Shout3D 2.0 contains the package shout3d, which in turn contains three sub-packages, shout3d.core, shout3d.math, and shout3d.sound.


shout3d The package shout3d contains three sub-packages, shout3d.core, shout3d.math and shout3d.sound.
shout3d.core The core package contains all the classes and interfaces that implement the core of the Shout3D scene graph architecture.
shout3d.hanim The Shout3d.hanim package contains five classes, ,which implement the H-Anim specification for humanoid figures.
shout3d.math The Shout3d.math package contains two classes, MatUtil and Quaternion, which contain convenience methods for working with matrices, vectors and rotations.
shout3d.sound The Shout3d.sound package contains the JavaSound class, used to play sounds in a Shout3D applet.


Shout3D 2.0 contains the package shout3d, which in turn contains three sub-packages, shout3d.core, shout3d.math, and shout3d.sound. The package shout3d also contains two classes, Shout3DPanel and Shout3DApplet, which may be used (or subclassed) to create viewers of 3D content. The shout3d.core package contains classes that implement the objects and interfaces from the Shout3D 2.0 Specification. The shout3d.math package contains some convenient methods for working with matrices and vectors. The shout3d.sound package contains the JavaSound node, used for playing sounds in Shout3D applets.