About MSDN

MSDN, the Microsoft Developer Network, is the essential resource for developers, providing tools, information and community programs developers need to be successful developing for Windows and the web.

MSDN makes it easy to find timely, comprehensive development resources including software subscription programs, technical web sites, conferences, membership programs, communities, and more. MSDN is the easiest, most convenient way to stay current on development trends and Microsoft technology, and also promotes the sharing of ideas among developers by providing opportunities for peer-to-peer interaction, information sharing, and direct interaction with Microsoft.

MSDN is responsible for delivering these, and other, quality offerings to developers:

 MSDN Subscriptions

 MSDN Online
 MSDN Flash
 MSDN Sponsored Conferences

 MSDN Online Membership
 MSDN Local Events
 MSDN ISV Program
 MSDN Startups Program
 MSDN User Group Program


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