Programming: Information and Theory

41TRICKS.ZIP 41 undocumented tricks for Windows 95
ALL.ZIP Information about the The File Formats Handbook
AMPROG.ZIP The Rise of the American Programmer
ANSIKODE.ZIP How to make ansi
ATEASE.ZIP At Ease With Computer Programming, Version 1.4 This is identical to the version of AT EASE FOR COMPUTER PROGRAMMING that retailed for $349 and that PCM Magazine called "the most detailed yet interesting approach to problem solving" they had ever seen. "Any beginning or advanced programmer could benefit from this system, whether to write structured code in BASIC, C, Pascal or assembler--or simply to tap the power of macros in Lotus 1-2-3." They also said At Ease was "unique," "entertaining," and "fun."
BASES.ZIP Covering your bases an explanation of how to convert from base 10 to base 2, 8, or 16
CODES.ZIP Ansi, ascii, and charactor codes
COMPILER.ZIP Compiler Construction Course (.DOC format)
COPR.ZIP Copyright law
COPR1.ZIP How to copyright software (yourself)
CORPCO2F.ZIP The offshore alternative at a competive price! Heard of OFFSHORE development? Attracted by the considerable cost saving? You may, however be aware of the pitfalls associated with offshore development. Here at Virtual Software we would like to think that we have addressed all of them.
CRLAW.ZIP Copyright basics:
CS.ZIP A Client-Server Crash Course (in win.HLP format)
DOSCORSE.ZIP Introduction to DOS The self extracting file DOSCORSE.EXE contains all the material for a complete Introduction to DOS course. This course is designed for the beginners and should take approx. 25 class hours to complete. You may copy and use this course in any way you like. If you have any comments please address them to frang44@aol. I would appreciate any feedback about this course.
EFFICI_1.ZIP OOP vs. procedural programming
GUIDE.ZIP BEGINNING AUTHOR'S GUIDE Hints, thoughts, tips and insights specifically aimed at the beginning shareware author. Provided by the ASP in the hope that a new shareware author might benefit from the experiences and accumulated wisdom it contains.
HOWTOVC.ZIP How to start your own virtual corporation: riding the information highway!
JOINASP.ZIP JOINASP >ASP< - Join the ASP as an author member! This file contains information on reasons your shareware company should become a member of this powerful and influential trade association representing the shareware industry. Docs in three formats, plus complete application package.
KBDGUIDE.ZIP The Keyboard Interface Tutorial The Keyboard on the IBM PC and compatible is connected to the PPI - Programmable Peripheral Interface, which generally takes care of Keyboard functions, equipment information and timer functions. The PPI is addressable via port reads and writes, to addresses 060h thru 063h.
KINGV3.ZIP The king magazine volume 3 now this magazine examples are also in c and pascal offcourse inline assembler if you like to know how to program in asm , how to use xms , how to do animaton , how to use oop code , how to do a waves like effect, download this volume! many more stuff here ! first thing to do when d/l read the "read.Me" file.
KMAGV1.ZIP THE KING MAGAZINE VOLUME 1 A nEw magazine by THE KING Take it learn somthing about Programming ASM , PASCAL , HARDWARE , GRAPHICS , DEMO EFFECTS And some more Cool stuff! Release In The 10/14/95.
MACMYTHS.ZIP Mac Mythconceptions (Was Re: Why Mac not a games platform)
MAG01.ZIP The Mag, issue 1
MAG02.ZIP The Mag, issue 2
MAG03.ZIP The Mag, issue 3
MAG04.ZIP The Mag, issue 4
MAG05.ZIP The Mag, issue 5
MAG06.ZIP The Mag, issue 6
MAG07.ZIP The Mag, issue 7
MAG08.ZIP The Mag, issue 8
MAG09.ZIP The Mag, issue 9
MAG10.ZIP The Mag, issue 10
MAG11.ZIP The Mag, issue 11
MAG12.ZIP The Mag, issue 12
META2.ZIP The following is a discussion of the many ways applications read and write metafiles and how your application can handle them correctly.
MICROGEN.ZIP Microgenesis' shareware registration service
OPENBOOK.ZIP Ms/dos - a crash course
PRGCARS1.ZIP Selecting a Programming Language Made Easy or "How Programming Languages compare to automobiles!"
PRMRORD.ZIP An intellectual property law primer for multimedia developers
PROGBOOK.ZIP The Programmers' Booklist
PS2_INFO.ZIP Postscript(r) level 2 -- questions & answers
PSL_INFO.ZIP PsL's Registration Service
PTR_HELP.ZIP Understanding pointers (for beginners)
RADIX.ZIP Short tutorial on the radix-sort.
RESOURCE.ZIP Resource Guide for Computer Game Developers
RH.ZIP On the Early History and Impact of Unix Tools to Build the Tools for a New Millenium
SARG.ZIP SHAREWARE AUTHOR'S RESOURCE GUIDE - 8th ed. Whether you're a veteran shareware author or just starting out, you'll find this concise, menu-driven guide *extremely* helpful to running a PROFITABLE shareware business. Effectively program, market, & distribute. Ultimately increase registrations and profit. Requires DOS 3.3 or above.
THEPRN26.ZIP THE PRINTER 2.6 Programmer's database of printer codes for HUNDREDS of printers! The Printer helps eliminate a nightmare many programmers face: * Formatting text on the dozens or hundreds of different printers our users have. * To print bold here, italics there, etc., one needs printer codes that will work REGARDLESS of which printer a user installs. The Printer provides them!!
TRUTRAN1.ZIP Truth About Translation 1.0 animated text show - gives much info, removes many myths about translating/ interpreting /computers. Humorously probes complex language issues, presents quotations about translation thru 2,500 years plus HILARIOUS "Translation Bloopers" by man and machine PLUS humorous & incisive ideas about how both language & translation actually work. Both animated & printable, ASP Shareware, Full version $12.
TSR.ZIP The history and technology of TSR terminate and stay resident software
UNDOCDOS.ZIP Collection of undocumented and obscure features in various MS-DOS versions.
UNIX21.ZIP UNIX tutorial
YK31.ZIP $YK v3.1 - Sell Your Know How as Shareware examines ways that non-programmers can get in on the Shareware boom and make some money with their computer by selling their skills and expertise. It describes in detail what Shareware is; how you can use an Authoring System to create Shareware programs; and it includes a Database of 400+ ASP Approved BBS Contains anti-virus selfcheck. Requires Harddisk and Color Monitor. Freeware.
YR2000.ZIP 97 Articles on the Century Problem The "Century Problem" is how to make programs that use two-digit years work with 21st-century dates. At least 97 articles have been published on this problem. Many of these have appeared in major newspapers, computer magazines and business journals. In addition, there is a book on this topic called "The Year 2000 Computing Crisis" by J.T. and M.J. Murray (McGraw-Hill, 1996, ISBN 0-07-912945-5.)
ZENLIF.ZIP Zen and the Art of Creating Life (ASCII text) A fascinating document about artificial life from the author of the famous TIERRA program, the A-Life researcher Thomas Ray. This is a real treasure-trove ! Contains many pointers to other research and software. Gets very speculative, from rainforests, evolution and MIMD design to the Terminator-movies.

Mathematics theory

BALLI.ZIP How a ballistics program works -or how to calculate a trjectory chart
CRC_V3.ZIP A painless guide to CRC error detection algorithms CRC tutorial with source is a tutorial on crc theory by ross williams, and a c source code example an abbreviated look-up table algorithm.
HEXAGON1.ZIP algorithms for resolving x,y mouse hits on a hex grid
ONEWAYFU.ZIP One Way Functions,Insolvable Problems, Static and Dynamic Encryption
OTMMATX.ZIP 3D-Matrix transformation tutorial
QUATERNI.ZIP Quaternion Numbers
RAND_ART.ZIP Computer Generated Random Numbers THis paper presents a number of techniques for analyzing a computer generated sequence of random numbers. Some background theory in probability theory and inferential statistics is presented, and a number of empirical tests are presented along with example programs which apply the tests to several popular random number generators including the VAX Run-Time Library routine MTH$RANDOM used by the FORTRAN intrinsic function RAN and by the VAX BASIC function RND, the standard ANSI C rand() function used by VAX C, and the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. For comparison the sample programs also apply the tests to the obsolete RANDU random number generator.
RPN.ZIP Understanding reverse-polish notation