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 Telix comes with a number of files and creates more in its
 normal operation. Some files included in the Telix package

      TELIX.EXE      - The Telix program itself
      TELIX.DOC      - The Telix program reference manual
      CS.EXE         - The SALT script language compiler
      SALT.DOC       - The SALT script language reference
      CONVERTF.EXE   - Converts phone directories to Telix for-
      HOST.SLT       - The Host Mode script file (source)
      HOST.SLC       - The Host Mode script file (compiled)
      HCONFIG.SLT    - Host Mode configuration script (source)
      HCONFIG.SLC    - Host Mode config. script (compiled)
      *.KEY          - The various key definition files for the
                       terminals supported by Telix

 Files (optionally) created and used by Telix include:

      TELIX.FON      - The default dialing directory file
      TELIX.LD       - The Long Distance Codes file
      TELIX.CAP      - The default session capture file
      TELIX.IMG      - The screen image save file
      TELIX.KEY      - The default user key macros    defini-
                       tion file
      HOST.CNF       - The Host Mode configuration file

 Telix at one time or another can have a number of files open,
 especially during Host Mode and a few other instances. If
 Telix tells you it is having problems opening files then it is
 probable that including the line:


 in your CONFIG.SYS file could clear up the problem. This al-
 lows DOS to open more files (the default is 'files=8'). For
 more information on the config.sys file see your DOS manual.

See Also: start-up directory
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson