[About The Guide]
ABS Returns the absolute value of a numeric expression.
ACHOICE Executes a pop-up menu using character string array.
ACOPY Copies elements from one array to another.
ADEL Deletes an array element.
ADIR Fills a series of arrays with file information.
AFIELDS Fills a series of arrays with field definitions.
AFILL Fills any array with one value.
AINS Inserts a new position into an array.
ALIAS Returns the alias of a work area.
ALLTRIM Removes all leading and trailing spaces.
ALTD Executes the Clipper Debugger within a program.
ASC Returns the ASCII code value of a character.
ASCAN Searches for a specific value within an array.
ASORT To sort an array in ascending order.
AT Returns the position of a string within another string.
BIN2I Converts binary two-byte character string to numeric.
BIN2L Converts binary four-byte character string to numeric.
BIN2W Converts binary four-byte character string to numeric.
BOF Indicates the beginning of a file.
CDOW Returns the name of the day of the week from a date value.
CHR Returns a character for the specified ASCII code.
CMONTH Returns the name of the month from a date value.
COL Returns the current column position of the cursor.
CTOD Converts a character string to a date value.
CURDIR Returns current DOS directory path of specified drive.
DATE Returns system date in the form "mm/dd/yy".
DAY Returns the numeric value of the day of the month from date.
DBEDIT Displays and edits records using browse-style editor.
DBFILTER Determines active filter expression in current area.
DBRELATION Determines the linking expression of specified relation.
DBRSELECT Determines target work area of a specified relation.
DESCEND To create and SEEK descending order indexes.
DELETED Returns the deletion status of the current record.
DISKSPACE Determines available memory on specified disk drive.
DOSERROR Determines error number of the last DOS error.
DOW Returns a number representing day of the week.
DTOC Converts a date value to character string.
DTOS Converts a date value to character string format
EMPTY Returns true if an expression is blank.
EOF Returns true if the end of file is reached.
ERRORLEVEL Returns current DOS error level.
EXP Calculates number based on natural logarithm.
FCLOSE Closes the DOS file corresponding to the specified handle.
FCOUNT Returns the number of fields in the current database file.
FCREATE Creates a new DOS file or truncates existing file to zero.
FERROR Returns the DOS error number after file function terminates.
FIELD Returns the name of specified field in current work area.
FILE Returns true if a specified filename exists.
FLOCK Locks a database file in a network environment.
FOPEN Opens a DOS file.
FOUND Returns true if previous SEEK, FIND, LOCATE was successful.
FREAD Reads characters from a DOS file into character variable.
FREADSTR Reads characters from a DOS file.
FSEEK Moves the file pointer to new position in a DOS file.
FWRITE Writes a buffer variable to a specified DOS file.
GETE Retrieve the contents of a DOS environmental variable.
HARDCR Replaces soft carriage returns with hard carriage returns.
HEADER Determines length of header area of current database file.
I2BIN Converts integer to two-byte character string.
IF/IIF Provides for conditional processing of expressions.
INDEXEXT Returns "NTX" or "NDX" to indicate current type of index.
INDEXKEY Returns the key expression of a specified index.
INDEXORD Returns the controlling index as a numeric value.
INKEY Returns numeric ASCII value of the key pressed.
INT Converts any numeric expression into an integer.
ISALPHA Returns true if first character in string is alphabetic.
ISCOLOR Returns true if a color display is installed.
ISLOWER Returns true if first character in string is lowercase.
ISPRINTER Determines whether LPT1 is ready.
ISUPPER Returns true if first character in string is uppercase.
L2BIN Converts integer to four-byte character string.
LASTKEY Returns numeric ASCII value of the last key pressed.
LASTREC/RECCOUNT Returns number of records in current work area.
LEN Returns number of characters in character string.
LEFT Extracts characters from left side of character string.
LOG Returns natural logarithm of a given number.
LOWER Converts upper case characters to lower case.
LTRIM Removes leading blanks from a character expression.
LUPDATE Determines date that current database was last modified.
MAX Returns the greater of two numeric or date expressions.
MEMOEDIT Displays and edits memofields and long strings.
MEMOLINE Returns formatted line from memofield or character exp.
MEMOREAD Returns the specified disk file as a character string.
MEMORY Returns the available free pool memory.
MEMOTRAN Returns character string with all CRs and LFs replaced.
MEMOWRIT Writes character string to specified disk file.
MIN Returns the lesser of two numeric or date expressions.
MLCOUNT Returns number of lines in a memofield or character exp.
MLPOS Returns position of specified line number in memo field.
MONTH Returns number representing month from a date variable.
NETERR Returns true if network environmental error occurs.
NETNAME Returns text of the computer name.
NEXTKEY Reads the next keystroke without removing it from buffer.
PCOL Returns the current column position on printer.
PCOUNT Returns number of actual parameters passed to a function.
PROCLINE Returns source code line number of current program.
PROCNAME Returns name of current program or procedure.
PROW Returns current row position on printer.
RAT Searches character string for last instance of a substring.
READVAR Returns the name of the current GET/MENU variable.
READEXIT Toggles the Uparrow and Dnarrow as READ exit keys.
READINSERT Toggle/report current insert mode setting for READs.
RECNO Returns the current record number of the current work area.
RECSIZE Determines record length of current database file.
REPLICATE Repeats a character expression a specified number of times.
RESTSCREEN Displays a previously saved screen region.
RIGHT Extracts characters from right side of character string.
RLOCK/LOCK Attempts to lock the current record.
ROUND Returns rounded numbers to specified number of decimals.
ROW Returns current screen row location of the cursor.
RTRIM Removes trailing blanks from a character expression.
SAVESCREEN Saves specified screen region to be redisplayed.
SCROLL Uses window coordinates to scroll or blank part of screen.
SECONDS Returns system time in seconds and hundredths.
SELECT Returns the number of the current work area.
SETCANCEL Toggle program termination with Alt-C, on or off.
SETCOLOR Determines current or previous color setting.
SETPRC Sets PROW() and PCOL() functions to specified values.
SOUNDEX Converts character string to soundex form for searching.
SPACE Create character string of specified number of spaces.
SQRT Returns the square root of a given positive number.
STR Converts numeric expression to character string.
STRTRAN Searches and replaces within a character string.
STUFF To manipulate characters within a character string.
SUBSTR Extracts a specified part of a character string.
TIME Returns the system time in the format "hh:mm.ss".
TONE Sounds speaker for specified tone and duration.
TRANSFORM Returns character string with specified picture format.
TRIM Removes trailing blanks from a character expression.
TYPE Returns data type of variable, expression or field.
UPDATED Returns true if last READ changed any data in GETS.
UPPER Converts lower case characters to upper case.
USED Determines if a database is in USE in current work area.
VAL Converts a character string to a number value.
WORD Converts numeric arguments from type DOUBLE to type INT.
YEAR Returns complete numeric value of the year from a date.
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson