Cooperative Extension Energy Saving ProgramHome Energy Savings
Financial Constraints

Look below to find lists of no-cost and low-cost things you can do to make your home more energy efficient. The potential yearly savings are also included beside most items!

$0 Energy Savers

Use Electronics & Appliances Smartly

Turn off computer when not in use— save up to $120/yr
Set sleep mode on computer & monitor— save up to $100/yr
Turn off TV when not in use– save $25-$45/yr
Close damper on fireplace when not in use— save $60-$75/yr, 4-5% annually
Turn off bathroom and kitchen fans when not needed— save up to $30/yr, up to 2% annually
Reduce hot water temperature on water heater to 120— save $20-$60/yr, 6-10% annually
Turn down thermostat— save up to $300/yr, up to 20% annually
Turn off 2nd refrigerator— save $150-$250/yr
Operate appliances during off-peak rates— save up to $220/yr

Alter Your Washing Routines

Don't use "heated dry" setting on dishwasher— save $60/yr
Wash clothes in cold water— save up to $75/yr
Line dry clothes— save up to $200/yr
Dry multiple loads back-to-back while dryer is warm— save $5/yr
Separate quick drying from slow drying clothes— save up to $10/yr
Don't pre-rinse dishes before putting in dishwasher— save $40/yr

Pay Attention to the Windows

Close drapes or blinds on windows to block out cold
Open drapes or blinds on sunny days
Latch windows securely

Each Year

Install storm windows if you have them
Make & install radiator reflectors between radiators and walls— save up to $100/yr, up to 5% annually
Clean seals on refrigerator door— save $3-$5/yr, up to 2% annually
Clean coils in back of refrigerator— save $3-$10/yr, up to 4% annually

Low Cost Energy Savers

Keep the Cold Out

Seal air leaks: If you do all on list— save up to $300/yr, up to 20% annually
Seal openings into attic from pipes, vents, chimney
Seal attic hatch door— save up to $20/yr, 1-2% annually
Seal cracks, gaps in foundation— save up to $50
Seal openings from basement into main floor
Seal around windows and doors
Seal and insulate heating ducts— save $75-$200/yr, 5-15% annually

Keep the Warmth In

Insulate hot water pipes— save $10-$20/yr
Insulate hot water heater— save up to $50/yr, 4-9% annually
Insulate attic hatch door— save up to $20/yr, 1-2% annually
Insulate water pipes in homes with hot water heating systems— save up to $100/yr, up to 5% annually

Buy Efficiency & Replace Inefficiency

Install aerators on faucets— save $3-$5/aerator 
Install low flow showerheads— save $10-$40/yr, 3-6% annually
Weatherstrip and door sweeps on doors— save $15-$20/yr
Install foam gaskets on electrical outlets— save up to $15/yr
Install water heater timer/use only with off peak rates— save up to $150/yr, up to 30% annually
Replace incandescents with compact fluorescent lights— save $5-$10/bulb
Replace incandescents with night lights— save $24/bulb
Replace halogen torchiere with CFL torchiere— save $35/torchiere
Install programmable thermostat— save up to $300/yr, up to 20% annually
Install plastic sheeting on the interiors of single pane windows
Change furnace filters regularly— save up to $100/yr, up to 5% annually

A Few Larger Items

Repair broken windows
Seal off unused or little-used rooms— save up to $200/yr, up to 10% annually
Turn off biggest phantom power users (vampires)— save up to $150/yr




10 quick ways to cut your energy bills

(20 min. WMV video, 33 MB)


Assisted Home Performance Grants
(PDF, 14 KB)

EmPower New York
(PDF, 15 KB)