graph within its axes
DrawMode Sets drawing mode for Graph Control
DrawStyle Sets drawing style to color or monochrome
GraphFile Defines the file containing one or more graph templates
GraphName Defines the name of a graph within a template file
PrintStyle Sets printing style

Overlay graph properties

OverlayColor Sets color of overlay graph
OverlayExtraData* Stores flags to mark missing data for an overlay graph
OverlayGraph Allows second graph to be overlaid on primary graph
OverlayGraphData Sets data to be graphed in overlay graph
OverlayGraphStyle Sets graph style for overlay graph
OverlayGraphType Sets graph type for overlay graph
OverlayPattern Sets line pattern or thickness for overlay graph
OverlayPatternedLines Sets style of lines in overlay graph
OverlaySymbol Sets symbol design for overlay graph
OverlayThickLines Enables thick lines for overlay graph
OverlayTrendSets* Enables trend lines for an overlay graph
OverlayXPosData* Sets independent X values for an overlay graph

Statistical and curve-fitting properties

CurveOrder Sets order of polynomial used in curve fitting or range of points for moving averages
CurveSteps Sets curve resolution
CurveType Selects mathematical formula for curve
LineStats Enables statistical lines and curves
LimitHighValue Sets the position of the high limit line
LimitLowValue Sets the position of the low limit line
LimitLines Enables limit lines to be superimposed on graphs
TrendSets* Enable trend lines for individual data sets

Symbol properties

SymbolData Sets symbol design
SymbolSize Sets size of symbols

Title properties

BottomTitle Specifies text string to place at bottom of graphing window
GraphTitle Places text string at top of graphing window
LeftTitle Specifies text string to place at left of graphing window
LeftTitleStyle Sets style for left graph title
NewLineChar Defines the character used for imposing line-breaks
RightTitle Specifies text string to place at right of graphing window
RightTitleStyle Sets style for right graph title

Properties available only at design time

(About) Displays Graph Control's About box
FontName Sets name of font for text
(Graph Properties) Opens Graph Control's property pages
(Help) Displays Windows Help

Properties available only at run time

Color run-time property

Color() Provides alternative method for setting colors of graph elements at run time

Data run-time properties

DataField() Defines the fields of a bound database to be graphed
Data() Provides alternative method for setting graph data values at run time
Extra() Provides alternative method for setting

ExtraData property values at run time

QuickData Sets or returns all graph data in one operation
TrendSet()* Enables trend lines for individual data sets
XPos() Provides alternative method for setting independent X values at run time
XposField()* Selects database fields to be graphed as independent X values
ZPos() Provides alternative method for setting independent Z values for True3D scatter graph at run time

Environment run-time properties

HCtlWin Returns handle of Graph Control window
HWin Returns handle of graphing window
SDKInfo() Provides internal Graphics Server information about last graph displayed

Error bar run-time properties

EBarDataMinus() Provides alternative method for setting error bar minus values at run time
EBarDataPlus() Provides alternative method for setting error bar plus values at run time
EBarXPosMinus() Provides alternative method for setting EBarXPosDataMinus property values at run time
EBarXPosPlus() Provides alternative method for setting EBarXPosDataPlus property values at run time

Font run-time properties

FName() Sets name of font for text at run time
FontFamily Applies font name to text

Image Management run-time property

MapRefString()* Stores an array of URLs for use in an image map

Input management run-time property

HotButton Returns number of mouse button pressed on hot graph

Labeling run-time properties

DataLabel() Provides alternative method for setting text of data labels at run time
Label() Provides alternative method for setting text of graph labels at run time
YLabel() Provides alternative method for setting label text for Y axis at run time
ZLabel() Provides alternative method for setting label text for Z axis of True3D graph at run time

Legend run-time property

Legend() Provides alternative method for setting legend text at run time

Line and fill style run-time property

Pattern() Provides alternative method for setting fill pattern, line pattern, or line thickness at run time

Output management run-time properties

Picture Passes graph image directly to Picture control
PrintInfo() Sets information needed to print graph at high resolution
SeeThru Lets graphing windows be drawn without clearing background

Overlay graph run-time property

OverlayData() Provides alternative method for setting data to be graphed in overlay graph at run time
OverlayExtra()* Stores flags to mark missing data for an overlay
OverlayTrendSet()* Enables trind lines for an overlay graph
OverlayXPos()* Sets independent X values for an overlay graph

Symbol run-time property

Symbol() Provides alternative method for setting symbol design at run time


HotHit Fired when hot graph receives mouse click at run time
PropertysSet Fired when a user changes property settings at run time
SDKHit Fired when hot region receives mouse click at run time
SDKPaint Fired each time graphing window is redrawn at run time
SDKPress Fired when mouse button is pressed or released in graphing window at run time
SDKTrack Fired when mouse cursor is moved in graphing window at run time
ToolHit Fired when mouse is clicked on toolbar icon enabled for events

Function list

AutoGraph functions

3D functions

AG3DStyle Sets style of 3D graph
AGCageStyle Sets 3D cage style
AGRefresh3D Redraws True3D graph
AGSetPerspective Sets perspective view of True3D graphs
AGSurfaceClr Sets colors for True3D surface graph

Axis and grid functions

AGGridStyle Sets style of grid lines
AGAxisMinorTicks Sets # of minor ticks
AGXAxisStyle Sets X axis style
AGYAxisStyle Sets Y axis style
AGYRAxisStyle Sets right-hand Y axis style
AGZAxisStyle Sets Z axis style

Data array functions

AGAmp Transfers amplitude data
AGAmpError Transfers amplitude error data
AGAux Transfers auxiliary information
AGClr Transfers color information
AGDataZ Transfers Z data
AGDist Transfers distance data
AGDistError Transfers distance error data
AGMissingLineStyle Bridge gaps caused by missing data
AGPatt Transfers pattern information
AGSym Transfers symbol information
AGDataRange Sets a range of data to be graphed

Environment functions

AGClose Terminates AutoGraph
AGFGColor Sets color of foreground objects
AGGraphBG Sets graph background
AGInfo Gets AutoGraph drawing information
AGOpen Initializes AutoGraph
AGReset Resets all AutoGraph functions

Graphing functions

AGShow Shows a graph
AGTimeGraph Begins time series graph
AGTimeUpdate Updates time series graph with data
AGBar2DGap Defines the inter-bar gap in 2D bar graphs

Labeling functions

AGLabelFormat Defines a template for formatting numerical axis and data labels
AGDataLabels Enables and sets text for data labels
AGLabelDateTime Defines date/time labels for axis
AGLabels Defines labels for axis or pie chart
AGLabelY Defines labels for left or right Y axis
AGLabelZ Defines labels for Z axis
AGLegend Defines legend labels for grouped data
AGLegendStyle Sets position and style of legend
VBAGDataLabels Enables and sets text for data labels in Visual Basic
VBAGLabels Defines labels for axis or pie chart in Visual Basic
VBAGLabelY Defines labels for left or right Y axis in Visual Basic

Statistics functions

AGCurveStyle Sets curve style
AGErrorBar Defines error bars for graph
AGFFT Performs Fast Fourier Transform on array of data
AGLimitLines Applies limit lines to a graph
AGTrendDataSet Applies trend lines to individual data sets

Text function

AGFontStyle Sets font style

Title functions

AGTitleBG Sets title style and background color
AGTitleG Defines graph title
AGTitleX Defines bottom title for graph
AGTitleY Defines left title for graph
AGTitleYR Defines right title for graph

Standard functions

Axis and grid functions

GSAxis Draws X or Y axis
GSCage3D Draws 3D cage with axes and grids
GSGrid Draws grid lines
GSLogAxis Draws logarithmic axis
GSLogGrid Draws logarithmic grid
GSPolarAxes Draws set of polar axes

Data array functions

GSDataAmp Transfers array of amplitude data
GSDataAmpErr Transfers array of amplitude error data
GSDataAux Transfers array of auxiliary data
GSDataClr Transfers array of color data
GSDataDim Sets graph data dimensions
GSDataDist Transfers array of distance data
GSDataDistErr Transfers array of distance error data
GSDataGetAmp Gets amplitude data value
GSDataGetAmpErr Gets amplitude error data value
GSDataGetAux Gets auxiliary data value
GSDataGetClr Gets color data value
GSDataGetDist Gets distance data value
GSDataGetDistErr Gets distance error data value
GSDataGetPatt Gets pattern data value
GSDataGetSym Gets symbol data value
GSDataGet Gets Z data value
GSDataPatt Transfers array of pattern data
GSDataRange Defines range of data to graph
GSDataReset Resets data arrays
GSDataScale Applies scale factor to distance data

Drawing functions

GSArc Draws circular arc
GSArrow Draws arrow
GSBox2D Draws box and fills with pattern
GSBox3D Draws 3D box and fills with pattern
GSCircle Draws circle
GSEllipse Draws ellipse
GSFixPos Fixes current position
GSGetCurX Gets current X position
GSGetCurY Gets current Y position
GSLineAbs Draws line using absolute coordinates
GSLineRel Draws line using relative coordinates
GSMovePos Moves current position
GSPolyFill Draws polygon filled with pattern
GSPolyVec Draws polyline figure

Environment functions

GSCloseServer Closes connection to Graphics Server
GSCloseView Closes view
GSCloseWin Closes graphics window
GSGetAXExt Gets anchor space X extent
GSGetAYExt Gets anchor space Y extent
GSGetBG Gets background color
GSGetSFHt Gets height of system font characters
GSGetSFWid Gets width of system font characters
GSGetSXExt Gets screen X extent
GSGetSYExt Gets screen Y extent
GSGetVer Gets server or DLL version number
GSGetVXExt Gets view X extent
GSGetVYExt Gets view Y extent
GSGetWXExt Gets window X extent
GSGetWYExt Gets window Y extent
GSOffView Turns off view
GSOnView Turns on view
GSOpenChildWin Opens graphics window as child of another window
GSOpenServer Opens connection to Graphics Server
GSOpenView Opens view
GSOpenWin Opens graphics window
GSSelectPalette Selects extended palette with 128 entries
GSSetBG Sets background color
GSSetPal Sets palette
GSSetROP Sets raster operation mode
GSUseView Uses view

Graphing functions

GSArea Draws 2D area graph
GSArea3D Draws 3D area graph
GSAreaLogLin Draws 2D area graphs with semi-log scaling
GSBar2D Draws 2D bar graph
GSBar3D Draws 3D bar graph
GSBoxWhisker Draws box-whisker graph
GSBubbleChart Draws bubble graph
GSGantt Draws Gantt chart
GSHLC Draws high-low-close, open-high-low-close, or candlestick graph
GSLinLog Draws lin/log graph
GSLogLin Draws log/lin graph
GSLogLog Draws log/log graph
GSPie2D Draws 2D pie chart
GSPie3D Draws 3D pie chart
GSPolar Draws polar graph
GSScatter Draws 2D scatter graph
GSTapeGraph Draws tape graph
GSTimeGraph Draws scrolling time series graph
GSTimeUpdate Updates time series graph
GSXYGraph Draws line graph

Image management functions

GSClipRead Reads image from Clipboard
GSClipWrite Writes image to Clipboard
GSGetMF Gets image metafile
GSPicRead Reads image from file
GSPicWrite Writes image to file
GSWriteRegionFile Creates an NCSA format image map for web applications

Labeling functions

GSDataLabels Enables and sets text for data labels
GSLabelnPie Draws pie chart numeric labels
GSLabelnX Draws numeric labels along X axis
GSLabelnY Draws numeric labels along Y axis
GSLabelPie Draws pie chart text labels
GSLabelX Draws text labels along X axis
GSLabelY Draws text labels along Y axis
GSLegend Draws legend
VBGSDataLabels Enables and sets text for data labels in Visual Basic
VBGSLabelPie Draws pie chart text labels in Visual Basic
VBGSLabelX Draws text labels along X axis in Visual Basic
VBGSLabelY Draws text labels along Y axis in Visual Basic
VBGSLegend Draws legend in Visual Basic

Mathematics functions

GSGetACos Gets arccosine
GSGetALog10 Gets antilog base 10
GSGetALogE Gets natural antilog base e
GSGetASin Gets arcsine
GSGetATan Gets arctangent
GSGetCos Gets cosine
GSGetE Gets natural exponent
GSGetLog10 Gets log base 10
GSGetLogE Gets natural log
GSGetPI Gets value of pi
GSGetSin Gets sine
GSGetTan Gets tangent

Miscellaneous graphic functions

GSClearView Clears view
GSDefPatt Defines bit pattern for filling
GSMissingLineStyle Bridge gaps caused by missing data
GSShade Shades bounded area

Mouse functions

GSHotGraph Enables and disables hot graphing
GSMClrRgn Clears mouse hot region
GSMGetX Gets mouse X position
GSMGetY Gets mouse Y position
GSMMotion Reads mouse motion indicator
GSMNotify Enables and disables notification of mouse events
GSMPtrOff Turns off mouse pointer
GSMPtrOn Turns on mouse pointer
GSMPtrType Defines mouse pointer shape
GSMSetRgn Defines mouse hot region
GSMStatus Reads mouse button status

Printing functions

GSClosePrn Closes printer
GSGetPrnHt Gets printer paper height
GSGetPrnWid Gets printer paper width
GSOpenPrn Opens printer for current window
GSPrnOut Prints view or window
GSPrnSetup Sets printing area

Statistics functions

GSCurveFit Fits curve to data
GSErrorBar Defines error bars for graph
GSGetCC Gets linear correlation coefficient
GSGetCurveCoeff Gets curve coefficient
GSGetMax Gets maximum amplitude data value
GSGetMean Gets mean data value of amplitude array
GSGetMin Gets minimum amplitude data value
GSGetSD Gets standard deviation of data set
GSLineFit Fits straight line to data
GSMean Draws mean of data set
GSMinMax Draws minimum and maximum of data set
GSSD Draws standard deviation lines
GSStatsArr Defines data for applying statistics
GSStatsWin Defines statistics clipping region

Symbol functions

GSSizeSymbol Defines size of all symbols
GSSymbol Draws symbol

Text functions

GSGetRTextHt Gets raster text height
GSGetRTextWid Gets raster text width
GSLoadRFont Loads raster font
GSLoadVFont Loads vector font
GSRText Draws raster text
GSSetRFontFace Sets typeface used for raster font family
GSSetVFontFace Sets typeface used for vector font family
GSVText Draws vector text

Window management functions

GSWinHandle Returns Windows handle of graphics window
GSWinNotify Enables and disables notification of graphics window events
GSWinPaint Sets graphics window painting mode
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