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Windows Services for UNIX

With the growing adoption of the Microsoft Windows NT� operating system in established UNIX environments, the need for the two platforms to interoperate has increased. Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX and Microsoft Interix provides a set of additional features to Windows NT and Windows 2000 that allow for greater interoperability with existing UNIX-based systems in the enterprise.

The following links provide information on Services for Unix and Microsoft Interix:

Services for UNIX version 1.0

Off-site link Services for UNIX version 1.0
Off-site link Windows NT Services for UNIX white paper
Off-site link Preliminary Course Implementing Microsoft Windows NT Services for UNIX

Services for UNIX version 2.0

Services for UNIX

Microsoft Interix version 2.2

Microsoft Interix
Off-site link (Tool warehouse, tech notes, etc)

Microsoft Interix is a comprehensive suite of utilities and developer tools for UNIX, which allow developers to re-host UNIX-based scripts and applications to the Windows NT and Windows 2000 platform with minimal changes, while migrating their code to run natively on Windows. Interix brings customers closer to a single desktop solution. It also provides customers with an application migration path to the Windows platform.


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