Easy Style and Format Customization

Visual Page makes it easy to customize the style and format of your Web page!

Changing the style and format is as easy as highlighting an object and selecting the style and format of choice from the Format/Style toolbar.

Sets the format of the current block

Sets the text font or font group
Sets the style of the text to Bold, Italic, and Fixed Width
Increases or decreases the size of the text
Sets text color

Sets the alignment of the current block

Changes the indentation level of the current block
Changes the alignment of the current object with the text

Try this:

Enter edit mode by selecting the Edit Page Icon . Once you are in edit mode, highlight each of the following text items and select the format and style with the same name as the text from the format/style toolbar .

Arial Group Select from
Courier Group Select from
Red Text Select from
Bold Text Select from
Heading 3 block Select from
Centered Text Select from
Larger Text Select from
White, Italic, and Bold Select from and

Important Note:

It is important to consider the viewing platforms when changing the format or style of your text. Not all platforms support fonts that are available on your system. For example, although the specific Arial font looks great in a browser on a PC, it may not be appear in Arial within a browser on a Macintosh. The equivalent font on the Macintosh is Helvetica. If all fonts specified in a font groups are not available on the viewing computer, the default font for that system is used. Visual Page allows the use of font groups to specify a group of related fonts, in order of preference, and single specific fonts.

Font groups work by inserting a set of equivalent fonts tags into the page instead of a specific font. If the first font in the font group isn't available then the next available font is used by the browser. The Arial font group is set by default to include Arial and Helvetica. Visual Page allows you to create and modify font groups by selecting "Font Groups..." from the font button on the toolbar .

When you are done with this page, close it and return to the main Visual Page Highlights section. Don't save your changes to this page in case you want to view the original page in the future again.