Easy Frame Creation and Customization

Visual Page makes it easy to create well organized frames!

Frame sets can be created and customized by using standard drag and drop techniques. Frames can easily be split vertically and horizontally and resized. Setting up targets for each frame can be achieved by selecting the target on a thumbnail of the frame set. Creating well organized frames has never been easier.

This frame set is a modified copy of the introduction section.

Visual Page Features

Easy Table Creation

Easy Style and Format Customization

Quality HTML File Generation

Try this:

Enter edit mode by selecting the Edit Page Icon . Once you are in edit mode, drag the left frame's border towards the right in order to make the left and right frame the same size.

Next, highlight the "Easy Table Creation" link from above and select "Edit"/"Edit Link" from the menu bar on top. In the Link Menu, click on the black right frame in the thumbnail of the frame set and click OK. The target for the link becomes the right frame instead of a new window. Preview the frame set by selecting the Preview Icon and select the "Easy Table Creation" Link from the left frame. Notice that the Easy Table Creation page now appears in the right frame instead of in a new window.

Once you are done with this frame set close it to return to the main Visual Page Highlights section. Don't save your changes to the frame or frame set in case you want to view the original frame set in the future.