IBM ThinkPad 380 or 380D User's Guide

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Appendix C. Using PS2 Commands


Note: Please note that PS2 commands are subject to change without notice. If you enter a command written in this section and receive an error, type PS2 ? and refer to the online help menu.

You can enter the following PS2 commands from the DOS and OS/2 command prompts to set the features for your computer. When entering a command, enter it in the following syntax:

  PS2 [Parameter1] [Parameter2] [Parameter3]
Syntax Rules
Refer to these notes when you enter a command.


Select one of the options on either side of the vertical bar ( | ).

Enter the exact highlighted letters in either uppercase or lowercase.

Enter any value for the following:
                 XX:  0-20      HH:  0-23
                 MM:  0-59      SS:  0-59

The MM (minutes) and SS (seconds) are optional. The default values are 0.

Command elements in lowercase are optional. For example, entering PS2 SE OF and PS2 SErial OFf gives the same results.

The following is a list of commonly used PS2 commands. It is organized as follows:

Description of the command:
Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter3

Power Management Commands (Ref #127.)

This command is effective on the current power mode set by the PM command.

Set whether or not to enter suspend mode when the LCD is closed:
Cover Enable | Disable    --

Set POwer, LCd, DISK, SPeed, and STandby to their original values:
DEFAULT    --    --

Set the hard disk drive power-saving timer for the specified number of minutes (xx):
DISK xx    --

Create the hibernation file:

Use this command before using other hibernation commands.
HFILE C - Z | DELete    --

Create the hibernation file using the HFILE command before using this command.

Enter hibernation mode when the power switch is pressed:
HSWITCH Enable | Disable    

Set the timer to enter hibernation mode after the specified number of minutes (xx):
HTimer xx [AC | DC]

Create the hibernation file using the HFILE command before using the LB H command.

Set the power management mode to enter when a low-battery condition occurs:
AC: Specifies battery mode when the AC Adapter is connected.
DC: Specifies ac mode when using battery power:

LBattery Suspend | Hibernation    --

This command is effective on the current power mode set by the PM command.

Set the LCD off when there is no computer operation after the specified number of minutes (xx):
LCd xx    --

yyyy can be set from 1995 to 2093.

Set the resume timer:
ON at [yyyy/MM/DD] HH:MM:SS
| Clear

Set the power mode:
PMode High | Auto | Custom [AC | DC]

When the AC or DC option is not specified, this command is effective on the current power mode set by the PM command.

Set the timer to enter suspend mode after the specified number of minutes (xx):
AC: Specifies battery mode when the AC Adapter is connected.
DC: Specifies ac mode when using battery power.

POwer xx [AC | DC]

Resume normal operation when detecting an incoming call:
RI Enable | Disable    --

Enter RediSafe suspend mode:
SAfe Enable | Disable    --

Set power on or off for the serial device attached to the serial port:
SErial ON | OFf    --

When the AC or DC option is not specified, this command is effective on the current power mode set by the PM commands.

Set the processor speed:
AC: Specifies battery mode when the AC Adapter is connected.
DC: Specifies ac mode when using battery power.

Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter3 Parameter4
SPeed Fixed | Auto MAX | Medium | Slow | MIN [AC | DC]

Set the timer to enter hibernation mode from suspend mode after the specified number of minutes:
Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter3
S2H 30 | 60 | 90 | Disable --

Set the timer to enter standby mode after the specified number of minutes (xx):
AC: Specifies battery mode when the AC Adapter is connected.
DC: Specifies ac mode when using battery power.

(Ref #128.)
STandby xx [AC | DC]

Create the hibernation file using the HFILE command before using the TI H command.

Set the power management mode to enter by the automatic power-saving timer:
TImer Suspend | Hibernation    --

Display Commands

Set the screen expansion: (Ref #129.)
HVEXPansion ON | OFf    --

Set where to display information:
SCreen LCD | CRT | BOTH    --

Set the frequency for the external monitor:
VSYNC 640×480
60 | 75 | 85
60 | 75 | 85
60 | 70 | 75

Alarm (Sound) Commands

Set the computer to beep in certain conditions:
BEEP ON | OFf Alarm | System
| Warn

System Setup Commands

Display the DMA channel assignments:
? DMA    --    --

Set the Fn key lock function:
FNSticky Enable | Disable    --

Set the HVEXPansion command to on or off with the Fn+F8 key combination:
F8 Enable | Disable    --

Display the interrupt level assignments:
? IRQ    --    --

Set the keyboard typematic speed:
KRate Normal | Fast    --

Set the features for the parallel port:
PARallel Enable | Disable
1 | 2 | 3
Uni | Bi | EPP | ECP
0 | 1 | 3 | Disable
Enable | Disable

Set the features for the serial port:
SERA Enable | Disable
1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Disable the screen off, standby, and suspend timers for presentations:
PRESENtation Enable | Disable    --

Set the startup screen when the computer power is turned on:
STARTup Enable | Disable    --
(Ref #130.)

Set the TrackPoint III:
TPOint Enable | Disable    --

Set the features for the infrared port (IR):
IR Enable | Disable
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
0 | 1 | 3 | Disable

Set the features for the audio:
AUdio Enable | Disable
534 | 608 | E84 | F44
5 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 15
220 | 230 | 240 | 250 |
0 | 1 | 3

Set the LCD brightness control:
BRightness High | Normal    --

Set the features for the MIDI port:
MIDIport Enable | Disable
300 | 310 | 320 | 330 |
5 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 15

Set the features for audio control port:
AUDIOCTRL Enable | Disable
538 | D38 | E88 | FF0

Set the system IRQ for PCI device:
PCIIRQ Disable or
(3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 15 |)

Set the I/O address of PCMCIA controller on Port Replicator:

Other Commands

Display the help menu:
? | Help    --    --

Set the A: drive to the external diskette drive:
FDD External    --

Create the hibernation file using the HFILE command before using this command.

Enter hibernation mode:
HIBernation    --    --

Enter suspend mode:
OFF | SUSpend    --    --

Turn off the computer:
TURN OFF    --

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