Interface Clock

All Known Implementing Classes:

public abstract interface Clock

A Shout3D Core Clock

Method Summary
 double getAbsoluteTime()
          this method gets the number of seconds since midnight GMT January 1, 1970, as of the last call to tick().
 void tick()
          This method updates the Clock and sets a new absolute time.

Method Detail


public void tick()
This method updates the Clock and sets a new absolute time. This is automatically invoked once each time the applet renders, just before the onPreRender() methods are called on all the registered RenderObservers. This method may also be invoked by a programmer whenever a new simulation tick is desired, in the case where simulation cycles are being run at a finer frequency than that of the rendering loop.


public double getAbsoluteTime()
this method gets the number of seconds since midnight GMT January 1, 1970, as of the last call to tick().
the time