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    Single line Doors on a Multi-Node system

    Another stumbling block running Multi-Node is getting your single
    line doors  to behave properly.   Many doors only  allow node  to
    access then  at anyone  time,  if  under normal circumstances two
    nodes access these doors at the same time the results can be most
    unwelcome!  To stop this you can do the follow  :-

    This is an example for running Galactic WarZone type 7 form a
    batch file.

        ECHO       +------------------+
        ECHO       | Running GalWar 1 |
        ECHO       +------------------+
           TWARS /%1
           DEL RUNNING.TXT
           GOTO END

             ECHO Sorry Running in another node>COM%1
             ECHO Please try later>COM%1
             GOTO END


    This meathod works by producing a file called 'RUNNING.TXT' in the
    game directory, when the game is running.  When another user tries
    to enter the game, the batch file looks for the file 'RUNNING.TXT'
    and if it is found, the user is returned to the board.   After the
    user exits the game  the file  'RUNNING.TXT'  is deleted,  this is
    also  true if  the  user drops carrier,  aslong as you don't use a
    utility  that re-boots the machine if the carrier is lost,  if you
    do  then  you'll have  to make your  system  delete  the  file  at

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