Interface ResourceObserver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public abstract interface ResourceObserver

This provides an interface for obtaining notice that a resource has been loaded. For example, if an author wishes to wait until certain or all resources have been loaded before making the scene visible, this interface may be used. The ResourceObserver must register interest with a ResourceListener in order to receive such events.

Method Summary
 void onLoadDone(java.lang.String nameOfResource, boolean success, java.lang.Object userData)
          This method should be called by this ResourceObserver's ResourceListener once the resource has completed loading, or failed to load.

Method Detail


public void onLoadDone(java.lang.String nameOfResource,
                       boolean success,
                       java.lang.Object userData)
This method should be called by this ResourceObserver's ResourceListener once the resource has completed loading, or failed to load.
nameOfResource - the name of the resource
success - whether the resource was successfully loaded
userData - the callback data passed back to the observer