IBM ThinkPad 380 or 380D User's Guide

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Using Battery Power

(Ref #41.) This chapter describes battery pack operations.

Partial Table-of-Contents

  • Charging
  • Charging with the AC Adapter
  • Replacing the Battery Pack
  • Monitoring the Battery Status
  • Using the Battery Status Indicator
  • Low-Battery Condition
  • Using the Fuel-Gauge Program
  • Preserving Battery-Pack Life
  • Maximizing Battery-Powered Operation
  • Using Advanced Power Management
  • Decreasing LCD Brightness (TFT Model Only)
  • Using the Battery Power-Management Function
  • Standby Mode
  • Suspend Mode
  • Considerations for Suspend Mode
  • Hibernation Mode
  • Creating the Hibernation File
  • Considerations for Hibernation Mode

  • Battery-Powered Operation

    Charging the Battery Pack

        (Ref #42.)

    When you charge the lithium-ion battery pack, the battery pack temperature must be at least 10°C (50°F).

    You can charge the battery pack when the AC Adapter is connected to the computer and the battery pack is installed. You must charge the battery pack in any of the following conditions:

    Charging with the AC Adapter

    (Ref #43.)  

    When carrying your computer without the AC Adapter, carry a fully charged battery pack with you for maximum operating time.
    If the battery pack is new or has not been used for a long time, it will not be fully charged with only a single charging. You will have to completely use it up, then recharge it three to six times to maximize battery operating time.

    The following describes how to recharge the battery pack with the AC Adapter when the computer is turned off:

    1. Make sure the computer is turned off, and a new or the discharged battery pack is installed in the computer.

    2. Connect the AC Adapter to the computer, and then to the electrical outlet.

    The battery pack charges after approximately 2.5--3.5 hours. (It takes approximately 3.5--9.0 hours when charging while operating the computer.) (Ref #44.)

    Replacing the Battery Pack

    Replacing the Battery Pack

    (Ref #45.)  

    When the AC Adapter is connected, you can replace the battery pack anytime it is low in power. Without the AC Adapter, the battery pack can be replaced when the computer power is off, or when the computer is in hibernation mode.

    • If you are using PC Cards, either connect the AC Adapter or stop the PC Card application and remove the PC Card before doing the following procedure.

    • When you use an IBM PC Card that is listed on reference #64, the computer does not enter hibernation mode. When replacing the battery pack, turn off the computer.

    • Make sure you have created a hibernation file before doing the following steps. Otherwise, you cannot enter hibernation mode.

    1. Close the LCD and turn the computer over.
      * Figure c79ca92 not displayed.

    2. Pull the battery pack lock upward (1) and slides it toward the rear of the computer (2). Using the notch (3)beside the battery pack, lift the battery pack (4)from the computer.
      * Figure c79cab1 not displayed.

      * Figure c79cab2 not displayed.

    3. Install the fully charged spare battery pack as shown (1), and slide the battery pack lock toward the rear (2).
      * Figure c79cabt4 not displayed.

    4. Push the battery pack lock downward.
      * Figure c79cabt3 not displayed.

    5.  Turn the computer over again; then open the LCD.

    Using the Battery Status Indicator

    Monitoring the Battery Status

    (Ref #46.)  

    Battery power conditions can be determined through the battery status indicator and the Fuel-Gauge program.

    Using the Battery Status Indicator

    (Ref #47.) (Ref #48.)

    The battery status indicator shows the current status of the battery pack (only when the battery is installed).  

    Observe the battery status indicator (* Figure c79ca10g not displayed.) and compare it with the following status list to determine the battery condition:
    Status Condition Action Required
    Green Enough power remains for operation.    --
    Orange The battery pack is being charged. (Only when the AC Adapter is connected.)    --
    Blinking orange The battery pack is almost discharged (low battery). See "Low-Battery Condition" on reference #50. Do either of the following actions within 5 to 10 minute:

    • Connect the AC Adapter to the computer; leave the battery pack installed.

    • Replace the battery pack with a fully charged spare. (See "Replacing the Battery Pack".)

    • Save the current data.

    The battery pack is not installed.


    The computer is turned off or is in suspend mode when the AC Adapter is not connected.

    You should take the necessary actions when the blinking orange condition occurs, before the computer enters suspend mode because of a low-battery condition.

    If suspend mode is caused by a low-battery condition, data in the memory can be lost. Do either of the following actions immediately:

    • To continue your work with the AC Adapter:
      1. Connect the AC Adapter to the computer.
      2. Press the Fn key.

    • To continue your work with a fully charged battery pack:
      1. Connect the AC Adapter to the computer.
      2. Replace the battery pack with a fully charged one.
      3. Press the Fn key.
      4. Disconnect the AC Adapter from the computer.

    Low-Battery Condition

    (Ref #50.)     Attention:
    If you leave the computer in this condition for a long time, data in memory will be lost.

    When the battery pack is low in power, the battery status indicator (* Figure c79ca10g not displayed.) starts blinking. Connect the AC Adapter to the computer, or replace the battery pack with a fully charged spare. If you do not take the corrective actions within about 30 seconds, the computer will enter suspend mode.

    When the battery pack is low in power, the computer makes three short beeps and then three long beeps if the alarm is enabled. The computer enters suspend mode within 30 to 60 seconds. Using the Fuel-Gauge Program

    Using the Fuel-Gauge Program

    (Ref #51.)    

    * Figure c79caos2 not displayed.

    * Figure c79cawin not displayed.

    * Figure c79caw95 not displayed.

    * Figure c79cawNT not displayed.

    When you install an operating system, you must also install the ThinkPad Features program with the Utility Diskette before the Fuel-Gauge program can be used.

    To install the ThinkPad Features program:
    * Figure c79capnt not displayed. "Installing Software".

    The Fuel-Gauge program displays the following battery-pack conditions on the screen:

    The Fuel-Gauge program is available in OS/2 or Windows. (Ref #52.)     When you click on the Fuel-Gauge icon in the ThinkPad Features window, the Fuel-Gauge program appears. When you minimize the program to an icon, every time you press the Fn+F2 key combination, the Fuel-Gauge icon appears or disappears alternately from the screen.

    Preserving Battery-Pack Life

    Preserving Battery-Pack Life

    (Ref #53.)  

    To preserve the life of the battery pack:

    Maximizing Battery-Powered Operation

    Maximizing Battery-Powered Operation

    (Ref #54.)  

    To save the battery power:

    Using Advanced Power Management


    If you have purchased the computer with a preinstalled operating system, Advanced Power Management (APM) is already installed correctly.
    Windows NT does not support APM, but the computer provides a device driver for the Windows NT power management.

    The computer has power-management functions built in. No special power-management drivers have to be installed before you use the computer. However, the computer can conserve more power when APM is used.

    APM allows you to reduce power consumption when your applications and devices are idle. Each operating system comes with its own APM.

    * Figure c79caos2 not displayed.

    If you are using OS/2, APM is automatically installed on your computer.

    * Figure c79cados not displayed.

    If you are using DOS, APM is automatically installed on your computer. To verify that the computer has APM installed correctly, enter power at the command prompt and press Enter. If a screen similar to the following appears, APM is successfully installed:

       Power Management Status
       Setting =  ADV: REG
       CPU: idle 32% of time.
       AC Line Status : OFFLINE
       Battery status : High

    If not, add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file, using a text editor such as the DOS Editor:


    * Figure c79cawin not displayed.

    If you are using Windows 3.11, follow these instructions to check and install APM for Windows:

    1. Start the computer. Make sure that the current directory is Windows (usually C:\WINDOWS>).

    2. EnterSETUP at the command prompt and press Enter. The following screen appears:

      |Windows Setup                                                                   |
      |===============                                                                 |
      |                                                                                |
      |If your computer or network appears on the Hardware Compatibility List          |
      |with an asterisk next to it, press F1 before continuing.                        |
      |                                                                                |
      |System Information                                                              |
      |    Computer:       MS-DOS System                                               |
      |    Display:        Neo Magic. 800×600 256 small font                           |
      |    Mouse:          Microsoft, or IBM PS/2                                      |

      If MS-DOS System with APM appears for the item Computer, APM is already installed. Press F3 to exit the setup.

    3.  Using the Arrow keys (^, V), position the highlighted cursor over MS-DOS System and press Enter.

    4. Position the highlighted cursor over MS-DOS System with APM and press Enter.

    5. Verify that the item Computer has changed to
      MS-DOS System with APM on the screen. If not, return to step 3.

      |Windows Setup                                                                   |
      |===============                                                                 |
      |                                                                                |
      |If your computer or network appears on the Hardware Compatibility List          |
      |with an asterisk next to it, press F1 before continuing.                        |
      |                                                                                |
      |System Information                                                              |
      |    Computer:       MS-DOS System with APM                                      |
      |    Display:        Neo Magic 800×600 256 small font                            |
      |    Mouse:          Microsoft, or IBM PS/2                                      |

    6. Press Enter to install APM.

    7. Restart the system to make APM effective.

    * Figure c79caw95 not displayed.

    If you are using Windows 95, APM is automatically installed on your computer. To verify that the computer has APM installed correctly, do the following:

    1. Click on Start.

    2. Click on My Computer.

    3. Click on Control Panel.

    4. Click on Power.

    5. Verify that the item Power management is set to Advanced.

      If not, select Advanced from the pull-down menu.

    Decreasing LCD Brightness (TFT Model Only)

    (Ref #55.)

    Adjust the brightness control (* Figure c79ca042 not displayed.) on the LCD to the lowest level possible that allows you to comfortably view the screen. This is an effective way of conserving battery power.

    Using the Battery Power-Management Function

    (Ref #56.) (Ref #57.)      

    When you install an operating system, you must install the ThinkPad Features program using the Utility Diskette.

    To install the ThinkPad Features program:
    * Figure c79capnt not displayed. "Installing Software".

    Your computer has the following built-in battery power-saving functions to save power when you use the battery pack or the AC Adapter:

    It takes more time to return to normal operation from suspend mode than to return from standby mode, but the computer does not use as much power.

    The following figure shows the operations required when the computer moves from a power-off condition to operation mode, and vice versa.

    * Figure c79ca40b not displayed.

    Standby Mode

    (Ref #58.)  

    In standby mode, the LCD turns off. The computer immediately resumes normal operation when you press any key or use any pointing device. Also, if a power-saving monitor (Energy Star Monitor) is in use when the computer enters standby mode, the computer activates the monitor's low-power mode.

    Suspend Mode

    (Ref #59.)    

    The following indicators change status when you use suspend mode:
    Current Status Indicator Lamps

    * Figure c79ca10m not displayed.
    Suspend Mode

    * Figure c79ca10n not displayed.
    In suspend mode Green Off
    Entering suspend mode or resuming from suspend mode Blinking green Off
    Normal operation Off Green

    The computer provides the following two types of suspend modes for you to save power:

    (Ref #60.)

    To enable RediSafe suspend mode, do the following:

    * Figure c79caos2 not displayed.
    * Figure c79cawin not displayed.
    * Figure c79caw95 not displayed.

    If you are using OS/2 or Windows:

    1. Start the ThinkPad Features program.

    2. Click on Battery (* Figure c79catfg not displayed.) then click on Suspend/Hibernation/Resume options (* Figure c79catfl not displayed.).

    3. If a hibernation file has not been created, click on Enable hibernation and create the file on the hard disk drive.

    4. Click on the check box next to RediSafe suspend. (A mark appears in the check box when RediSafe suspend is selected.)

    5. Click on OK.

    * Figure c79cados not displayed.

    If you are using DOS:

    1. Type PS2 HFILE C at the command prompt; then press Enter to create the hibernation file on drive C (type the drive letter of your choice).

    2. Type PS2 SA E at the command prompt; then press Enter to enable suspend mode.

    Considerations for Suspend Mode


    Consider the following before using suspend mode:

    Hibernation Mode

    (Ref #61.)  


    1. Using a particular PC Card can disable hibernation mode. (See reference #64.)

    2. With a base memory of 16MB, it takes approximately 10 seconds to enter hibernation mode and 18 seconds to resume normal operation. (The time to enter or exit hibernation mode depends on the computer memory size, and application.)

    In hibernation mode, all tasks are stopped and the memory data and the current status of the computer are stored on the hard disk drive; then power is turned off. No battery power is used. When power is turned on again, the computer automatically restores the tasks and resumes normal operation.

    To enter hibernation mode, press Fn+ F12. When the computer enters hibernation mode, you hear one short beep. A graphical message appears and suspend mode indicator lamp blinks; then a short beep sounds again to inform you that the computer has entered hibernation mode.

    To return to normal operation, press the power switch.

    Before you can use hibernation mode, you must first create a hibernation file. See the next section.

    Creating the Hibernation File

    (Ref #62.)   Attention:
    The hibernation file must not be created in a compressed data area of the hard disk. When installing an operating system or installing additional computer memory, you must create a hibernation file on the hard disk drive to use hibernation mode. (You need to create the hibernation file only once after installing an operating system or additional memory.)

    The size of the hibernation file will be approximately 1MB greater than total memory. For example, if you have installed an optional 16MB memory module (DIMM) and since the base memory is 16MB, the hibernation file is 33MB:

    	(16MB + 16MB) + 1MB = 33MB

    The following describes how to create a hibernation file for your operating system:

    * Figure c79caos2 not displayed.
    * Figure c79cawin not displayed.
    * Figure c79caw95 not displayed.
    If you are using OS/2 or Windows:

    1. Turn on the computer and start the ThinkPad Features program.

    2. Click on Battery (* Figure c79catfg not displayed.).

    3. Click on Suspend/Hibernation/Resume options (* Figure c79catfl not displayed.).

    4. Click on Enable Hibernation in the menu.

    5. Make sure the hard disk drive in the computer is selected; then select OK to create the hibernation file.

    The computer can now enter hibernation mode.
    * Figure c79cados not displayed.
    If you are using DOS:

    Type PS2 HFILE C at the command prompt; then press Enter.

    The hibernation file is created on drive C.

    Considerations for Hibernation Mode


    The file system supported by the computer one of the following:

    The computer does not support NT File System (NTFS).
    Use one of the listed file systems when you make multiple partitions, and format the hard disk using the disk utility program.

    Consider the following before using hibernation mode:

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