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  Adding Another Menu:
    Let's add another menu to our database and let's create two menu items
    to go with our new menu. To do this we need to tell the menu link
    control file the name of the new menu. Once again we will use the
    !menu: command.

    Let's call our new menu Alphabetical Listing of all CD's. Within this
    Alphabetical Listing of all CD's menu we will create two menu items.
    The first called Classics and second called Live Rock.

    Let's add three lines at the end of the link file, so that it reads:

    !name: Compact Disc Collection                                      
         Compact Disc Collection                                        
          Copyright (c) 1990                                            
              Your Name                                                 
         All Rights Reserved.                                           
    !menu: Favorite CD's                                                
           Classics   classics.eho                                      
           Live Rock  live_rk.eho                                       
    !menu: Alphabetical Listing of all CD's                             
           Classics             class_all.eho                           
           Rock                 Rock_all.eho                            

    Now you have a Hypertext Database with two menus, each with two menu

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Creating Your Own Hypertext Database - An Overview. Organization of Data Files. !Short: Short Entries (A list of one line descriptions). Long Entries. (Detailed text under short entries). Related Topics (also known as !seealso: cross referencing). Compiling (Preparing the text file for linking). Creating the Menu Link Control File. Linking (Combines all compiled files into the final Database). What We Have Covered So Far. !File: Pointing to Another File.
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson