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Development tools · Tutorials and FAQs · Reference materials · External resources

Tcl (Tool Command Language) is an embedded scripting language by John Ousterhout. The Tcl interpreter is a library which can be linked into other programs to provide a way of extending their functionality (for example, a text editor which includes Tcl could allow users to add new editor commands as Tcl scripts). There is also a shell (tclsh) which lets you execute Tcl code directly.

Tk is a Tcl toolkit for developing windowed applications, and it has now been ported from Unix to Windows. There is also a shell (wish) which executes Tk scripts, so you can write Windows programs as Tk scripts.

Development tools:

Tcl 7.6/Tk 4.2 for Windows 95/NT (or Windows 3.1 if you have Win32s installed)
Tcl 7.3/Tk 3.6 for MS-DOS. This also includes a version of wish for Desqview/X.

Tutorials and FAQs:

Scripting: Higher Level Programming for the 21st Century, a paper by John Ousterhout, the creator of Tcl
A Tcl tutorial written using Tcl/Tk. You must install Tcl/Tk before you can use this package.
The Tcl General FAQ from the newsgroup comp.lang.tcl
The Tk Usage FAQ
The Tcl/Tk for Windows FAQ

Reference materials:

The Tcl 7.6/Tk 4.2 manual pages

External resources:

The Tcl/Tk home page at Sunlabs
The Tcl WWW Info page, with links to lots of other Tcl-related sites
Tcl/Tk links at Yahoo (or at Yahoo UK)
The newsgroups comp.lang.tcl and comp.lang.tcl.announce