Typical Products
Tuscan Cuisine

Basil, tomatoes, parsley, garlic and oil-soaked bread make up this summer salad.

Trippa alla Fiorentina
Tripe and a parmesan-topped tomato sauce are used to make this dish.
This thickened soup is a rich broth of cabbage, herbs, beans and vegetables.

Salame di Cinghiale
This is a strongly flavored salami made from wild boar.

Fagioli all'Uccelletto
A classic combination of beans in a tomato sauce, this is one of the most popular vegetable dishes in Tuscany.

Scottiglia di Cinghiale
Prepared with wild boar chops, this dish is particularly popular in the Maremma.
Pappardelle alla Lepre
Typically Tuscan, these broad noodles are covered in a hare sauce. The hare is often cooked in its awn blood, or in a rich beef stock.

Pieces of toasted bread are rubbed with garlic and olive oil or spread with anchoby, olive, tomato or liver paste to make this delicious snack.

This is dried salt cod, most often prepared with garlic, parsley and tomatoes.

This sheep's milk cheese is either fresh and sweet, or well-matured and hard.
These sweet cookies taste best dipped in vin santo, a delicious dessrt wine.
Arrosto Misto
This common rural dish is a mixture of roast meats, such as lamb, pork, chicken, liver and spicy sausages (salsicce).

Olio di Oliva

L'olio di Oliva delle colline senesi � molto raffinato. Ottimo per essere gustato a crudo in pinzimonio, sulle insalate e sui classici piatti caldi.

Nel cucinare i funghi non si deve mai abbondare con pepe, sale, erbe aromatiche, aglio, cipolla e carni secche perch� � importante che il sapore e il profumo del fungo siano salvaguardati. Crosotoni, zuppe e risotti, polente e maccheroni, arrosti e stufati ben si accompagnano ai funghi.


Molteplice l'uso del tartufo in cucina. Preferibilmente su cibi caldi e con sughi leggeri: traglierini o tortelli, sui risotti, ma anche sulla carne cruda, "il carpaccio". I buongustai sanno apprezzare il tartufo anche su un uovo al tegamino.

Introduction to Tuscan Cuisine
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