Delphi Internet and communication components

ALEXID.ZIP QuickWeb for Delphi 2.0 version 0.91c
CALLERID.ZIP Caller-ID component 16bit component retrieves full CLID information using a voice modem Fully tested in the UK with Hayes modems (Hayes Accura etc)
CGIXPERT.ZIP CGI Expert 1.0.0 The CGI Expert components are developped to simplify the writing of Win-CGI applications with Delphi 2.0.
COM32V14.ZIP TCOMM for Delphi 3.0 - 32 Bit, Version 1.4. A Serial Port (RS232) component specialized for reading industrial weigh scales and controllers, Bar Code Readers etc.
COMM32.ZIP Comm32.pas is a simple Communications VC for Borland Delphi 2.0 which demonstrates the Win32 Communications functions and the new Delphi 'TThread' class. It is implemented using two threads: one for reading from, and one for writing to a Comm Port.
D_RAS.ZIP RAS (Remote Access) API header for Delphi
D_TAPI.ZIP This is a delphi implementation of the windows telephony headers. There's also a test program that can monitor calls made with other tapi enabled programs like remote access and can also dial calls.
DATACONN.ZIP TDataConnection 1.0 TDataConnection is a non-visible component that can be dropped on any form. It is connected to a TDataSource and informs the form about changes in the DataSource's DataSet. In this way, non DB-aware objects on the form (like status bars, menues, edit controls) can react on dataset modifications without the need for design flaws like DataModules having to know about edit forms. In addition, this component allows record based write permission additional to table or field based privileges as supplied by the BDE.
DELPHCGI.ZIP Delphi CGI Component Package, Version 1.0 This package consists of two Delphi components: * TCGI, the core component, allows Delphi applications to interact with information servers (primarily World Wide Web servers), processing input and generating output on the fly. * TCGIDlg, a dialog box component which aids in understanding and debugging CGI applications.
DEVAL302.ZIP Django - a DDEML 'super' component for DELPHI 1,2,3 Django is a DELPHI software component from ICFM Software that offers fully configurable DDEML functionality. As you have probably seen from the 'System' page of the Components toolbar, Borland does supply its own set of DDEML components. Unfortunately the scope and implementation of these components is very limited. It takes a disproportionate amount of work to set up and maintain multiple conversations and data transactions. Maintaining and evolving ongoing DDEML transactions is extremely difficult, and fraught with problems.
DI9611KW.ZIP THTMLDataSource Component The THTMLDataSource component is a non-visual component that helps in generating HTML tables from Delphi data sources. It hides most of the complexities of HTML from the user, while providing some error checking as well.
DIALER20.ZIP Tdialer component for delphi v2.00 (16-bit) Is a small non visual component for Borland Delphi which allows you to dial phone numbers from Delphi applications. Version 2.00 detects busy signal and dialtone. FreeWare.
DIALER32.ZIP Tdialer component for delphi v2.00 (32-bit version) Is a small non visual component for Borland Delphi which allows you to dial phone numbers from Delphi applications. Version 2.00 detects busy signal and dialtone. FreeWare.
DJD302.ZIP Django - 96 page component manual
DWSOCK11.ZIP DWINSOCK V1.0 A Windows Socket interface component for use with Borland Delphi.
ETTTV16.ZIP TeleTools - v1.11 For Delphi 16-bit VCL The Windows Telephony API (TAPI), an integral part of the Windows Open Services Architecture (WOSA), ensures that a well-behaved Windows telephony application can operate with a variety of telephone hardware. But TAPI is low-level and woefully complex. TeleTools Gives object-based access to TAPI and lets the developer concentrate on an applications core functions. With TeleTools, therefore, ExceleTel empowers the novice to enter the fast-growing computer telephony market, and minimizes the development time of world-class applications for professionals and novices alike.
ETTTV32.ZIP TeleTools - v2,11 For Delphi 32-bit VCL The Windows Telephony API (TAPI), an integral part of the Windows Open Services Architecture (WOSA), ensures that a well-behaved Windows telephony application can operate with a variety of telephone hardware. But TAPI is low-level and woefully complex. TeleTools Gives object-based access to TAPI and lets the developer concentrate on an applications core functions. With TeleTools, therefore, ExceleTel empowers the novice to enter the fast-growing computer telephony market, and minimizes the development time of world-class applications for professionals and novices alike.
FTP.ZIP FTP-program in Delphi with source
FTPCLI.ZIP BisonWare FTPClient control V2.01 The BisonWare TFTPClient component encapsulates a complete FTP client service within a customized list box component. By adding the TFTPClient component to your applications you can be connected to remote FTP servers, with little or no programming, within seconds. The address of the FTP server to connect to is held in the RemoteAddress property. The user name with which to logon to the FTP server is held within the UserID property. The password which corresponds to the userid is held within the Password property.
ICPEXMPL.ZIP BabyFTP and Babe WebBrowser (Delphi) Example application for FTP control in MS Internet Control Pack; features graphic display of remote host directories in a List view control, simple control by double-clicking remote directories and single file download; Baby WebBrowser example for HTML object in MS Internet Control Pack; features simple resizeable HTML browser with Load and Save File abilities, document title extraction, URL history, optional image loading and download progress;
IMS.ZIP The Internet Mail Suite 1.01b Contains the package of components which allows you to add the Internet mail send-receive capabilities to your applications in minutes. All components included in The Internet Mail Suite are written in Delphi. There is no need to deploy any OCXs or DLLs when distributing your programs. You also don't have to worry how to handle binary attachments: fast and virtually unlimited MIME encoding/decoding is built in.
IMS16.ZIP TmsSMTP, TmsPOP, TmsRemotePOP, TmsMessage components for internet mail handling.
IMSD1.ZIP The Internet Mail Suite v1.8 (For Delphi 1) Is a set of components which allows you to access various Internet services, such as Internet Mail, FTP, HTTP, NNTP, Finger, WhoIs and Time. IMS works with all versions of Delphi and Borland C++ Builder. allcomponents are native Delphi. FULL CODE, which comes with the registered version, is written in Object Pascal, there are no OCXs or additional DLLs. You will never have problems with distribution of your software, all code will be embedded into the executable file.
IMSD2.ZIP The Internet Mail Suite v1.8 (Delphi 2) Is a set of components which allows you to access various Internet services, such as Internet Mail, FTP, HTTP, NNTP, Finger, WhoIs and Time. IMS works with all versions of Delphi and Borland C++ Builder. allcomponents are native Delphi. FULL CODE, which comes with the registered version, is written in Object Pascal, there are no OCXs or additional DLLs. You will never have problems with distribution of your software, all code will be embedded into the executable file.
IMSD3.ZIP The Internet Mail Suite v1.8 (Delphi 3) Is a set of components which allows you to access various Internet services, such as Internet Mail, FTP, HTTP, NNTP, Finger, WhoIs and Time. IMS works with all versions of Delphi and Borland C++ Builder. allcomponents are native Delphi. FULL CODE, which comes with the registered version, is written in Object Pascal, there are no OCXs or additional DLLs. You will never have problems with distribution of your software, all code will be embedded into the executable file.
MAILSLOT.ZIP Mailslot v1.1 - for Delphi 2.0 and 3.0 This package contains three components which provide Interprocess communication. The processes communicating can be located on the same machine or in diferent machines belonging to the same Windows network. With these components it's very easy to implement network communication. A mailslot is a mechanism for one-way interprocess communications (IPC). An application written for Microsoft� Windows� can store messages in a mailslot. The owner of the mailslot can retrieve messages that are stored there. These messages are typically sent over a network to either a specified computer or to all computers in a specified domain. A domain is a group of workstations and servers that share a group name.
MSGSOCK.ZIP Message Socket Component MsgSock makes very simple to exchange window messages between two applications: one calls a method (MsgSend), the other one gets an avent (MsgReceived) and viceversa.
NLOGIN.ZIP nLoginId Due to a change in job I won't be able to experiment more with Novell & the SDK. If there are some people around using the component, well, here's the source code. It accesses the bindery to get the login information: login id and full name.
NWLIB.ZIP NWLib Contains a very rich set of Netware-specific functions that make adding Netware specific features to your application extremely easy. In most cases, you just plop an icon or two on your form, then make a single function call to incorporate a very complex Netware service into your application. You won't find a Netware library that's easier to use, or more compatible with industry standards than NWLib.
SOCKETS.ZIP This control performs WinSock TCP/IP functions.
SOCKV3.ZIP Sockets component provides delphi with an easy to use interface to winsock functionallity. Version 3.0 Is a rewrite of the sockets code for delphi 2.0.
SWK1006B.ZIP Winsock components
TAPID3.ZIP Microsoft telephony api (tapi) 2.0 Support files and examples for Borland Delphi 2.0
TFING10.ZIP TFINGER COMPONENT FOR DELPHI v1.0 Is the simple component which implements Internet finger protocol. Sample application is included. Distributed as freeware. (C) ArGo Software Design, 1996
TFING32.ZIP TFINGER COMPONENT FOR DELPHI32 v2.0 Implements Internet Finger protocol (rfc 822). 32 bit version. Freeware by (C) ArGo Software Design, 1996 TFinger component for Delphi v2.0 This is the 32 bit version. It will not work with Delphi 1.0 TFinger is a component which implements the finger protocol. TFinger is distributed as freeware. You are free to use it without any restrictions. Finger allows you to get information about users on the Internet. It is one of the simplest Internet services. You can find more information about this service in RFC 1288.
TMSPING.ZIP MSPing unit This unit contains components that provide an interface to the MS Winsock icmp.dll functions, needed to perform ICMP Echo requests. Because of the blocking nature of these icmp calls, these components can spawn a thread to do the sending of and waiting for the package.
TPOP3.ZIP TPOP3 COMPONENT FOR DELPHI v1.3 (Delphi 1) Allows you to receive Internet mail using POP3 protocol. Companion of the TMSTP component. Built in MIME, fully supports rfc 1225.
TPOP332.ZIP TPOP3 COMPONENT FOR DELPHI v1.3 (Delphi 2) Allows you to receive Internet mail using POP3 protocol. Companion of the TMSTP component. Built in MIME, fully supports rfc 1225.
TPOP3D3.ZIP TPOP3 COMPONENT FOR DELPHI v1.3 (Delphi 3) Allows you to receive Internet mail using POP3 protocol. Companion of the TMSTP component. Built in MIME, fully supports rfc 1225.
TSERIAL.ZIP Tserial, This is a no-frills serial component that saves you having to tangle with the Windows Comms API functions to handle a serial port. Only basic serial comms are provided - no terminals, protocols etc.
TSERIAL2.ZIP TSerial for Delphi 2 This is a no-frills serial component that saves you having to tangle with the Windows Comms API functions to handle a serial port. Uses overlapped I/O for full Windows NT functionality. Only basic serial comms are provided - no terminals, protocols etc.
TSMTP12.ZIP TSMTP COMPONENT FOR DELPHI v1.3 (Delphi-1) Component for Borland Delphi, which allows to send Internet mail. If you have PPP or SLIP connection to the Internet, you can use this component in your applications. It fully supports Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, rfc 821). You can attach files to the text messages and encode attachments using such popular methods as UUEncoding and MIME (rfc 1521). These features are built in. Supports multiple attachments and two types of MIME - Base64 and Quoted-Printable.
TSMTP32.ZIP Tsmtp component for delphi 2.0 V1.2 Allows to implement internet mail sending capabilities into applications. Easy to use. Built in mime and uucode. This is a 32 bit version.
TSMTPD2.ZIP TSMTP COMPONENT FOR DELPHI v1.3 (Delphi-2) Component for Borland Delphi, which allows to send Internet mail. If you have PPP or SLIP connection to the Internet, you can use this component in your applications. It fully supports Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, rfc 821). You can attach files to the text messages and encode attachments using such popular methods as UUEncoding and MIME (rfc 1521). These features are built in. Supports multiple attachments and two types of MIME - Base64 and Quoted-Printable.
TSMTPD3.ZIP TSMTP COMPONENT FOR DELPHI v1.3 (Delphi-3) Component for Borland Delphi, which allows to send Internet mail. If you have PPP or SLIP connection to the Internet, you can use this component in your applications. It fully supports Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, rfc 821). You can attach files to the text messages and encode attachments using such popular methods as UUEncoding and MIME (rfc 1521). These features are built in. Supports multiple attachments and two types of MIME - Base64 and Quoted-Printable.
UDPEXMPL.ZIP These two small projects demonstrate techniques for using the UDP protocol for a simple time server and message broadcasting application over TCI/IP. This code is provided for as an example only.
WEB.ZIP Web Components 0.95, A Component to do Webbing... Basically, the WEB component has the capability to retrieve WEB page from whatever WEB server by using very simple properties and method, without taking care of the underlying TCP/IP connection.
VIMVCL23.ZIP ccMail Custom Controls The ccMail Custom Controls (TVimSession ,TVimSendMessage, TVimInbox, and TVimAddressBook) are a collection of Delphi VCL files for sending and receiving messages using the VIM transport mechanism..
WSC4D21.ZIP WINDOWS STANDARD SERIAL COMM LIB for Delphi. Win16 & Win32 DLLs. Version 2.1, >ASP<. Serial comm library based on the Windows API. Includes 25 functions plus modem control, XMODEM & YMODEM, and 5 example programs. Requires Delphi compiler. By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.
VSSCM32.ZIP VSSComm32 This Communications Component is based on David Wann's COMM32 component. I have added a DataBits property, which Davids lacked, and as one of my apps need Databits, I set out to add Databits to Davids base componet. This is a bit of a feat for me, as I have only written one component before this, and even that is still under construction.
XFERDEMO.ZIP TXfer Serial Communications Component for Delphi 2.0 TXer is a 32-bit component designed for Delphi 2.0. TXfer is used to create applications which need the capability of serial communications.

Delphi Button components

BORBTN2.ZIP BORBTNS v 1.01 - BWCC Style CheckBoxes & Radio Buttons for Delphi 1-3 The BORBTNS.PAS unit contains two Delphi components, TBorCheck and TBorRadio which implement the BWCC style CheckBox and RadioButton. I loved the BWCC style buttons so I decided to reproduce them in Delphi. I didn't test them very much, but as far as I know they work properly. However I've enclosed the source code, so you can modify them as you prefer. The GroupIndex property in TBorRadio allow you to define groups: all the buttons which share the same GroupIndex are mutually exclusive.
COLORBUT.ZIP ColorButton Component Version 3.0 Welcome to version three of the enhanced button component for Borland Delphi 2.0. This release of the popular component adds support for captions with multiple lines, and fonts with 3D effects. Jonathan Grant wrote this component, with much appreciated contributions from Peter Steele.
FLYOUT.ZIP TFlyout This VCL gives you a flyout button similar to those found in image editing programs like Corel Draw or PhotoShop. A set of flyout buttons acts similar to a two-dimentional array of radio buttons. Like radio buttons, only one flyout button within a group may be selected, however, when a flyout button is clicked, it expands to offer you more choices.
FLYOVER.ZIP TFlyOverButton The TFlyOverButton from RealSoft is a fairly easy to use button component that operates similar to the Internet Explorer 3.0 buttons, including the cool drop-down popup menus. The button reacts to the mouse movement above it as well as clicks. The component is very resource friendly, and works in Delphi 1 and 2. To install the component to your component library, follow the instructions in your Delphi users guide for installing components. (This is not one of our "Fly" Controls, however is is a graphic control descendant.)
ICONBUTN.ZIP TIconButton This VCL is an oversized button that takes an icon as a graphic. Great for multimedia-type applications and games.
INDEXBTN.ZIP TIndexButton component TIndexButton is a component that provides a similar function to that of a control array in Visual Basic. Drop multiple IndexButtons onto a form and set the Master property of one to True. This tells the other IndexButtons on the form that all their events should point to it.
ISBTNDEM.ZIP The Shape Button Component TisShapeButton is a Delphi component which is derived from TGraphicControl. It has many unique properties such as ButtonShape and BrushStyle which can be used to alter the control's appearance.
KSPIC.ZIP KSPicButton component iS a graphical 3D button that supports bitmap images as backgrounds and multi-line captions. Included with the component are 150 bitmap images to help you get started! Of course you can custom design your own bitmaps or just use the KSPicButton with a colored face!
MENUBTN.ZIP TMenuButton The TMenuButton is similar to a SpeedButton except that it displays a TPopupMenu when pressed, similar to Win 95's "Start Button". This menu can be displayed below the button or to the right.
RSCHECK.ZIP TrsSuperCheck Component The TrsSuperCheck is a new control designed to replace standard windows checkboxes and radiobuttons. The style can be modified by changing the CheckStyle Property. The checkmark color can be changed using the ColorCheck property. The color around the checkmark can be changed using the ColorFace property. The box can appear on the left or right side of the text by changing the Alignment property.
RSCHK32.ZIP TrsSuperCheck Component (32bit) The TrsSuperCheck is a new control designed to replace standard windows checkboxes and radiobuttons. The style can be modified by changing the CheckStyle Property. The checkmark color can be changed using the ColorCheck property. The color around the checkmark can be changed using the ColorFace property. The box can appear on the left or right side of the text by changing the Alignment property.
RSFLYO32.ZIP TrsFlyOverButton Component The TrsFlyoverButton component is Windows 97 style button that is activated when the mouse is passed over it. By adding different glyphs in the GlyphActive , GlyphInActive and GlyphDisabled properties, the button can appear to "light up" as the mouse cursor flies over the component.
RSFLYOVR.ZIP TrsFlyOverButton Component (16bit) The TrsFlyoverButton component is Windows 97 style button that is activated when the mouse is passed over it. By adding different glyphs in the GlyphActive , GlyphInActive and GlyphDisabled properties, the button can appear to "light up" as the mouse cursor flies over the component.
RTCG.ZIP RtCheckGroup Component Ver. 1.14 This component is something like Borland's TRadioGroup but it groups checkboxes instead of radiobuttons. Same as TRadioGroup it alignes ist child controls itself, so you don't have to do it. You can set them all at once of every one separately. Because it uses bitmaps to show them, you can make it look as you want it to be. Properties like TextAlign, BmpVAlign, BmpHAlign and WordWrap allow for additional control.
SHAPEBUT.ZIP ShapeButton component Tired of rectangular Buttons? Brush up your user-interface by creating your own buttons with this Delphi component: ShapeButton creates a three-dimensional button out of any bitmap-graphic.
STYLESB.ZIP TStyleSpeedButton 2.01 (16/32bit) It is the default SpeedButton with the property "Style" added. It is now possible to choose between Win97, Win95, Win31 or Autodetect -Style of the SpeedButton. The Visual-Design for all kinds of Styles is exactly as you know it from other Microsoft-Applications in Windows 3.1x, Windows95/NT4 or from Internet Explorer.
WIN95TAB.ZIP Windows 95-style Speedbuttons Like many of you, I am sure, I am eager to make my programs look and feel as much like Win95 as possible. I was happy when someone posted the Windows95 style meter on CServe, and thought that I would have a go at making my own Win95 component - after all, why should we have to wait for Delphi 2.0 to come out!!??

Delphi label components

DMARQUEE.ZIP TDigMarquee and TDigLabel This VCL gives you a multi-color scrolling marquee with digital letters and flashing effects as well as a static digital label with multiple colors.
FLLAB100.ZIP TMCFlashLabel v1.00 Provides flashing labels for Delphi that can flash on/off or color cycle. Source code available upon registration.
NDMOV10.ZIP N&D Moving Labels Is a set of two Delphi Components (N&D Running Label and N&D Quake Label). N&D Running Label works like a scrolling banner of text! Supports forwards, backwards and "bounce" movement! N&D Quake Label lets the letters of your message jump around as if an earthquake has struck! Both support 3D effect! Also, they are resource friendly - they only use one timer, no matter how many you place on a form! Delphi 1.0 & 2.0 versions included! Includes demo application!
QRTL110.ZIP QrRotateLabel for QuickReports v1.1 Lets you easily add rotated text to your reports, while providing all the features of a normal QuickReports label. Supports alignment in any angle and any True Type font and color (text and background). 16 & 32 bits.
QRTLDEMO.ZIP QrRotateLabel for QuickReports demo program
URLLABEL.ZIP URL Label, Delphi 2.0 It's just ordinary label, but you can run URL-s and files by clicking on it. For example you include your products home page URL in about box, but now enduser can quickly access to the page by only clicking the label and system's default browser is opened... On mouse move over this label, pointer is changed to "pointing hand", similar to links in WWW browsers.
VERLBL11.ZIP N&D Vertical Label / ver. 1.1 Native Delphi VCL

Delphi Graphics components

ADBITMA.ZIP TAdrockTBitmapPropertyEditor Property Editor Component Register it... Selecting bitmaps (glyphs) for buttons just got a whole lot easier! The TAdrockTBitmapPropertyEditor is a property bitmap editor for the objects, Tbitmap and TPicture. You have quick and easy access to glyphs and bitmaps for your buttons (BitBtn and Speedbuttons etc) without the featureless Delphi Load Bitmap dialogue. You'll no longer be loading bitmaps "blind" - you'll see what you're about to use. Graphical or filename directory browsing. Name your common bitmaps. 20 directory history's saved. Help file included. NEW extended copy supports multiple bitmaps graphically visible on display.
ADGRAD.ZIP TAdrockGradientFill Allows you to provide a gradient fill like most SETUP programs have. You simply drop the component on a form or in a panel and set the Start Colour, End Colour and choose from a number of Fill Directions. No coding required - unless you want to programatically change the Properties.
BCPTWAIN.ZIP Component for scanning pictures via Twain standard scanners. Now with more usefull properties. Help files in english and german included. Components for Delphi 1.x and Delphi 2.0.
COLORBOX.ZIP TColorBox This VCL is similar to the TColorGrid component shipped with Delphi, except that it has a Windows 95 look and feel.
CONTROLR.ZIP TController is a Delphi 2.0 Component that represents the important visual aspects of an industrial process controller. The component displays the process variable (pv) and the set point (sp) and allows the user to increase or decrease the sp as desired.
DC4D.ZIP Diagram Components for Delphi v0.95
DELPHI_1.ZIP TCustomFilm This is a non-visual component that encapsulates a DIB section. A Canvas is provided for GDI calls to paint the DIB surface, and you can use the Pixels pointer to directly read/write the surface. A DC is created to support the canvas/colors for the DIB, so don't make a gazillion TCustomFilms in your app - that's not what it is designed for. It is designed to give you an off-screen buffer (for double-buffering techniques) which you can directly read/write.
DIBS.ZIP CDIBs unit for Delphi 2.0 The CDIBs unit exports a class TDIB. The class provides easy access to device- independant bitmaps. TDIB parallels TBitmap in its interface and functionality, but TBitmap works with DDBs (device-dependant bitmaps). Therefore, if a DIB is ever assigned to a TBitmap object, it will be converted to the current screen resolution and assigned the currently realized palette (if it does not have one of its own).
GIF.ZIP TGifImage & TGif Componenet for Displays / Converts GIF Files
GIFCODE.ZIP TGifImage Is an image control with one extra property allowing it to display GIF images at design and run time.
GRADFILL.ZIP TGradientFill This graphical component for D1 is used to fill the Parent window with a vertical gradient fill, selecting the first and last color.
GRAPTOOL.ZIP Graphic Toolkit Version 1.0. June 1997 Currently several graphic libraries are available. They all have in common that they are "end user" tool kits. Personalizing is only possible by tuning properties of the object. This toolkit is different. It provides for a basic component, TGraphicTool, the toolkit itself and a descendant of this object, the TGraphChart object. A generic object class, TGraphicItem is available to draw and manage items in thew graphic window. Descendants of this object perform specific graphic functions like lines, functions, texts and polygons. These descendants can be placed on the TGraphicTool.
GSTAR32.ZIP GraphStar is a set of components and objects to help Delphi users to develop their graph applications easily. A graph in GraphStar is a set of vertices,edges,touch-objects and faces
HOTSPOT.ZIP HotSpot component for Delphi16 v1.2 A HotSpot is a transparent box which you can drop on an image or any other visual component. This box can receive mouse events so that you can tell when the cursor is over the hotspot. You can put a box of any colour around it and have it flash if desired. Unlike a TShape, this box is drawn as four thin rectangles; this avoids invalidating the inside of the hotspot, and stops annoying bits of background flickering at you.
HOTVMMAP.ZIP VMMap (Hot Map) Component 1.2 for Delphi Provides your Windows applications with ability to create a set of hot regions on image and connect mouse event handler to these regions. Image supports BMP format.
IMGASP.ZIP Delphi component TImageAspect Freeware component to display an image in the correct aspect regardless of the size.
IMGFXFRE.ZIP TImageFX Component version 2.01 ImageFX is a Delphi image component which allows you to specify 1 of 41 special effects (more than double that if you include Tranparent and Trails properties) when displaying a bitmap file. It inherits from the standard TGraphicControl supplied with Delphi and adds 14 new properties.
MATHIMGE.ZIP MathImage ver. 2.1 2-d-graphing in world-coordinates (like the ancient turbo-grafix, and more). 3-d-graphing in world-coordinates, with variable world bounds, view distance, view angle, and view point rotation. Graphing of wired or filled surfaces with a now (as far as I can see) perfect display, and an algorithm which almost costs nothing.
MUBMP200.ZIP TMCMultiBitmap v2.00 Resolution-independent image control for Delphi, one image per resolution. Smart component editor included. Swedish ShareWare for Delphi 1.x & 2.x
NDGRAD10.ZIP N&d grad ver 1.0 Native delphi vcl Is a gradient fill background component. It allows a gradient fill from any color to any other color. The direction is configurable to any of NINE styles including up-down, left-right, diagonal, and an ellipse! Delphi 1.0 & 2.0 versions included! Includes demo application!
PICCMBOX.ZIP TPicComboBox - Pictured ComboBox 32-bit Components (Delphi 2.0) Is a TCustomComboBox allows display a picture for eachitem of the list. Typed items of yours ComboBoxes appeared more fun !
PICWIN10.ZIP K&J PicWin (Native Delphi VCL) Is a small, yet powerful control that encapsulates a TImage and two TPanel controls to generate a frame effect around your images. Now, every image can have it's own dynamic sizeable border and label. K&J PicWin is a great component for thumbnail images!
RDX.ZIP RenderDX , A 3D Game engine in a control. For Delphi 2 and Delphi 3. Drop a complete 3D engine (similar to Hexen, Dark Frcs, etc) directly onto your form! Based on 4DX, the commercial gaming engine. Visit us at:
SSBCUN23.ZIP ssBarcode v2.3 - The best barcode VCL for Delphi, hands-down! Here are just some of it's features. - 16-bit (Delphi 1.0) and 32-bit (Delphi 2.0) versions included - QuickReports 1.x, 2.0 & ReportPrinter Pro compatible - 6 symbologies: Code 128, Code 39, EAN-13, Interleave 2 of 5, Postnet, UPC-A - 360 Degree rotation - Selectable human readable font - Completely data-aware - Specify barwidths in fractions of inches - Print barcode with one simple command on any Windows-supported printer - Complete documentation with strong tutorial on barcode symbologies - Specify measurements in millimeters to inches - Can be used with, or without the BDE
SSIMAGE.ZIP ssImage v1.0 - Transparent image component for Delphi 1.0 This component is a descendant of TGraphicControl and encapsulates all of the functionality of the TImage component that ships with Delphi 1.0. The major difference is the ability to define areas of an image as being transparent. This functionality already exists for cursors and icons, but it was not present for bitmaps.
TBARCODE.ZIP Barcode component TBarcode v2.92 TBarcode will help the Delphi programmer to develop high quality 16- and 32-bit barcode applications. A low level component is available for barcode output on any Delphi canvas for most flexible applications. A Quickreport compatible component provides barcode reports in database applications without any programming. Supports now even more barcode types: EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A, UPC-E, Addon-2, Addon-5, CODE39, 2of5 interleaved (CODE2/5i), CODE128-A, -B & -C The shareware component is fully functional without any restrictions while running the Delphi environment. Full featured with different barcode sizes, rotated barcodes and much more. The easiest way to develop barcode applications.
TILEIMG2.ZIP Tile Image Component The TTileImage component shows a tiled images. This component is especially useful for a background image which is composed of a small patterned image.
TIMAGEFX.ZIP TImageFX Component Is a Delphi component which allows you to specify 1 of 20 special effects when displaying a bitmap file.
TLED.ZIP TLED Component The TLED component emulates the behaviour of a Light Emitting Diode electronic component, and can be dropped onto a form (or container component) to provide a visual on or off indication of any Boolean variable.

Delphi Panel components

DOCKBAR.ZIP TDocPanel is a native Delphi VCL derived from TPanel that acts As a Dockable/Floating Toolbar which behaviour is fully customizable.
MEGAPANL.ZIP MegaPanel Version 3 TMegaPanel is a direct descendant of the TCustomPanel class and retains all of TCustomPanel's public and published properties and methods. MegaPanel is a Delphi control that provides all the functionality of the standard Delphi TPanel control plus: - Supports both Delphi 1.x and Delphi 2.x - Automatically generated Panel Labels - Complete control over Panel bevels, size, style and spacing - Complete control over Caption bevels, size style and spacing - Complete control over Label bevels, size style and spacing - Automatic or Manually set Label text - Automatic Quicken Style Labels And much more...
MIRRPANL.ZIP TMirrorPanel v1.2, Enhanced TPanel component for Delphi16 Has all the properties of a TPanel plus the ability to show a bitmap and flip the text and image about the X and/or Y axis. I wrote this for an eyetest program where you look at a distant image of the computer screen reflected in a mirror. Version 1.2 fixes palette problems with monochrome and 256-color bitmaps.
MSGPANEL.ZIP MsgPanel component version 2.5 Delphi 2.0 This component is an alternative for the MessageBox and ShowMessage. It gives the programmer the possibility to give the end-user Messages without locking the application. It consists of a panel anywhere on a form. Default the alignment is at the bottom. The messages can be read from a file or entered direct in the application or a combination of both.
TSTRETCH.ZIP TStretchPanel Component ver 1.04 Is a Delphi component which resizes any control placed on it (and the controls' fonts too.). It inherits all properties from the standard TPanel supplied with Delphi and adds 5 more: Anchors, KeepAspect, MinDimension, StretchControls, and StretchFonts. See the help for information regarding these properties.

Delphi date and time components

AD3DCAL.ZIP TAdrock3dCalendar The TAdrock3dCalendar contains close on 100 properties, 10 calendar specific methods, 6 events, and what every programmer really wants lots of date routines. There are over 60 methods covering everything from the number of days, weeks, months, quarters, and years two dates are apart to adding or subtracting any number of days, weeks, months, years to a date. You can determine what day of the week a date falls on using any starting day of the week, and more. Copyright � BYTE Computer && Software Ltd.
ADALARM.ZIP TAdrockAlarmList (16bit) The TAdrockAlarmList Component allows you to set an unlimited number of alarms each of which can have a very flexible format. The format can contain wildcards using the ? to match any position. The add method requires that the input format be HH:MM:SS, but any of the HH, MM, or SS can contain a ? to match any number in these positions.
ADALRM32.ZIP AlarmList Component The TAdrockAlarmList Component allows you to set an unlimited number of alarms each of which can have a very flexible format. The format can contain wildcards using the ? to match any position. The add method requires that the input format must follow HH:MM:SS but any of the HH, MM, or SS can contain a ? to match any number in these positions. ??:??:?? will trigger an event every second.
ADATED16.ZIP TAdrockDateEdit The TAdrockDateEdit control is quite a bit different than our other calendar edit component, the TAdrockCalendarEdit. Like the existing TAdrockCalendarEdit, (Calendar Edit/Entry control) this new control still has the famous, Quicken like, popup calendar. However, the edit/entry field has been completed re-worked. It is different in the way it allows uses to enter dates. In the edit field you can enter dates using a segmented input area, in the image above you will notice that the day is highlighted, by pressing space or filling in the field the input will move to the month. (The input format above is set to isWeekDayDMY).
ADBITM32.ZIP The TAdrockCalendarEdit Control allows you easy access to setting TBitmap properties, such as GLYPH. With this property editor it is very easy to setup GLYPH from BitBtn�s and SpeedButtons. And new to this, the latest release of this control, is TPicture property selection.
ADCLOCK.ZIP TAdrockAnalogClock component The TAdrockAnalogClock component allows you to display a highly Configurable analog clock on your forms. Fully configurable; colour, alignment and display properties for variable sized clocks, set Hour, Minute, Second mark sizes, display hour marks as numerals and so on. Check it out. Includes a sample application and screen-saver application and 125k Help file.
ADDATE.ZIP TAdrockDates Version 1.90 The TAdrockDates class provides more than 65 functions that deal with dates. You can return periods betwen dates, in days, weeks, months, quarters, and years. There are functions that deal with boundary dates. You can add a number of units to a date, the units being days, weeks, months, and years. Extract parts from dates, and build dates with a simple function. The Help file provides a full listing of avaialable functions and comprehensive usage instructions.
ADDATECL.ZIP TAdrockDates Function Class The TAdrockDates class provides more than 110 functions that deal with dates. You can return periods betwen dates, in days, weeks, months, quarters, and years. There are functions that deal with boundary dates. You can add a number of units to a date, the units being days, weeks, months, and years. Extract parts from dates, and build dates with a simple function. The Help file provides a full listing of avaialable functions and comprehensive usage instructions.
DATETIME.ZIP TSetTimedate Component Component to set the Date and Time of the system.
DATEVLIP.ZIP DateEditPlus Is a date edit control with a customizable drop down calendar that automatically places itself within a Borland or InfoPower DBGrid automatically and gives you full control of the editing and displaying formats of the dates with true cell by cell editing capabilities.
DRAWCAL.ZIP TDrawCalendar is a component based on though not descended from The Calendar in the Samples page of the pallette. I wanted to unublish a couple of published properties (e.g.Font) which meant I could not descend it directly.
DTPANEL.ZIP TDateTimePanel, TDatePanel, TTimePanel Component Time and date components
GERMDATE.ZIP TGermDateEdit, TDBGermDateEdit Ver1.1a Delphi 1/2/3 & C++ Builder DateEditComponent with Calendar-/Spin-Property. Features : - Verify date entry ( international ) - Popup calendar, free userdefined with CalendarWeek, Holidays - +/- with free userdefined increment - Century
KSCAL.ZIP KSCalendar component The best calendar component anywhere! The KSCalendar has a fully customizable appearance as well as 70+ properties that allow a software designer to control almost every facet of the calender's functionality.
KSCAL20.ZIP KSCalendar Date Kit v2.0 The KSCalendar now comes with 11 add On components that work closely with the KSCalendar to provide a full set of development tools. All of these controls are extremely easy to use! In most cases just drop the control on a form that has a KSCalendar and they start to work immediately!
SDATEED.ZIP TSpinDateEdit and TDBSpinDateEdit Version 1.5d With these components you can cover all date entryfields in your application and so you achieve an uniform formatted outward shape of your application.
TALARM16.ZIP TAlarm Component (16-bit) Is an alarm clock that can be set to trigger some event at a predefined time. When the predefined time is reached TAlarm fires an event handler. TAlarm can be used for almost anything including prompt for backup, event scheduling, etc. Use your imagination !
TALARM32.ZIP TAlarm Component (32-bit) Is an alarm clock that can be set to trigger some event at a predefined time. When the predefined time is reached TAlarm fires an event handler. TAlarm can be used for almost anything including prompt for backup, event scheduling, etc. Use your imagination !
THDTIMER.ZIP ThreadedTimer v1.1 - For Delphi 2.0 and 3.0 This component has the same functionality of the default Timer component, but it provides a real resolution of 1 milisecond.
TIKCLK16.ZIP TickingClock component for Borland Delphi (16 bit) TTickingClock is a component descending from TGraphicControl that displays an analog clock. You can use this clock as a dumb time display, but also as a chronometer or as a device that displays system time.
TPOPUP16.ZIP TPopCal Component (16 bit version) (Delphi 1) Is a popup calendar component that provides a convenient way to enter dates. The calendar can be displayed in either of two modes - as a monthly calendar or as a twelve month calendar (year at a glance). The user can toggle between modes by pressing F1.
TPOPUP32.ZIP TPopCal Component (32 bit version) (Delphi 2) Is a popup calendar component that provides a convenient way to enter dates. The calendar can be displayed in either of two modes - as a monthly calendar or as a twelve month calendar (year at a glance). The user can toggle between modes by pressing F1.
XEXPIRE.ZIP xTool - Component Collection This is non-visual Delphi 2.0 component lets you setup a expire date for your application. After this date the application can show a message and not run. This make sense for trial or beta versions that you upload to internet and want to make useless after a specific date. The date is setting with a special program that patch the program EXE that contains the TxExpire component.

Delphi database components

CBPLUS.ZIP The Combobox Plus Components The Combobox Plus components consist of � DBLookupComboPlus, � DBComboBoxPlus and � ComboBoxPlus. These three components are designed as replacements for the original non-plus versions that come included with Delphi.
CGRID16.ZIP TDBCrossGrid Component Release 1.0 Is a data aware component for displaying the multi-dimensions cross fields result for each single datasource. Not all kinds of data can be used for doing crossing result. So user have to provide the reasonable data to TDBCrossGrid. All unreasonable data will get unexpected results. TDBCrossGrid will link to a TDatasource by DataSource property in order to get the data source for doing the crossing result.
CLIPFN20.ZIP Clipper Functions 2.0 for Delphi 1.0x/2.0 16/32 bit versions This document is designed to provide you with simple examples of the use of Clipper Functions for Delphi (hereafter referred to as "Clipper Functions"). If not noted otherwise, all routines are in the CLIPFNXX unit, where XX is 16 for Delphi 1.0x, and 32 for Delphi 2.0 under Windows 95 or NT. As the primary target market for this product is experienced Clipper programmers migrating to Delphi, the examples should be familiar. I have made every effort to note any differences between the syntax of Clipper's own functions and these equivalents.
CLUST10.ZIP TClustering component Is a non-visual component which is capable of clustering multidimensional data. It needs a given set of data records with continuous data fields called the training set. The component clusters the training data. After the clustering is done, any data record�s cluster can be queried quickly.
CROSSTAB.ZIP TCrossTAB,TCrossSQL,TCrossReport components - Release 2.3 for Is a native VCL Delphi component designed to display the results of a multi-dimension cross or categorization of data contained in a database.
CTLIB100.ZIP Containers Library v1.00 A data management system for Borland Pascal that allows you to quickly incorporate data structuring capabilities into your applications. It consists of a large set of reusable data structures that range from dynamic arrays to B+ trees. All code is linked to the executable file so there is no run-time software to distribute. BitSoft Development, L.L.C. - $49.00
DABTNS.ZIP Data Aware Components
DATASORC.ZIP DataSorcerer for Delphi The DataSorcerer Component gives Delphi Database Programmers the much sought after feature of a Global Datasource: The main features of DataSorcerer are: *A single DataSorcerer and its Dataset can be accessed Globally from all form within an application. *Links between DataSorcerers on different Forms can be created at Design Time. *All data linkages are present at Design time to allow testing before compilation. *There is No Code required on any Form to make the the data available. *There is No Code required on any Form to keep the data synchronized. *All Data Aware controls on all forms are automatically kept synchronized.
DATEVAL.ZIP DateEditPlus Is a date edit control with a customizable drop down calendar that automatically places itself within a Borland or InfoPower DBGrid automatically and gives you full control of the editing and displaying formats of the dates with true cell by cell editing capabilities.
DBCHKEVL.ZIP DBCheckBoxPlus Is a replacement for the standard TDBCheckBox that is shipped with Delphi and C++ Builder with the small difference of being able to automatic place itself within a Borland or InfoPower DBGrid. See GridParent property.
DBDESIGN.ZIP Delphi component Visual DB-Design 1.3 The Visual DB-Design component shows you in Delphi's design mode (!) all the following information on your data: connections and relations between tables, the connection between table/query and the datasource, plus key table, query and datasource properties. All you need to do is drop the component on your form.
DBIMGEVL.ZIP DBImagePlus Is a replacement for the standard TDBImage that is shipped with Delphi and C++ Builder. This new control incorporates our exclusive grid aware technology that allows it to automatically be placed within a Borland or InfoPower database grid. See GridParent property. This new control also includes the ability to enlarge itself under different conditions.
DBLUP2.ZIP DBlookupcomboplus component ver 4.1 The new dblookupcomboplus gives you all the lookup power of delphi's original dblookup-combo plus much, much more, like: * the ability to sort the drop down list. * The ability to search through the dropdown list via an incremental keyboard search. (Quicken style). * Autofill - the text is automatically filled in as the user types characters. (Quicken style). * Support for the master/detail relationship in the lookup table. (Except for dbase tables) * the ability to enter new records into the lookup table on the fly. (Onnewlookuprec) * the control can stay in a read/write style even when the data source and lookup source are different. (This goes with the previous point) * a new event to support the filling the lookup list with the results from a tquery. (Onpreparelist).
DBLUP232.ZIP The dblookupcomboplus component ver 5.0 The new DBLookUpComboPlus gives you all the lookup power of Delphi's original DBLookUp-Combo plus much, much more; Major Enhancements * The ability to sort the drop down list. * The ability to search through the dropdown list via an incremental keyboard search. (Quicken Style). * Autofill - The text is automatically filled in as the user types characters. (Quicken Style). * Support for the Master/Detail relationship in the lookup table. (except for DBase tables)
DBSCRL16.ZIP DBScroll v. 1.06 is a component for Delphi 1 and replacement for the DBGrid (Trial version). Features include: FAST, FLICKER FREE, Multiple Lines per row possible, supports Memo fields, fully supports ScrollBar for Paradox tables, ScrollBar can be hidden, individual rows / cells can be shown by specific colors, built in SearchBox for incremental search, better support for Drag & Drop, all mouse events available and much more. But the table can't be edited within the grid. Version for Delphi 2 available.
DBSCRL32.ZIP DBScroll v1.06, the faster DBGrid, is a component for Delphi2 and a replacement for the Database Grid. Has multiline cells and many features. Fast & FlickerFree! 32-bit.
DBTV151S.ZIP TDBTreeView v1.51 for Delphi 2 TDBTreeView is a 32 bits VCL component, which inherits directly from TTreeView. It can be described by the two following main ideas : - each level of the tree is a Table/Query, - each node of one level is a record in the Table/Query. but also, TDBTreeView has a lot of features : - no limitations on number of levels, except when memory lacks, - TTable or TQuery use, - mono-select or multi-select, - update capabilities: user can delete, move or copy a node, and so, a row in a table,
DBTV151U.ZIP TDBTreeView v1.51 demo version for Delphi 3 (only) This package includes all files except sources and has no restriction except that root level is mandatory and always set to '(unregistered)'. It may be installed under Delphi 3 (with a .DPL package). It also includes a Winword 6.0 (A4 format) User Manual, and two Delphi examples.
DBTV151W.ZIP TDBTreeView v1.51 demo version for Delphi 3 This package includes all files except sources and has no restriction except that root level is mandatory and always set to '(unregistered)'. It may be installed under Delphi 3 (with a .DPL package). It also includes a Winword 6.0 (A4 format) User Manual, and two Delphi examples.
DBVEDIT.ZIP DBVldEdit component version 2.0 Delphi (2-3) Added is an OnValidate event to check data before leaving the field.( the OnExit event is executed after leaving the field). It leaves the focus on the DBVldEdit field. Tabbing trough other fields (or controls) or clicking another object invokes the event to happen. To insure that the validation can be overridden, a property CtlNames is created which is a list of controls that can be set that do not invoke the OnValidate event.(for instance an Find Button to lookup some value in a second form)
DENG091C.ZIP D-Eng 0.97b Delphi Btrieve Engine D-Eng supports both Btrieve and BDE at the same time. You get the speed of Btrieve without losing the con- venience of the Delphi IDE. Search 1 Rec out of 3500 ODBC-15s, D-Eng 55ms *SHAREWARE* *BETA*
DPDEMO_I.ZIP DBGridDeLuxe + GLnB (Group, Label & Button) v0.948I DBGridDeLuxe, the full-feature DBGrid: FixedDataColumns, multi-line, memo view&edit, bool. click-switch, etc. (32b: TColumns,...). GLnB, the universal component: component linking, layout functions, layers, frames, patterns/ transparency/shadows, etc.
DSCOL.ZIP TColumnsDataSource Component This component is a custom data source that allows the user to set the column order of a table or query, as well as the sort order (use the IncludeSortBy Property to disable this feature), which columns are visible, and which not. Call the ShowFieldsDlg method to show the dialog which will allow the user to edit the dataset.
PROGRS10.ZIP DELPHI TDBPROGRESS COMPONENT - The TDBProgress component provides progress feedback on database operations. The TDBProgress can be linked to a gauge or label to keep the user posted on the status of the current database operation such as Indexing, Query execution, Batchmoves and more. Just add this component and a couple lines of code and you've got feedback!! Fully functional within the Delphi run-time environment. Helpfile Included. Shareware - For details on registering see enclosed README.WRI file. Source available.
PXVALTBL.ZIP TPxValcheckTable v1.1 This descendant of TTable adds the ability to read and write the field valchecks of Paradox tables. Use it as a replacement of TTable or - if you are using InfoPower or the like - as an instance to read and write valchecks only.
REPLNK94.ZIP ReportLink v0.94b, Paradox Report Printing Component Is a component that allows developers to print Paradox reports from their Delphi applications using the full or runtime version of Paradox for Windows 5.0. ReportLink encapsulates all the printing flexibility that Paradox supports into an easy-to-use Delphi native component. In addition, developers can run preliminary scripts and QBE strings before executing the report, allowing them to make any preparations necessary for their reports. ReportLink also provides a full featured print preview function which includes a suite of Paradox components that the developer can customize.
RTDBSQL.ZIP RT SQL Statements Introduction "RT SQL Statements" is a container for SQL objects like TQueries, TBatchMoves, TDatabases. It manages all queries on a form, allows to execute any of them per name, or all at once in kind of a batch process. There are events which are called before and after execution. A comfortable property editor manages every query separately or all together. There are load/save/copy/paste functions as well as find. You can even test queries with parameters at design time.
RTDC.ZIP RtDbCopy Component Ver. 1.04 TBatchMove is a very powerful component, but it has several shortcomings. What it cannot handle: 1) if you don't define a problem table and an error occurs, the whole operation will be canceled 2) it cannot change field data types in most cases 3) it cannot influence field data, it's copied as it is
RTDI.ZIP RtDbIniFile Component Ver. 1.02 Does all TIniFile can do with INI files with the same methods but it saves all this in database you are connected to, say Oracle, Sybase and the like. So you configuration data can be so secure as you database backend. If I needed to I could have used my old DBF files also.
RTGI.ZIP RtDbGenID Component Ver. 1.01 Is a non-visual component which implements a unique number generator. All values will be saved into a table in database you work with. Every access which generates a new value locks this table and saves the generated value before releasing control, so that other users can safely run it parallel through the network. SQL queries as 'SELECT MAX(...)+1 FROM...' are a bit dangereous, because many users can theoretically execute this query at the same time and get the same results.
SQLBLDD1.ZIP TSQLBuilder Package v1.60 for 16 bit Delphi. visually generates and runs single or multi-database SQL queries and prints customizable reports. TSQLBuilder Features:- - Includes query setup wizard for new users. - Works with server based and local sql. - Tables may be selected by alias or path. - Supports sub-selects, hetergeneous joins - Supports inner/outer, left, right and full joins - Available for Delphi 1.x, 2.0 and 3.0. - Registration includes full source code.
SQLPARSE.ZIP TSQLParser component for Delphi Provides the functionality of parsing the various parts of simple Structured Query Language (SQL) query statements.
SRDBGRID.ZIP TSingleRowDBGrid component Is a direct descendent of TDBGrid. It inherits all the functionality of a DBGrid with the added feature of the Shift+Tab and Tab keys moving the input focus from the first or last column of the grid to the prior or next TabStop control.
SUPLCBOX.ZIP DbSuperLookUpComboBox/DbSuperLookUpListBox Version 1.0 32 bits Delphi 3(tm) only
TPROT16.ZIP TProtect demo - 16-bit version The TProtect component "protects" a Paradox data table by responding to database exceptions generated when opening the table or changing the active index. If TProtect is triggered, it tests the table and if any damage is found, TProtect automatically repairs the table.
TQRICH1.ZIP TQRich Quickreport component
TREB16.ZIP TRebuild demo - 16-bit version The TRebuild component tests Paradox database tables, and if any damage is found, automatically repairs the damaged table. TRebuild can usually recover data from almost any type of table corruption, including index-out-of-date errors, corrupted indexes, corrupted table headers, etc...
TU32.ZIP TTUtility - ver 4.0 for delphi 1-2 A Delphi Paradox Table Verify & Repair Component. Now there's an answer to data corruption problems that does not include the words "all nighter". TTUtility is a Delphi component that implements the functionality in Borland's TUtility.DLL, the same DLL that comes with Paradox for Windows. The primary purpose of this component is to give the Delphi or Paradox developer an easy to implement tool for validating and fixing corrupt Paradox tables from inside delivered applications. The TUtility DLL(16 bit) or TUtil32.DLL(32 bit) on which this component is based will work on Paradox tables up to and including level 7 tables.