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    Ramdisks are a great way of speeding up RA's operation.  It helps
    by eliminating diskaccess time, therefore  making it very  quick.
    This also greatly reduces the  amound of  disk access thus saving
    you HD life.

    The best  way to use a Ramdisk is out lined below.

        *  Install RAMDISK or VDISK  (Same thing ) in you CONFIG.SYS.
           There area various parameter  you can use,   but here's an
           example of one :-

             DEVICE=C:\DOS\VDISK.SYS 2048 /E

           This line, inserted in you CONFIG.SYS, will give a RAMDISK
           of 2,048bytes  (2Mb)  using exended memory.  Refer to your
           DOS manual for detail for your version of DOS.

        *  Use  the batch  that  runs RA,  to check the RAMDISK at the
           start to see it it contains your menus and txtfiles and  to
           copy them to RAMDISK if they aren't there.

           Example :-

                   MD TXTFILES
                   MD MENUS_1
                   COPY V:\RA\TXTFILES\*.* F:\TXTFILES
                   COPY V:\RA\MENUS_1\*.* F:\MENUS_1
                   ECHO DONE>DONE.TXT

        *  Now run RACONFIG, and change the paths to your TXTFILES and
           MENUS, to show that there held on RAMDISK.

    This is one way of using a RAMDISK,  I have been told that you can
    also place 'RA.OVR' onto RAMDISK, bu using 'SET RAOVR=<PATH>'  but
    I haven't tested this meathod.

    CDROM users can also use a similar setup for placing the FILES.???
    on the RAMDRIVE.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson