IBM ThinkPad 380 or 380D User's Guide

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Using the ThinkPad Features Program

Using the ThinkPad Features Program

(Ref #15.)  

When installing an operating system, you must also install the ThinkPad Features program.

To install the ThinkPad Features program:
* Figure c79capnt not displayed. "Installing Software".

ThinkPad Features is a control program that allows you to configure your computer. Using the ThinkPad Features program, you can easily set up and customize the built-in devices, such as a parallel port or an infrared port.

It also provides the Device Configuration Management System, which automatically detects a system resource (such as IRQ, DMA, I/O address, or memory) conflict, so that you can easily set up your computer configuration for the new device or software. For more detail about each device's resource, see Appendix A. "Avoiding Hardware Conflicts".

ThinkPad Features also provides various features for your computer such as:

Starting the ThinkPad Features Program

The way you start the ThinkPad Features program depends on the operating system.

* Figure c79caos2 not displayed.
* Figure c79cawin not displayed.
* Figure c79caw95 not displayed. * Figure c79cawnt not displayed.

Starting the Program for OS/2 and Windows

The ThinkPad Features program is a user-friendly graphical user interface. You can select or change any option in the ThinkPad Features program by simply clicking on the buttons on the screen with a pointing device. You can also specify features by entering the appropriate PS2 commands (except for Windows NT) at the command prompt (see Appendix C. "Using PS2 Commands").

To start the ThinkPad Features program:

In the ThinkPad Features window, you can:

For your information
A Help button is available on the screen. For additional information on each menu item, click on the help button.

Any buttons on the screen that appear in gray are options that cannot be set. (Ref #17.)
* Figure c79catps not displayed.

One-touch setup buttons.

Click on one of the buttons to set the system configuration automatically to fit your office (* Figure c79ca8a not displayed.), or your home (* Figure c79ca8b not displayed.), or to customize it (* Figure c79ca8c not displayed.).

Power mode buttons for battery operation.

Click on one of the buttons to set the power mode for the battery operation to the high performance mode (* Figure c79ca8d not displayed.), the automatic mode (* Figure c79ca8e not displayed.), or the customized mode (* Figure c79ca8f not displayed.). (Ref #18.)

Display device buttons.

Click on one of the buttons to set the display output type to the LCD (* Figure c79ca8g not displayed.), an external monitor (* Figure c79ca8h not displayed.), or both (* Figure c79ca8i not displayed.).
When making a presentation, you can click on the presentation button (* Figure c79ca8j not displayed.) to disable any system timers, such as turning the LCD off or entering a power-saving mode.

Help or save button.

Click on the left button for help. Click on the right button to save the changes made and exit the ThinkPad Features window.

View angle buttons.

Click on the buttons representing the front or the rear view to display the choices and options from that computer view.

Status bar.

When you place the cursor on a device button, the device name and its status appear in this status bar.

Device buttons.

Click on the button of your choice from the screen; then set the options for that device in the window that appears.

When the device is enabled, the red indicator next to the icon is lit. Otherwise, it is disabled.

Click on the Cancel button to exit the ThinkPad Features program without saving the changes. Click on the Default button to set the default values for each option and cancel the changes you have made.  

When you press the minimize button in the top-right corner (
* Figure c79catrd not displayed.
), the following Tool Bar view is displayed:

* Figure c79ca819 not displayed.

(Ref #19.)
You must share three DMA channels (0, 1, and 3) with the following four system resources. The default values are also described:

* Audio device (1st DMA)

* Audio device (2nd DMA)

* Infrared port

* Parallel port

When enabling ECP and choosing one DMA channel for a parallel port, you must release the system resource that had been assigned as a DMA channel.

* Figure c79cados not displayed.

Starting the Program for DOS

    (Ref #20.)
The ThinkPad Features program for DOS is a command line interface, so you can specify features by entering appropriate commands. Type PS2 ? at the DOS prompt to display the ThinkPad Features online help.


  1. You can use the PS2 commands from the command prompt in OS/2.

  2. This menu screen might look different on your system.

|C:\>PS2 ?                                                             |
|                                                                      |
|(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993,1996. All rights reserved.               |
|    US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication          |
|    or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract             |
|    with IBM Corp.                                                    |
|                                                                      |
|Command Syntax:  PS2   [Parameter1] [Parameter2] [Parameter3]         |
|                                                                      |
|Following are available [Parameter1].                                 |
|For the complete command syntax, type 'PS2 ? [Parameter]'.            |
|                                                                      |
|1.Power Management related                                            |
|                                                                      |

You can select an item from the menu and follow the instructions on the screen to set any of the features. For details on the commands, see Appendix C. "Using PS2 Commands".

You can create a batch file to set your unique operating environment quickly and easily.

Refer to the manuals supplied with the operating system for more information on batch files. (Ref #21.) The following example batch file allows you to set up an operational environment that is suitable for traveling and can result in longer battery operation time.
@Echo Off
Rem  SAMPLE: Set the parameters to provide maximum power utilization.
Rem  ================================================================
          PS2 PMode Auto                      > Nul
          PS2 LCd 3                           > Nul
          PS2 DISK 3                          > Nul
          PS2 POwer 5                         > Nul
          PS2 SPeed Fixed MIN                 > Nul
          PS2 STandby 3                       > Nul
          PS2 IR OFf                          > Nul
          PS2 SErial OFf                      > Nul

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