
About the Homebuyer's Fair, Personal Finance, and the Internet

Resource Type Description
About Article Homebuyer's Fair history, highlights
Idiot Article Fan Mail
Intranet Recommendations Article Advice on tools for building Intranets 7/7/96
Secret Weapon Article Server-side JavaScript as Netscape's secret weapon 8/96
Egocentric Article Using the Web vs. your company's proprietary software 9/96
Convert Article Convert people, not documents, to the Web 10/96
LiveWire Article How the Homebuyer's Fair uses Netscape LiveWire 11/96
Filters Article Please use a filter, not a shovel 12/96
Before Article Prediction before Netscape's IPO 8/95
After Article Post-mortem after Netscape's IPO 8/95
MBA Article Internet Mortgages (Mortgage Banking 11/94)
Econ ArticleEconomic Consequences of WWW (10/94)
Econ2 ListOther articles on Web economics
MLM ArticleMulti-level Marketing (written for GNN)
Banking ArticleBanking on the Internet (written for GNN)
Hype ArticleNet Commerce (Information Week 1/95)
ASK FairmasterArnold Kling's background
EP Service Electric Press, our technical provider

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