Internet textfiles

BBS.ZIP BBBS systems available on the internet
BEENSPMD.ZIP Help! I've been Spammed! What do I do?
BEHINDTN.ZIP Behind the Net: The untold history of the ARPANET
BLAH.ZIP The Official B.L.A.H.! (Boring Links And Homepages)
CBIP_KIT.ZIP How to use binaries sent via news and e-mail
EMAILPRI.ZIP Frequently Asked Questions About E-Mail Privacy
FAKEUSEN.ZIP Manually Entering Usenet News
FINDADDR.ZIP FAQ: How to find people's E-mail addresses
INETRSCH.ZIP Internet Research for Writers FAQ
INTERBBS.ZIP Zamfield`s Wonderfully Incomplete, Complete Internet BBS List
INTLEMAI.ZIP FAQ: International E-mail accessibility
MAJORDOM.ZIP Majordomo Frequently Asked Questions
MECKWEB.ZIP Mecklerweb: Internet publishing for bucks!
MUDREPOR.ZIP Interactive Multi-User Computer Games
NAVROAD.ZIP NavRoad Offline HTML Browser v1.70 Small, powerful off-line HTML browser that runs off a floppy and requires no winsock.dll. Lets users view HTML files anytime, anywhere. Supports all HTML 2 tags, and most HTML 3 tags. Supports helper applications, image maps, bookmarks and directory buttons. May export HTML file as plain text (without tags). Customizable interface, Kiosk mode support. Fast and easy solution for HTML files distribution.
ONLINE30.ZIP This is The Online World resources handbook version 3.0. It describes the breadth of the offerings by focusing on selected applications on major global networks and services including the Internet, CompuServe, Fidonet, Usenet, and BITNET. Perspective is global. It is an ASCII text file that is suitable for sending to a printer.
PGPWHERE.ZIP Where to get the latest PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) FAQ
RFC.ZIP Where and how to get new RFCs
S314.ZIP Protect the internet. Read this message
SEARCH.ZIP Info about Search engines on the Internet
SINGA-1.ZIP Singapore Government Curtails Online Freedoms
SPAMFAQ.ZIP alt.spam FAQ or "Figuring out fake E-Mail & Posts".
SURF10.ZIP Surfing the INTERNET: an Introduction Version 2.0.2
TCP-IP.ZIP Internet Protocol Frequently Asked Questions
TCP_IP.ZIP TCP/IP introduction
VERONICA.ZIP About the Veronica service VERONICA: Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives.
WHAT-EMA.ZIP How does Email work?
YANOFF.ZIP Special internet connections

Mosaic, Netscape, HTTP, WWW, URL files

ABN_WEB.ZIP Airborne-Related Web Sites
CODELNK2.ZIP Codelink - Simple password protection for any Website Can be included on any html webpage. By placing a Codelink control pad on your page you can choose who can view the parts of your site that may contain material which is private.
CRYPT-WW.ZIP List of Crypto related WWW/FTP sites
CRYPTO-F.ZIP Here are some FTP sites that carry crypto stuff.
HTCD.ZIP HTML Add-on for TE Developer�s Kit Version 2.5 The HTML Add-on control offers a most cost effective method of incorporating an HTML viewer/editor into your application. This add-on product works with the TE editor control to display the HTML data
HTML.ZIP Creating html -- a simple guide (.RTF format)
HTML03.ZIP Html hacking
HTML30.ZIP Hypertext markup language specification version 3.0
HTMLIB1B.ZIP The HTML Reference Library v1.0
HTMLOHJE.ZIP This is a primer for producing documents in html, the markup language used by the world wide web.
HTMLPRIM.ZIP A beginner's guide to html
HTMLREF.ZIP HTML 3.2 Reference Specification
HTMLREF2.ZIP The bare bones guide to HTML
HTMLTUT.ZIP A Beginner's Guide to HTML
LIKSE32.ZIP LIKSE v1.73. View, print, search HTML files Offline. Designed for information distribution & retrevial in HTML format. Built-in browser for easy viewing of HTML documents offline, search engine finds matching files and return search results in hyper-text format. Supports advance search options and Boolean operators (AND,OR). Easy association with helper applications, fully customizable, supports Kiosk mode.
NEWSHIER.ZIP Master List of Newsgroup Hierarchies, v4.12
NSWINSAM.ZIP OLE Automation in Netscape sample application The app registers itself as an "external streaming viewer" for an obscure file type and then responds as such a viewer. The purpose is to exercise automation in both directions.>P< The application provided as a Visual C++ 1.5 project. The project uses the DLL version of the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). This is a 16 bit application.>P<
WEBF126.ZIP WebFetch v1.26 It allows the user to do two things : a.) Download any binary or text file that can be accessed with - single "http" parameter. b.) Download a webpage (*.htm, *.html) along with all the - images that are referenced in that webpage, including CGI- - generated images. In addition, the program will edit the web- - page so that it points to the graphics files it downloaded to - our disk, not to the ones on the net. This process can be - one "live" or in "batch" mode (see feature.txt). After down- - loading, the webpage can then be loaded with the open file - option in your webbrowser.
WILBUR.ZIP HTML 3.2 Reference in a Windows helpfile
WNGF260.ZIP WingFlyer is a (relatively) small utility that allows the user to download any webpage, graphic, or file including any CGI-generated images and webpages over the internet (or intranet) that can be addressed with the standard http addressing scheme. In other words, WingFlyer is a utility that will allows you to download the same webpages that you can see in your webbrowsers, such as Netscape`s Navigator, or Microsofts Interner Explorer. You can also configure WingFlyer to download the webpages that are pointed to by other webpages.

JAVA-Script Programming

DALIVE.ZIP JavaScript Personal Web Page Designer
FADESC_1.ZIP fade script ver0.1
JALERT.ZIP Here is an example of an Alert dialog box using JavaScript:
JAVATEXT.ZIP Great Java Scrip that scrolls a text over the screen
JSCLOCK.ZIP JavaScript Clock
JSINTRO.ZIP Voodoo's introduction to Java Script
JSSCROLL.ZIP JavaScript Status Scroller
SCRAM10.ZIP JavaScript Scrambler V1.0 for Windows 95/NT A utility for all JavaScript programmers who are fed up with the fact, that their source code can be stolen and simply modified. JavaScript Scrambler will scramble any script source code until it is almost impossible to comprehend for others.
SCRIPTA.ZIP ANTHILL Javascripter 1.1 Instantly add these features to your webpages - 1. Tickertape - 2. Password Protection - 3. Link via Checkboxes - 4. Link via Form Buttons - 5. Link via Radio buttons - 6. Link via Drop Down Menu 1 - 7. Link via Drop Down Menu 2 - 8. Javascript Confirm - 9. Javascript Prompt - 10. Store Multiple Pages in one Page - 11. Link Image Change - 12. Dynamic Product Order Form - 13. Background Color Change - 14. Wide range of HTML commands - 15. Full Support

CGI Programming

BUTTONS.ZIP Magic Buttons v2.0 This tutorial will help you add clickable "Magic Buttons" to your web pages using a few simple JavaScript commands.
CGI.ZIP FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about CGI Programming
CGICHAT.ZIP CGI Chat Room Version 1.0
CGICOUNT.ZIP CGICounter from Effects Online, Inc. Is a 32-bit Windows 95/NT CGI application that allows your to add graphic or text based counters to your Web Site.
CGIFAQ.ZIP Frequently Asked Questions on CGI programming
CGIPM.ZIP 2.36, an easy-to-use Perl5 library for writing World Wide Web CGI scripts.
CGISQL.ZIP TCGISQL The TCgiSql combines Windows CGI and the TQuery component to enable database querying over the Internet with little effort.
CLOCK.ZIP Digital Clock CGI For Windows NT/95 Version 2.0
COMMENTS.ZIP Comments 1.1.b.960107 Is a 32-bit Windows NT console CGI application for WWW servers. Comments works with with EMWACS HTTPS 0.96, 0.98 and 0.99 (and probably any other server, since EMWACS is the most restrictive). Comments is a stand-alone program; no runtime modules or DLLs are required.
COUNTER.ZIP Counter Version 1.1.1 This counter script is built for users to be able to create a counter program in-lined into their home page without having to use Server Side Includes.
CTERP11.ZIP CyberTerp is an easy to use CGI engine for Web servers that support the WINCGI interface. This is version 1.1 of CyberTerp, new features include in-memory template manipulation, string translation, enhanced HTML creation and more.
DBCGI10.ZIP CorVu dbCGI Version 1.0 Is a CGI gateway between SQL databases and the the World Wide Web.
DBFILTER.ZIP Dbfilter, is a tool designed to access DBF files from any web page. It's been wrote absoultely with 32 bits C++ code. So it could be used by any web server running Windows'95 or Windows NT. It has been tested under IIS for NT 4.0 and Personal Web Server for W'95 with fine results.
MAILFORM.ZIP MailForm v1.0 MailForm is an easy-to-use CGI program for Windows (Win32 only) that sends the results of a submitted form as an email message. It is primarily designed for use with an online registration form (and includes the ability to verify that a credit card is a valid number), but can be used for any form. MailForm requires that there be a POP3 mail server accessible from the web server machine.
PGCNT21.ZIP Beverly Hills Software Access Count and Update CGI Application for WebSite Servers for both single and multi domain configurations.
SM112.ZIP The Stalker's Mailers V1.12 for MS Windows NT Mail.exe is a simple UNIX like command line SMTP mail sender. CGImail.exe is a full CGI version, with special features for CGIs. Both are MIME compliant and allows attachments.
VCGI_1BS.ZIP Visual CGI v1.0b Is an enhanced custom control for developing CGI scripts using Visual Basic or any other scriptable control container.
WEBANI12.ZIP WEBANIME v1.2S - WWW Animation Utility WebAnime is a Windows CGI animation utility design for WinHttpd and WebSite HTTPD Servers. It was developed for HTML writers, programmers, consultants, and other users who need a program to easily create HTML animations.