Database programming files

DBASEOS2.ZIP C code that allows you to read a DBASE-III file.
DBVIEWQ.ZIP DataBase Analyzer The DataBase Analyzer is a utility program designed to help you map the internal structure (or schema) of your Jet databases. These mappings can help you with you programming tasks and with the documentation of your programs. The program will print the information about the following objects in your databases:
EB112.ZIP This is a fully programmeable relational Database (RDBMS) and can be used to write almost any business application. Programs can be distributed on runtime modules. The developer version contains everything for PC and Network (LAN) DBMS development. It even includes an Install disk maker. EASY BASE V11.2 from Easy Software Ltd. Registration from $59.
EZB.ZIP EASY BASE 11.0..DIY Programming.. Make your own Address Book, PIM, Contact Manager, do your Accounts,Rent Records, Estimates. Any Business task. You won't believe how easy it is. You can even sell the programs you write with the runtime distribution module There are network or single user versions. Keywords:DATABASE DBMS RELATIONAL NETWORK EASYSOFTWARE Registration From $59
HALCN305.ZIP Halcyon version 3.0 These Turbo Pascal routines handle processing for dBase III/IV files, including memo (.DBT), index (.NDX), and data (.DBF) files. Use is made of object oriented programming to simplify the user interface. Examples of the user interface is demonstrated in the sample programs.
LARGO.ZIP Largo Database Utility (32bit) Largo is a jack-of-all-trades database utility. I developed it in order to consolidate a number of other utilities I am currently using into one comprehensive utility. Also, I wanted some functionality that I could not find in any other database utility. Largo is built around and relies on the Borland Database Engine (BDE) and BDE aliases. Therefore, any database the BDE can speak to, Largo can work with.
STATLST.ZIP Static List Wizard The Static List Wizard generates source code from a database of lists. Lists are commonly used in application development to populate Combo or List boxes so that users may select from the list of available options. Lists can be either dynamic (changing over time) or static(unchanged over time). Code wizard to generate list code (combo, string) for Visual Basic, Access, HTML, VBScript, True Grid and Visual C++ string tables). Support for 23 different languages. Translation services available by request.
TABLES.ZIP contains an Access Database of Table definitions and Type definitions suitable for use with Microsofts Access(v 2 or 7). There are over 70 tables to reuse. The advantage of this method is that all table attributes(including field names and comments are copied with the table definition, unlike a table wizard which leaves you to fill in the details. To View and use this database you will need a licensed copy of either Object Thing (search for or Object Workbench(search for
TOOLBARS.ZIP Toolbars.Zip contains an access database of sample toolbar composites suitable for use with microsofts visual basic(all versions) or borlands delphi(16bit). To view and use this database you will need a licensed copy of either object thing (search for othing.Zip) or object workbench(search for workb.Zip)