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    Shelling to DOS remotly!


    Shells to dos are a very dangeous option if not handled carefully,
    but as long as you take sensible measures you should be ok (ie Sec
    level of 64000  and Password/s to gain access to the menu with the
    shell option).

    There are  many Remote Shells available, each offering a multitude
    of different  features,   but by far the  best i've come across is
    DOORWAY.   This program can be run from a  batch file and a type 7
    menu and has built  in - carrier detection.   Here is  an  example
    for this  :-

 *   Using a type 7 menu to run a batch file with the '*M *P' options.

      DOORWAY COM%1 /S:* /O /G:ON /M:100 /A:ON /B:2 /V:D^U /C:DOS

    There are many different setting for Doorway and you should read
    the Docs for further details on the Brill utility.

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