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 Telix will run on an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2, or true compatible
 with at least  170k of free memory. This is memory available
 after DOS has been loaded. For a few functions, such as the
 DOS Shell, more memory is helpful. Telix will support up to 8
 defined comm ports (COM1 through COM4 are predefined), any
 number of disk drives, and a printer connected to the parallel

 To get full use of Telix your modem must meet certain stan-
 dards as well, especially for the Host Mode script. The Car-
 rier Detect signal should not be forced high (on) by the mo-
 dem, so that Telix can tell when you are online. This is usu-
 ally controlled by the setting of a dip switch on the modem.
 The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal should not be ignored by
 the modem.

See Also: common modem problems
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson