Data Compression files

ACT-24.ZIP Archive Comparison Table This ZIP file contains all the results and any other information about the Archive Comparison Table. This table contains comparisons between 45 different archiving programs. Using 4 different data sets for the testing.
AR001.ZIP Ar.C -- archiver in ansi c
ARCPAK.ZIP Arcpak - is a unit for BP 7.0 that allows you to write programs that use archive utilities. Arcpak recognizes arc, pak, zip, lzh, arj, and exe files. It supports DOS and OS/2.
ARITHCOD.ZIP Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression
AU116-4S.ZIP Universial Archive Utilities v1.16.04, C/C++ Source Code.
CCUNZIP.ZIP UnZip Version 2.0, Zipfile Extract Utility It is written to be as small and portable as possible -- ideal as a starting point for handling .ZIP files in non-IBM environments. Source code is provided in C and Turbo Pascal. If you port this program to a non-IBM system, I would appreciate a copy of the ported source and exec files.
COMPRS12.ZIP Compress - data compression program , C source
CRUNCH.ZIP CRUNCH.C -- Quick, easy data Compression
CX201.ZIP CX 2.01 COMPRESSION TOOLKIT (C/asm) * Add data compression to your apps. * Small, Fast and Proven! * Buffer and file interfaces. * Great language/system support. * Royalty free! As you know, Cx provides a very low level interface to data compression. Many application designers, however, may be able to use a higher level interface. The CXSUB routines provide a high level, application independent interface to Cx data compression. The CXSUB routines have been carefully designed to allow easy integration into existing applications. You may be able to use the CXSUB routines in your applications, but if not, they may be instructive in explaining the usage of Cx.
FAXCOM.ZIP Faxdecoder THis program compresses a fax using a model based on an order 16 model. C source.
GIF.ZIP LZW and GIF explained
HUFFMAN.ZIP Huffman Encoding File Compression Technique in basic
HUFMAN.ZIP Huffman compression routines in C
LZ_ASM.ZIP lzdcmp - file decompressor using limpel-ziev algorithm (asm src)
LZ77CODE.ZIP Two C programs with source code that demonstrate LZ77 sliding dictionary compression.
LZH.ZIP Lzhuf.C compression source
LZHPAS.ZIP This Pascal unit allows the user to commpress data using a combination of LZSS compression and adaptive Huffman coding, or conversely to decompress data that was previously compressed by this unit.
LZO100.ZIP LZO -- a real-time data compression library v1.00 iS a data compression library which is suitable for data de-/compression in real-time. This means it favours speed over compression ratio. I named it LZO standing for Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer. LZO is written in ANSI C. Both the source code and the compressed data format are designed to be portable across platforms, and I intend to make LZO work on each architecture that has at least 32 bit integers. Somewhat limited support for 16 bit MSDOS is implemented as well (using 'huge' pointers).
LZW.ZIP Lempel-Ziv compression in Pascal
LZW4C14.ZIP LZW Data Compression Library for C Programmers which uses the LZW algorithm as published in research papers by Lempel, Ziv, and Welch. The LZW algorithm is probably the best generic compression algorithm known today. Supports Borland Turbo C, Microsoft C, and MIX Power C.
LZWLIB.ZIP Lzw lib is a library of functions that will allow you to do, in your c programs, some of the things you can do from the dos commandline with such programs as pkzip and pkunzip, arc, lharc, etc. While i've titled the library lzw, your files can have any extension you desire. In fact, there is no default extension. You should be aware that these files will probably (read that assuredly) not be structurally compatible with the files created by any of the programs mentioned above.
PASUNZIP.ZIP Compression routines in pascal
PPMZ.ZIP Ppmz (C source) PPMZ is a file to file (like gzip) compressor based on the PPM method. PPM stands for Prediction by Partial Match. What this means is: PPM learns the statistics of the file - i.e. it learns how to look at the data and predict what will happen next. When PPM is predicting successfully, it can use arithmetic coding to transmit the data in a much more compact way (i.e. you only need 1 bit to write a correct-guess flag, instead of 1 byte for the character; with arithmetic coding this kind of tradeoff can be adaptively adjusted to the estimated likely-hood of the guess being right.
PPMZ_4GW.ZIP Ppmz , EXE-file
ZIP191SR.ZIP InfoZip zip 1,9p1 sources (for djgpp)
ZIPIO.ZIP Dezip1.C - sample code to deflate first file in a .Zip archive
ZIPLB1.ZIP 'ziplib' compressed data format specification draft #3 'gzip� file format specification draft #4.1 'Deflate' compressed data format specification draft #1
ZLIB102.ZIP zlib 1.0.2 is a general purpose data compression library. The 'zlib' compression library provides in-memory compression and decompression functions, including integrity checks of the uncompressed data. This version of the library supports only one compression method (deflation) but other algorithms may be added later and will have the same stream interface.

Windows Compression files

ADDZIP06.ZIP addZIP Compression Libraries v0.6 The complete compression solution for Windows developers. PKZIP-compatible file compression libraries (disk spanning, encryption etc). Memory compression library. Compatible with C/C++, Delphi and Visual Basic as well as most other development applications. Shareware. Inexpensive to register.
CCMPRS.ZIP CCMPRS is a command-line file compression utility for Windows NT. It allows you to select files for NTFS file compression based on file name (with wild- cards), minimum file size, and/or a minimum compression ratio. You can also specify file extensions of files to be ignored. With C++ src
CHFLZ100.ZIP ChiefLZ LZ77 Compression This package contains Borland Pascal and Delphi sources, for LZSS (LZ77) file compression and decompression. This works with single files, and archives. The sources compile for Dos, Dos DPMI, Win16, and Win32.
FOXSQZ3.ZIP FOXSQZ 32-bit demo, v1.9a Is a full featured file archiving and data compression system for FOXPRO. FOXSQZ is the first and, to date, the only system available which provides seamless file compression and archiving from within FOXPRO. FOXSQZ features all or most of the features found in the most popular DOS based compression utilities, with one catch, it's specifically designed for FOXPRO. This means FOXSQZ does not require your application to shell out to DOS using the RUN or ! commands to execute. FOXSQZ is a native FOXPRO library which when activated with the "SET LIBRARY TO" command can be called like any other built in FOXPRO function. For complete flexibility FOXSQZ also includes a functionally equivalent DOS executable version at no extra charge. FOXSQZ can be called as a built in function in both the DOS and WINDOWS versions of FOXPRO.
ICEBETA2.ZIP ICE.DLL - the windows compression library Dll
LHALIB14.ZIP LHALIB.LIB (.DLL) Library to be used in Microsoft windows Programs makes it possible to extract LHA-Archives. LHALIB.DLL is a Size and Speed-Optimizes LHA-Decompression DLL designed for the Use with Setup-Programs etc. It's not designed to be used as a File-Import Filter as it doesn't support all of the LHA-Compression Technologies so you may encounter some incompatible Files the sooner or later (LHA-File-Import Filters are available as Part of our LZAPI-Package). with Source
LZAPI.ZIP LZAPI V1.3 Archiver Programming interface (16-bit) Is a set of redistributive DLLs you can include in your applications to allow a wide range of compatibility with archive formats, including ZIP, ARC, LZH, ARJ, RAR, ZOO and TAR. Look for the shareware version of LZAPI when you need an LZH archive manager for ThinHelp. Versions are available for both 16-bit and 32-bit Windows development environments.
LZAPI32.ZIP LZAPI V1.3 Archiver Programming interface (32-bit) Is a set of redistributive DLLs you can include in your applications to allow a wide range of compatibility with archive formats, including ZIP, ARC, LZH, ARJ, RAR, ZOO and TAR. Look for the shareware version of LZAPI when you need an LZH archive manager for ThinHelp. Versions are available for both 16-bit and 32-bit Windows development environments.
LZSSLIB.ZIP LZSSLib v1.0 Is a compression library (DLL) for Windows programmers. You have access to compression/decompression functions permitting file-to-file operations. LZSSLib uses the LZSS algorithm with various modifications each providing different enhancements. Very simple to use: LZSSPackFile('PROG.EXE', 'PROG.LZS') Works with any language that supports DLL calling, such as Turbo Pascal, C/C++, Actor, Visual Basic, Realizer, even ObjectVision.
NELS_W.ZIP HUFFMAN.DLL a generalized Compress/Expand function dynamic link library for Windows. Also LZHUF.EXE, a simple test program for
TVCACHE.ZIP VCACHE.c (C source) This code implements a replacement for VCache that caches compressed data.
WIZ31D.ZIP WizUnZip 3.1 .DLL UnZip is an extraction utility for archives compressed in .zip format (also called "zipfiles"). Although highly compatible both with PKWARE's PKZIP and PKUNZIP utilities for MS-DOS and with Info-ZIP's own Zip program, our primary objectives have been portability and non-MSDOS functionality.
WUNZ20SR.ZIP WIZUNZIP 2.0 - Infozip Unzip For Windows - Source (Freeware) This archive contains the source files which you can use to re-create WizUnZip 2.0. WizUnZip is a non-profit Windows unzipper product, based on the Info-ZIP group's product, unzip. Johnny Lee and I, who wrote the Windows interface code, have chosen to place our code in the public domain for you to use freely.
XCEEDZIP.ZIP Xceed Zip Compression Library - Free Trial Version 2.3.2 This package contains the Delphi 1.0 and Delphi 2.0 VCLs, the Visual Basic VBX and the 32-bit OCX control.
ZIPSVSDK.ZIP ZipServer is a tool for creating, updating, viewing and extracting PKZIP 2.04g compatible archives. The Single User Utility Edition is a tool for anybody operating an IBM compatible computer with any Windows operation system. The Development Kit is a tool for programmers allowing them to place Zip and Unzip calls from their own Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, FoxPro, MSAccess, MSExcel, MSWord, Delphi or C program.