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Windows 2000 Professional
Windows 2000 Professional Boxshot
Built on Windows NT� technology and an easy-to-use, familiar Windows� 98 user interface, Windows 2000 Professional makes business users more productive.

Its integrated Web capabilities and broad support for mobile computers and hardware devices makes Windows 2000 the easy way for business users to connect to the Internet anywhere and anytime. And its rock-solid reliability and improved manageability simplify desktop management for IT professionals.

Click the link below to see a video about how Windows 2000 Professional can benefit you!

Windows 2000         Professional


Client Features


Browse the features that make Windows 2000 Professional the mainstream operating system for desktop and notebook computing in all organizations.

System Requirements


Find out what it takes to run Windows 2000 Professional.

Pricing and Licensing


Review estimated retail prices, free upgrades, and upgrades paths.



Learn how Windows 2000 Professional delivers solutions for specific business requirements.

Choosing the Right Client


Information to help you decide whether Windows 98 SE or Windows 2000 Professional is the right choice for your business.



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