Visit PC Zone Online

- Release: OUT NOW!!
- 26 Leagues (countries)
- 100,000+ players and staff
- Updated transfer systems
- Improved Data Editor
- Enhanced Media interactivity
- Updated to 2001 season
- Improved match engine
- New scouting features
- Fog of war*
- Managers can make notes
- Manager appeal to bans
- Option for player surgery
- Ultimatums manager or board
- Updated photos
- CM 01/02 Demo

CM 01/02 Screenshots:
- Scouting
- Transfer
- Ultimatum
- Fog of War
- Scouting (2)
- Fog of War (2)
- Ultimatum (2)
- Getting the sack
- Extra Time
- Reminder

* Fog of War is the largest new feature in the next CM version. Click here to find out more about Fog of War.

- Release: in 2002
- Playable over the Internet
- Top down 2D match engine
- Better training
- Introducing agents
- More interaction*
- New leagues (total 36??)
- Will be released on XBOX
- PS2 release unsure

* More interaction with the assistant manager, players and improved media aspects.

If you have any questions regarding TD Zone, The Dugout, the material we publish or the advertisement oppertunities we offer, use one of the appropiate e-mail addresses below:

Email addresses:
TD Zone:
The Dugout:

: David Challoner
Nationality: English
Function: Editor and League Guide writer

Name: Mark Geneste
Nationality: Dutch
Function: Editor and Tutorial writer

If you have any special requests or think that we are forgetting something that should be in TD Zone, please contact us by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:

We succesfully managed to build a community around The Dugout. Our forums are the place to go when you want to talk about CM. Visit TD forums while you are online. Register and  join the discussion today.
TD Forums

The Dugout is a proud partner of Soccer Gaming. The Internet's largest football gaming network. At Soccer Gaming or its affiliates you can find all sorts of information about football games, including Championship Manager and the FIFA series. If you have a connection to the Internet, go and visit Soccer Gaming now.

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