Delphi Utilities

ADFIND32.ZIP Adrock Software Source Searcher Expert (32bit) The TAdrockSearchExpert is a utility designed to help you locate references of text in all of your .PAS files from the currently loaded project.
ADFINDER.ZIP TAdrockSourceSearcher Expert The TAdrockSourceSearcher expert is an expert that is accessed through the help menu of Delphi. With this expert you can search through the current Delphi Project for text in all of the .PAS files. You simply enter the text you want to find and the click search and the expert will search through all the selected files. When the expert is first opened all the .PAS files in the project are highlighted, you may select or unselect as many of the files as needed.
AITKEN.ZIP Class Navigator 2 Is a Delphi 2 support application which gives you the capability to quickly "drill down" through the various VCL classes to better understand what and where things are happening. All 49 units, 516 classes and 9373 class members are immediately at your finger tips as well as the capability to add your own units defining descendent classes. An indispensable tool for component writers and others interested in learning more about Delphi's VCL.
ASSI20B.ZIP TAssistent 2.02 Is a visual component for creating Wizards. It is fully functional without compiling the program. You can use the delphi formular designer to create the pages of the Wizard. It is possible to change the layout of the buttons. You can control the sequence of the pages in a property editor (WayList) and in code with events and jumps.
CC16.ZIP Component Create (tm) 2.2 for Delphi (demo) Is the best way for application developers to create re-usable functionality. Component Create gives you an intuitive interface and powerful code generator that speeds you down the learning curve. Whether you are new to component- writing or an old hand, Component Create multiplies your productivity. You point and click to set up your component, then get quality, commented Pascal code. Complete code re-generation means you can change the component definition -- adding and deleting properties, methods, events -- without losing your work.
CGN_D32S.ZIP Component Generator for Delphi2 Version 1.00 ShareWare Is a simple but very effective tool to turn visually designed Delphi2 forms into TPanel based visual components. It will scan the .DFM and .PAS files that contain the description and underlying code for the form, and ( after allowing the user some modifications) will create a single .PAS code file, that can be compiled into an installable Delphi2 component.
CGPIPRED.ZIP Picture-Property-Editor Chris G.�s Picture-Property-Editor Features: File-Selection with ImmiView, Drag'n'Drop, PasteFromClipboard, ResetToProp, User-Maintained DirHistory and FileHistory, Desktop-Grabber, AllPicsOfDir-Preview, Bitmap-Cropping
COBUILD.ZIP Component Builder (v2.31) Creates all the necessary pascal code for new component properties, methods, message handlers and event handlers as well as the underlying declarations and code skeletons. Simply describe your properties, methods, etc. , select a few attributes and Component Builder builds the component for you.
COOLMANL.ZIP Cool tools Beta Version 0.95 For Delphi 32 Bit Cool Tools for Delphi is a suite of add in experts for the Delphi IDE. As at beta release 0.95 these comprise of two experts. *Property Expert -The Property Expert automates the process of adding an -object to a class. The full Delphi syntax for property -declaration is supported including property visibility, -method access, default values, array properties and more. *Quick Code Expert The Quick Code Expert is similar to Code Insight in Delphi 3. It enables a list of code snippets to be maintained for easy insertion into the code editor. These snippets are fully editable. The snippets are stored in format compatible with the Delphi 3 Code Insight templates and indeed we suggest the provided templates are added to the defaults provided with Delphi 3.
CPDL33.ZIP Code.Print Lite for Delphi It's a source code documentation system that's designed for professional developers. If source code is a deliverable or code walk throughs and peer reviews are part of you regular routine, Code.Print will help you look good and save you time.
CYBORGQA.ZIP CyborgQA Is a utility, designed to make creating slicker neater Delphi Applications easier. You drop one on any form , and it allows you access to properties of the many controls on the form, in a quick convenient way, which good as the old Object Inspector is, is still slow.
CYBSTR_1.ZIP Cyborg String Expert - 32 bit Cyborg Software's String Expert is a native Delphi Expert that hugely simplifies creating & maintaining String tables, resource files and files of access constants. The advantages of using string resources rather than embedded constants are well documented, but Delphi as shipped makes no allowance for dealing with string tables, except for a resource compiler.
CYBSTREX.ZIP Cyborg String Expert - 16 bit String Expert is a native Delphi Expert that hugely simplifies creating & maintaining String tables, resource files and files of access constants. The advantages of using string resources rather than embedded constants are well documented, but Delphi as shipped makes no allowance for dealing with string tables, except for a resource compiler. by Boris
DBFSTRU.ZIP DBF Structure Apollo Code Generator This program reads the header of existing .DBF files and creates Delphi code based on the structure of the file. The code generated is the bulk of the work to create tables and indicies in Delphi using Apollo from SuccessWare International. This is useful for those of us that are moving programs from other languages into Delphi.
DFMINS12.ZIP Delphi Form Inspector 1.02 A tool for Borland Delphi developers. Allows you to view, edit, archive, and compare Delphi forms in ASCII format. Includes an interface to PVCS. Forms can be archived in ASCII. This reduces disk space requirements for the PVCS archive and allows you to compare different versions of the same form. Lets you keep track of changes you have made. Works with Delphi version 1.0. Registered version works with 2.0. More flexible than Delphi's built-in support for ASCII forms. A must-have for serious Delphi developers! Registration is only $15.00.
DLCM11.ZIP Delphi Library Configuration Manager Have you got more than one copy of Delphi installed? Do you use more than one Component Library? Have you ever been at the point of tearing your hair out when swapping between versions or component libraries? ... if you answered yes to any of these questions then Delphi Library Configuation Manager (DLCM) is the answer to your prayers (if you are that easily pleased) DLCM simply takes a snapshot of Delphi's library settings (Tools-Options-Library) from within the Windows 95 registry and stores them along with a "named" alias for later recall.
DRVCS1.ZIP ViCiouS 1.05 (public beta) Welcome to ViCiouS, my poor man's Version Control System for Delphi. This public beta is now for both the 16-bit and 32-bit version of ViCiouS, since the required 32-bit version of DRBOB.DLL is now also available. The DrBob.DLL, the final version of ViCiouS will be 16- and 32-bits, and the source will be "single source platform compatible" (i.e. with a lot of {$IFDEF WIN32} inside). 16-bits Installation The installation of the 16-bits version of ViCiouS is pretty straightforward, and consist of nothing more than executing INSTALL.EXE (make sure VICIOUS.DL_ is in the same directory).
EXT_IDE.ZIP Extended IDE for Delphi 2, Delphi 3 and Borland C++Builder This small component fixes a bug in the Objectinspector. As you know some properties have sub-properties. These properties start with a "+" in the left column. If you select such a property and press the "+" key at the keyboard, nothing happens. The only way to get access to the sub-properties is to double click with the mouse on it.
EZQUERY.ZIP EZQuery v1.0 The easy-to-use end-user query builder written in 100% Delphi - 16-bit & 32-bit versions EZQuery is an easy-to-use, powerful query builder for Delphi 1.0 and 2.0. It is written in 100% Delphi! No VBX's, DLL's, etc. It allows programmers to add end-user query capabilities in a matter of minutes. You have full control over which databases and tables a user may query. This query builder has been designed from the ground-up based on extensive user-interface testing. It's NOT just another "tables at the top, fields at the bottom" query builder. It's a "Query Wizard" that leads the end-user through every step of the query definition process.
GLLOD200.ZIP GlyphLoader v2.00 Lets you concentrate on designing your program instead of remembering those cryptic glyph filenames. Integrates with Delphi to present you with a grid of glyph pictures to choose from at design time, whenever you edit a glyph property. Also shows the filenames. Swedish ShareWare for Delphi 1.x & 2.x
GLPROPED.ZIP Glyph-property-editor With integrated drawing progam. You can attribute changed bitmaps to the speedbuttons directly. Put you a favourite list with the mostly required bitmaps together. Available in 16 and 32 bit version.
ICONHACK.ZIP Free icon patching unit for Delphi 1 , plus a free icon-to-BMP converter for D2, plus a free 16 bit C++ icon patching utility with source. Allows you to offer easy replacement of standard 16 color icons with your DLLs, extension EXEs, VBXs and more. From Cub Lea, the WinHelp Sorcerer, with the contributions of William Brooks, Mitch Howard and Mike Reith. READ THE README and mind your copyrights!
IMGEDIT.ZIP Delphi component Image-Edit 1.1 Do you need a kind of Paintbrush for Delphi? With Image-Edit and the database sensitive DBImage-Edit you have the possibility to modify bitmap files or graphic fields. Just select a function on the paint toolbar and draw! File- and clipboard management is included. All you need to do is drop the component on your form and compile...
LISTEXPT.ZIP TListExpert (v1.0) - An Expert Is a Delphi Expert which helps you create a homogenous TList for a specific class.
MSGBOX.ZIP Message Box Creator for Delphi 2 Version 1 This utility is freeware. It simplifies the process of creating message boxes for use in your Delphi projects. Using an intuitive point and click interface, design and test your message boxes interactively. Then simply copy the code to the clipboard to paste into your application.
NAVIGATE.ZIP Project Navigator for Delphi16 v2.0 Is an add-on tool for your Delphi16 IDE. It monitors the current edit window and updates two lists. The upper list shows the sections in your program and the lower shows a list of your global and local routines in shorthand form using the following abbreviations:
PICEDT12.ZIP Enhanced Image Property Editor v1.2 for Delphi Use this improved TPicture and TBitmap property editor to easily browse your entire image collections and quickly locate the image you are looking for. Features include: different previews of images, full size image preview, fast access to user-defined directories, plus it also saves settings from one session to another. Updates available at Freeware. Includes source.
POGO.ZIP Pogo , game written in Basic with source
PROJECTS.ZIP Delphi Projects! Is a project management add-in for Delphi 2.0. It provides a quick access menu to your projects using the Windows 95 standard Favorites Menu method.
PTOOL15.ZIP Panther Tools v1.50 -- Freeware PTools is a set of components and experts that help the designer develop an application without the need for coding. The designer can use HyperTxt component to make a block of text with hyper words, HyperImage component to make a picture do an action, HyperArea to assign any area on the form to an action.
QGLYPH32.ZIP QuickGlyph Version 1.0 ( 32-Bit for Windows 95/NT ) QuickGlyph is generally a Glyph Viewer with some extras.
QRD060D3.ZIP QRDesign 0.60 - enduser report designer For Quickreport 2 for Delphi 3. QRDesign lets the user of your program create, edit, save and load QuickReports at runtime. THIS IS THE 32-BIT DELPHI 3 VERSION. Delphi 1 and Delphi 2 version can be found at
REALFORM.ZIP REALFORMS V1.9 RealForms was designed as an easy way to design forms in a Windows Metafile format. Although the form filling components included were written for Delphi, the files exported by RealForms can be used on other platforms also.
RESXPORT.ZIP Resource Exporter Is based on the Resource Explorer demo project of Delphi 3.0. However, it adds some important & fun new functionality!
RSFORMCS.ZIP Component Swapper Delphi utility A component swapper is a utility that was designed to aid programmers in switching numerous components on a form. Because the components are in both the Delphi form file and pascal file this swap can become tedious. The component swapper goes into each of these files for you and swaps the components you've added to your "Swap list." The form component swapper can handle any component you add as it only swaps the declarations, however Delphi may have difficulty if components of different hierarchy are swapped. For example, you should not attempt to swap a TEdit for a TImage, as most of thhe properties would not correspond. However, swapping TEdit Components for TrsMaskEdits is almost seamless.
RSRFM.ZIP RealForms 16/32bit Is a complete form design and data-filling system. Although it was not designed as a reporting tool, a form-based report generator is definitely possible using the system. Realforms supports several pages sizes, and orientations for forms. Forms are designed as sets of lines, frames, check boxes and text. We are continually updating the program with features and additions. Custom Delphi components for form filling are provided to incorporate forms into your own applications.
RTSEARCH.ZIP "RT Search +" (16bit) Is an AddIn expert enhancing Borland Delphi IDE original editor. Comparing to other programming editors like MultiEdit, Delphi's stock editor lacks several important features. It may be not as important as the quality of the whole IDE and the programming language, but it certainly affects developers productivity. This is the reason why we decided to help programmers stay with Borland and save hundreds of dollars for buying professional programmers' editors, that may or may not integrate with Delphi's IDE.
RTSRCH32.ZIP "RT Search +", (32bit version) is an AddIn expert enhancing Borland Delphi IDE original editor. Comparing to other programming editors like MultiEdit, Delphi's stock editor lacks several important features. It may be not as important as the quality of the whole IDE and the programming language, but it certainly affects developers productivity. This is the reason why we decided to help programmers stay with Borland and save hundreds of dollars for buying professional programmers' editors, that may or may not integrate with Delphi's IDE.
SIMCOP.ZIP SimCoP is an interpreter for integration with 32bit Delphi (2+3) applications. It supports a X-Base-style script language, Delphi functions, classes and objects. The shareware version has no limitations. The registered version comes with full source code. Documentation, help and source-comments are available ONLY in GERMAN LANGUAGE!
XSPELL.ZIP XSpell - Spell Checking Expert for Delphi 1.x and 2.x The Only Delphi IDE Spell Checking Expert for the Professional Delphi Developer. XSpell is a unique tool for the Delphi programming environment. XSpell uses the EDSSpell checking VCL to spell check your Delphi source code including strings, labels, buttons, menu items, captions, even form files (*.DFM). If you like, it will even check your programming comments. All from within the Delphi IDE.