PC World Help Screen

Click on a category to see Help Screen articles, most recent first

Bugs and fixes
* Communications *
Data management
Digital Helpline
Publishing and presentation
Windows 9x
Windows 3.x
Windows Manager
Windows NT
Word processing

When mail imports go awry February 1999
Sewing a thread of messages in Outlook Express January 1999
Transfer addresses from e-mail to Outlook 97 November 1998
A portable Outlook November 1998
Backing up addresses November 1998
Check mail sans downloads October 1998
Outlook Express people finder September 1998
Image formats for e-mail September 1998
Sign Outlook Express mail with style May 1998
Dealing with noisy phone lines May 1998
IE 4 vs Microsoft Fax Apr 1998
Outlook Express tells you when new mail arrives Apr 1998
Win 95 as a dial-up server Feb 1998
Automate e-mail tasks Feb 1998
Sending HTML mail Jan 1998
E-mail wake-up calls Jan 1998
Chatting in the office Sep 1997
International fax codes Jul 1997
Multiple addresses in MS Internet Mail Jun 1997
More fax about fax formats Apr 1997
Footers in mail messages Feb 1997
Backup conflicts with fax Feb 1997
E-mail attachment problems Feb 1997
Fax you very much! Feb 1997
Getting Trumpet Winsock off the phone Feb 1997
Dialling Optus prefix from Exchange Dec 1996
To boost modem signal, upgrade modem chip Oct 1996
Attachments to Eudora Light e-mails Sep 1996

Browse HelpScreen files from "August 95 to August 96"

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