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Windows 2000 � Tips & Tricks

Address Bar as a Command Line more

Automatic Caching to Make Files Available Offline more

Cable Modems and Windows 2000 Server more

Calling Card Dial-Up Setup more

Command Prompt, Cut and Paste in more

Command Prompt File and Directory Name Completion more

Command Prompt, Key Commands for more

Command Prompt, Opening from Explorer in a Particular Directory more

Command-Prompt Properties to Increase Screen Buffer more

Defrag Hard Disk to Boost Performance more

Device Manager to Switch from Uniprocessor to Multiprocessor Support more

Details in My Documents and Windows Explorer more

Export List with Administrative Tools more

Index Service, Enabling more


IPCONFIG to Update DNS Entries 

IP Forwarding Between Subnets, Enabling more

Locking the Console, Shortcut for more

Microsoft Management Console, Shortcut to more

My Documents, Customizing Location of more

My Pictures more

Network Connection Wizard Transfers Data Easily more

Network Monitor Icon more

Open Multiple Applications Simultaneously from the Start Menu more

Quick Access to Control Panel and Other Items more

Quick E-mail more

Quick Launch Bar as a Command Line more

Recovery Console more

Recovery Console Option in Windows 2000 more

Recovery Console Tips more

Run As, Using to Start Administrative Tools While Logged On as a User more

Scheduled Tasks Wizard more

Start Menu, Cascading My Computer in more

Task Manager, Create a Shortcut to more

Telnet more

Visual Effects Including Mouse Pointer, Customizing more


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