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    ROUND() rounds off numbers to a specified number of decimal places.


    ROUND(<exp N1>,<exp N2>)


    <exp N1> is a numeric expression to be rounded.

    <exp N2> is the number of decimal places you want to retain.


    A numeric value.

    ROUND() roudns <exp N1> to the number of places specified by <exp N2>.
    Specifying a zero or negative value for <exp N2> allows rounding of
    whole numbers.  A negative <exp N2> indicates the number of places to
    the left of the decimal point to round.

    The display of the return value does not obey DECIMALS SETting unless
    SET FIXED is ON.  With FIXED OFF, the display of the return value
    contains as many decimal digits as you specify for <exp N2> or zero if
    <exp N2> is less than one.

    Note that Clipper rounds up in all instances.  There is no "odd/even"


    The ROUND() function is useful when you want to use a number with less
    precision than it currently has.

See Also: INT
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson