Demo sources

3DROTSCP.ZIP rotatin' Scope (TP7 source), SB/Pro, VGA required
4GE-FRAC.ZIP 4ge's Xmas 94 Intro fractalzoom source
4KLESS.ZIP Paranoid 4k intro source (C++/Asm)
ACGSTRS.ZIP Stars Effect Source Code For TP
AMNESSRC.ZIP This is the virtual reality source from the Amnesia demo.
ARAIDSRC.ZIP SourceCode for cool tunneleffect like in Stars/Nooon or in Paimen/Coma , pure ASM
ASBBSS.ZIP Source 4 Blue Steal bbz Intro by ACME...
ASCIISRC.ZIP Full sources of ASCII demo released at Scenario'95 C-source by (by Paranoids)
ASMINTRO.ZIP JUP! A fine source to a little INTRO with scrolling Stars...
AUK2SRC.ZIP KUKOO II -- by Type One / TFL member v.2.43 Large with SOURCE CODE An Advertising Intro for -= Pleasure Access BBS =- 29k ASM pure juice !!! Source Code included... Enjoy IT !!!
BARS.ZIP Copper bars
BIRTHSRC.ZIP Demosourcecode for the Birthday card demo
BITS93.ZIP Fresh week 1993 for Bits Demosourcecode
BKISSSRC.ZIP Bytes & Kisses: The Source!
BLA2SRC.ZIP BlasterSound Intro #2 Works on XT/AT/++, VGA required AdLib/Roland Music - 8379 bytes Full sources included!!
BOARDZ.ZIP Little VGA intro-source code. This program scrolls a text and displays a 3d-starfield. Well, here's another contribution to the large number of source-codes available. It's a very simple little VGA intro including a 3D starfield, a horizontal scroller and a palette fading. Enough for the beginning demo coder to get started
BOBS.ZIP Shadebobs (asm soruce) In "Unreal", "Amnesia", "Delusion" and others there is a sort of shadebob technique that is used. This technique is pretty simple, any demo maker knows much slicker routines than this one, but this will give everyone else some ideas on how it's done.
CDMSRC.ZIP Full source code for the Condom HQ BBS Intro.
CHAOS.ZIP Chaos Board intro with full ASM source
CHECKSRC.ZIP UNICORN UTM 1994 The source of our checker intro fururing a multidirectional checkerboard and a hardware scrolly..
CIRCLES.ZIP Unicorn, demosource
CONTRSRC.ZIP Source code pack of the first tfl-tdv *demo*
CYDR_SRC.ZIP CyberDrunk BBStro #1 Sourcepack including all ASM-sources with ADLIB-Music and a useful GFX-conv (with C-source)...
DEMOSTU3.ZIP Demo source codes written in tp/asm by bjarke viksoe! USEFULL!
DEMOSTUF.ZIP Demosource with fast vector-box, wildly rotating full-screen pictures and a nifty starwars scroller.
DFC-3SRC.ZIP Hallucinogen BBS intro III source code
DUNESRC.ZIP Pascal-source for backfeed effect, as in DUNE!.COM
DVECTOR.ZIP Vectorsdemo source
ELDR_BBS.ZIP Eldritch BBS intro Just a short BBS intro I - ASM sources included..
FEEDBACK.ZIP Pascal-source for backfeed effect (Pascal source)
FIREEFF.ZIP UNICORN UTM 1994 A little source explaining the well known fire effect...
FIREWALL.ZIP this is a wonderfully boring foray into the field of fire algorithms.
FLAG.ZIP flag.asm - Runtime Flag Demostration. This file implements a runtime flag movement using plasma like sinus overlapping waves in the VGA 320x200x256 graphics mode.
FLAME.ZIP FLAME, Fire-flame demo with Asm source
FLAME1.ZIP Fire v1.0 The basics of the flame effect are to choose as many of the 8 pixels ( you could use others ) arround the pixel, you are trying to finds colour, as you want. Then find the average ( add up all the values and divide by the ammount of values you added ) of the pixels and then use this as the pixel's colour. You have to do this for every one of the pixels in your pixel array.
FLC-BUMP.ZIP The method used to produce the bump in Orion Includes a Turbo Pascal source!
FLUID.ZIP Fluid, how to make water-effects (C source), great!
FRACT.ZIP 4ge's Xmas 94 Intro fractalzoom source
FREE_SRC.ZIP Freedom CD Intro demo source in C++/Asm
FUZZY.ZIP Fuzzy! A small scrolling ansi bbs advert, asm source
GALLERY.ZIP Source code for inconexia's art-gallery sequence Well, Jare & JCAB beat me to it, but here's the rest of the source code for Iguana's Inconexia :-) After hours and hours of and moving and deleting files, I think I've managed to neatly sort out all this mess into subdirectories, with makefiles that make it easy to apply changes, rebuild, and run the program to see what they do. (asm)
GGOURO2.ZIP Five tiny demos featuring : (Executable files + ASM source codes) - 3D rotations without any matrix - Generic gouraud shading - Funny logical effects - Motion blur
GIANT.ZIP Source Codes for GIANT. The Ultimate 4KB-Intro! (asm)
GIANTSRC.ZIP GIANT the UlTimate 4KB-Intro released at Assembly '94 the SOURCE included! 100 % assembler
GLOBECOD.ZIP Demoscroller in asm
GTC-LM11.ZIP the Liquid Metal BBS adv v1.10, full Source included [ASM]
HELLSRC.ZIP Hell, Full Assembly Source Code! Requires The Original Hell Demo Which Contains Required Data.
HFTUBE.ZIP Sources of TAM demo tunnel
HQ_WATER.ZIP "Water/credits" effect from Iguana's "Heartquake" demo
ILINKV30.ZIP DeathStar's intro linker v3.0 ILINK is the first Italian public intro linker, released to all Italian (and not) groups to allow them to spend more time in coding, without wasting time with the annoying trouble of the linking. ILINK is designed to be as fast as possible to use: the basic principle on which ILINK is based is the emulation of a 720kB diskette in RAM. So you've to split the demo into several 720kB disks, then to write a special loader (we made this loader with the modplayer inside) calling a special interrupt to "swap" disks in memory.
INTRO.ZIP TPP's intro #1, Asm source
INVITESC.ZIP Inbloom! party invitation by tsi (Asm src)
ISAD2SRC.ZIP Immortal Syndicate BBS Loader #2 Version 2.0 Full Turbo Assembler Source code! Vga/Adlib
ITP_SRC.ZIP The Pentagram demo sources by Paradise (Pascal src)
KEWL.ZIP Bytes To The People intro asm src
KS_CWARP.ZIP Circle xor warp
KUK2SRC.ZIP KUKOO II demo v.2.43 with src An Advertising Intro for -= Pleasure Access BBS =- 29k ASM pure juice !!! Source Code included...
LENS.ZIP This is some info on how one could implement a lens effect with Asm source
LENSSRC.ZIP This package contains example source to do a lens effect.
LSJDOTS.ZIP Lissajou Dot Patterns... old effect but this one is designed to learn more about 387+ fpu so it's only based on hardware. asm src included... coded by brioche!
LWGTRSRC.ZIP Lawgator v1.Oo source For all you freaking dewds out there, the source to lawgator is hereby released to the public domain!
MADSTAR.ZIP Horizontal starfield
MADVECT.ZIP 3D vector demo with Asm src
MICACO.ZIP Micaco BBS v4.1 intro sources
MOTIONRD.ZIP Smooth vertical scroller by patch made for the intro motion by avalanche
MWSTAR.ZIP Matt Wilhelm's Tiny Starfield A multilayer parallax starfield in... 28 bytes!nSource and length discussion of algorithm included.
NEWINC.ZIP Intro source in asm
NX2NDSRC.ZIP intro/demo NIX 2ND DEMO incl. asm src
PBSOURCE.ZIP The Source Code of the PointBreakBBS-Ad. Feel free to change,to modify,to rip out, to steal or to shit on this ASM-source.
PGLOADER.ZIP This is a loader for the PowerGrid. It's fairly simple, but looks pretty ; decent... Because I'm such a damn nice guy, I figgered I'd release this ; source to the public. ;
PGRID.ZIP PowerGrid Loader Source
PLP_SMTH.ZIP Smooth Motion An ASSEMBLY '95 4Kb-intro by PULP with all the effects you thought were old at ASM '92! Includes full sources for TASM and an compiled executable.
POTIONRD.ZIP Smooth vertical scroller by Patch Made for the intro Motion by Avalanche
PUMBSRC.ZIP Pump The Source Code (iGUANA)
RAIN.ZIP Rain Effect
REN-93.ZIP Demosource by Renaissance, asm src
RETVEC10.ZIP Retarded vector demosource
ROTATEAS.ZIP Realtime Bitmap Rotation Routine DEMO + SOURCE Great for People who program Graphics and animations !
ROTOZOOM.ZIP Cache optimized roto-zoomer
RT_AZ.ZIP Real-Time Coders Compo
SBOBS.ZIP Shaded bob demo with Asm source
SCLASM.ZIP Cool Scroller + Own Font... Including Assembly Source...
SINE-SRC.ZIP ASM sinus trough logo..
SOURC666.ZIP Source Code for 666 Byte Intro Includes music,stars, and letter writer. Not bad for such a size I guess.
SP2.ZIP StarPort Intro II V1.0 with asm src
SQD1_SRC.ZIP squid1.Com asm source 1899-byte bbs addy by cld & the doctor includes: -char smoother -mini-player for adlib -8x16 charset -incomprehensible comments ;-)
STAR.ZIP Stars, asm source
STARF.ZIP Stars, asm source
STARS.ZIP Star field A star field is just a series of 3d point plotted onto a 2d plane (your screen). The movement effect is achieved by simply decreasing the Z cordinate and redisplaying the
SUN_RSC.ZIP Superunknown complete c++/assembly source of the megademo
TEXTBALL.ZIP ASM - Smooth Bouncing Text Ball by Draeden /VLA
THE_SHED.ZIP BBS Advert #1 demosource in asm
TIMESRC.ZIP Full source code to Timeless by Tran
TIRFI2.ZIP Demo with asm src
TRIAD.ZIP OUTLAW TRIAD An OUtlaw Triad Intro Including Sourcecode! Check Thiz Out If You Wanna Learn About Sum Hires Coding In 100% Assembler. Cu Later!
TSZSRC.ZIP ASM-source of SoundZone addie..
WATER.ZIP Water intr0'95 (asm src)
VGA-VUL1.ZIP OUTLAW TRIAD A fine asm source-code to a vga intro. Thiz means a 3dstarfield, a scroller and a palette fading. Check it out!
WORMLENZ.ZIP Worm.Asm - worm hole palette demostration. (Asm) This file demostrates a palette animation routine, the main piccy was created using the pascal source file. This one uses the VGA card in 320x200x256 graphics
XANADU.ZIP Demosource by Xanadu
XP-XCP13.ZIP Experience the XcEption 13 advertisement, Sources included
ZOMOROTO.ZIP Double zoomrotator with fadin (asm source)

Demo tutorials and textfiles

ALLTUTS.ZIP Adam's Assembler Tutorial 1.0
ANUTUT1.ZIP ANuBiS DeMo TUtORS #Issue 1 : Plasmas Learn how to do your own plasmas using Tweaked mode and mode 13H. Full sources in Watcom C/C++ 10+ included in this archive!
FIRE-TUT.ZIP Fire Tutorial The tutorial and demo program were written for the X2FTP programming contest. It is entered into catagory 1, "Tutorials or Magazine Articles."
OTEFFEX1.ZIP OUTLAW TRIAD The New Outlaw Triad Demo Series, Part 11. 3D EFFECTS #1
OTFACE.ZIP Outlaw triad the new outlaw triad demo series, part 10. Face sorting
OTFIRE.ZIP OUTLAW TRIAD The New Outlaw Triad Demo Series, Part 1. FIRE-ROUTINES
OTMORPH.ZIP OUTLAW TRIAD THe New Outlaw Triad Demo Series, Part 6. 3D MORPHING
OTPCX.ZIP OUTLAW TRIAD The NeW Outlaw Triad Demo Series, Part 5. PCX DECODING
OTPLASMA.ZIP OUTLAW TRIAD The New Outlaw Triad Demo Series, Part 7. PLASMAS
OTPOLY.ZIP OUTLAW TRIAD The New Outlaw Triad Demo Series, Part 9. POLYGONS
OTSTARS.ZIP OUTLAW TRIAD The New Outlaw Triad Demo Series, Part 2. 3D STARFIELDS
X3MDMO01.ZIP Demo programming series part I - how to create plasma effects this is the first demo programming tutorial in the x3m demo programming series, and covers how to create plasma effects. Not that static plasma, but realtime plasma effects that makes you sea sick!