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Microsoft Interix 2.2

Microsoft� Interix 2.2 is the easiest way for customers to take advantage of their previous investments in UNIX-based legacy applications as they move to the Windows� operating system. Interix provides a powerful, high-performance environment in which to easily run UNIX applications and scripts on the Window NT� and Windows 2000 operating systems, enabling customers to take advantage of the many benefits of the Windows platform while still maintaining their UNIX-based legacy applications.

Easily Run UNIX-based Applications and Scripts on Windows
Single Enterprise Platform
Take Advantage of Existing UNIX Expertise
Product Features
Interix Software Development Kit
System Requirements

Easily Run UNIX-based Applications and Scripts on Windows

Microsoft Interix 2.2 provides a powerful, high-performance environment in which to easily run UNIX-based applications and scripts on the Window NT and Windows 2000 operating systems. Interix offers:

A complete environment for UNIX-based applications. It provides over 300 utilities and tools which behave exactly as they would on other UNIX-based systems.
High performance. Interix 2.2 is a native subsystem to Windows, not an emulation product, which means that performance won't suffer when you run UNIX-based applications on Interix.
Easy migration using the Interix 2.2 SDK. The software development kit (SDK) included with Interix 2.2, makes it easy to migrate existing UNIX-based applications to the Interix environment. It supports over 1900 UNIX application programming interfaces (APIs), and its tools include make, rcs, yacc, lex, cc, c89, nm, strip, gbd, gcc, g++, and g77 comilers.

Single Enterprise Platform

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When combined with Windows 2000, Interix provides customers a single enterprise platform on which they can run all of their Windows-, UNIX-, and Internet-based applications. As part of a single platform for the enterprise, Interix provides:

Full integration with Windows. Interix is fully integrated with the Windows desktop, security model, and file system, and thus gives users the advantages of both worlds.
Lower TCO. Interix enables customers to standardize their applications on a single platform, thus reducing total cost of ownership (TCO) by lowering administration and maintenance costs.
Enhanced application development. With Interix, UNIX developers can begin taking advantage of the power of the Windows 2000 platform for the development of the next generation of applications.

Take Advantage of Existing UNIX Expertise

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Microsoft Interix 2.2 provides UNIX users and system administrators a familiar environment and set of tools with which they can take advantage of their existing UNIX expertise:

Extensive scripting support. Interix enables users to maintain the use of common scripting languages and tools. Shells supported include: KornShell and C Shell. Scripting languages supported include awk, perl, sed, and Tcl/Tk .
Familiar administration tools. Interix provides UNIX system administrators a familiar set of tools including rsh, rlogin, telnet and xterm. Batch tools, such as At, cron and batch, enable efficient system administration.
The look and feel of UNIX. Interix provides the ability to preserve the look and feel of UNIX-based applications, thus eliminating the need to retrain users.

Product Features

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KornShell, C Shell and Bourne Shell with full job control
Over 300 utilities, including scripting tools such as awk, sed, perl, Tcl/Tk
Berkeley Software Design (BSD) sockets mapped to Winsock
Memory-mapped files
Subsystem vendor ID (SVID) interprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms: semaphores, message queues and shared memory
Pseudo-terminal support
Color curses support
Ability to execute Win32 applications from Interix
Full tty semantics mapped to console windows
Pseudo-terminal support
File-link support and true case-sensitive file names
Full integration with Windows NT security model, administration, file systems, networking and printers
Support for POSIX.1 (system services) and POSIX.2 (shell and utilities)
X11R5 runtime, including X clients such as xterm, twm, xrdb, and xlsclients
Support for running X Windows applications on remote displays
Support for daemons running as Windows NT services
telnetd & rlogind services (multiuser login support)
Berkeley r-utilities (servers and clients)
cron, syslogd & other daemon/service support
Internet clients: ftp, telnet, ping, rsh
Integrated tape device support

Interix Software Development Kit

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Development tools, including make, RCS, lex, yacc, cc, c89, nm, ar, strip
ANSI C, POSIX.1 and POSIX.2 interfaces
Color curses library
BSD-style sockets library support
X11R5 libraries and header files
gcc (GNU C) compiler
g++ (GNU C++) compiler
g77 (GNU FORTRAN77) compiler
Support for Microsoft Visual C/C++ versions 4.0 and 5.0

System Requirements

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Intel x86, Pentium, Pentium Pro and compatible systems
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation or Server version 3.51 or higher, Windows 2000 Professional, Server or Advanced Server
15-100 megabytes (MB) of available hard-disk space
Windows-supported CD-ROM drive and mouse


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