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Assembly languages

Development tools · Tutorials and FAQs · Software resources · External resources

Assembly languages are processor-specific low-level languages. They are rarely used any more except for handling very low-level machine-specific tasks, since languages like C can generally satisfy most requirements, even low-level ones. The other main use of assembly language is to provide the "glue" to enable different languages to be used in a single program. It is however useful to know something about assembly language to get a feel for what goes on inside a processor, as well as for understanding code generation in compilers and for debugging when there is no source code available.

Development tools:

A86, a very good shareware 80x86 assembler
Arrowsoft Assembler, a free 80x86 assembler
Magic Assembler 1.10, another free 80x86 assembler
A cross-assembler for the Motorola 68000 which includes an emulator, so you can write and test 68000 assembler programs on a PC
x68k.zip, another cross-assembler and emulator for the Motorola 68000
Several additional development tools (debuggers etc.)

Tutorials and FAQs:

An 80x86 assembly language tutorial by Gavin Estey, the maintainer of the rec.games.programmer FAQ
The 8086 family assembly language FAQ
The A86 FAQ for the shareware A86 assembler (see above)
The Microsoft MASM FAQ
The Borland TASM FAQ
The Game Developer's FAQ for the newsgroup rec.games.programmer
The PC Games Programmer's Encyclopedia: a collection of source code and text documentation related to games programming for MS-DOS

Software resources:

Several source code examples

External resources:

A list of Assembly Internet Resources at EG3 Communications
Tore's Programming Page has links to several tutorials
Strange Creations, Gavin Estey's excellent collection of programming resources (especially information about games programming)
Intel Secrets: What Intel doesn't want you to know. An excellent site, with lots of information about undocumented "features" of Intel processors
X2FTP, an excellent FTP archive in Finland with lots of material related to games programming
Processor manufacturers: Intel and Motorola
Assembly language links at Yahoo (or at Yahoo UK)
The newsgroup comp.lang.asm.x86
The newsgroup comp.os.msdos.programmer: a good source of information on programming PCs, although it is not restricted to assembly-language programming