All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


action(Event, Object). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Handles internal actions for this component.
action(Event, Object). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Handles internal actions for this component.
action(Event, Object). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Handles internal actions for this component.
action(Event, Object). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Handles internal actions for this component.
action(Event, Object). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
Handles internal actions for this component.
add(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Takes no action, use addTab().
add(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RadioButtonGroupPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(Component, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Takes no action, use addTab().
add(Component, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Inserts a component into this container at the given position.
add(Component, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RadioButtonGroupPanel
Inserts a component into this container at the given position.
add(Component, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(Component, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(Component, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(String, Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Takes no action, use addTab().
add(String, Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container and to the layout manager.
add(String, Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RadioButtonGroupPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container and to the layout manager.
add(String, Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Adds a component to the end of this container.
add(String, Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Takes no action.
addCell(int, int, String, Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the contents of a cell, both text and image.
addElement(int, int, Object). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Adds the given element to this matrix at the specified row and column.
addFirstTopDown(). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Determines whether the ComboBox should be the first component added to its container, or the last.
addImage(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Adds an image to the animation set.
addImageAndDescription(URL, String). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Add an image URL and associated description to the slide show image set.
addImageCell(int, int, Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the image of a cell at the given row and column position.
addItem(Image, String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Adds the specified item with an image to the end of the drop-down list and enables it.
addItem(Image, String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Adds an item with an image to the end of the list and enables it.
addItem(Image, String, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Adds the specified item with an image to the end of drop-down the list and conditionally enables it.
addItem(Image, String, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Adds an item with an image to the end of the list and conditionally enables it.
addItem(Image, String, boolean, Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Adds an item with an image to the end of the list and conditionally enables it.
addItem(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Adds the specified item to the end of the drop-down list and enables the item.
addItem(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Adds an item to the end of the list and enables the item.
addItem(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ListSpinner
Adds a string to the end of the list.
addItem(String, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Adds the specified item to the end of the drop-down list and conditionally enables it.
addItem(String, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Adds an item to the end of the list and conditionally enables it.
addLastBottomUp(). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Determines whether the ComboBox should be the last component added to its container, or the first.
addNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ListSpinner
Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.NumericSpinner
Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
addNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
addRect(ImageMapRect). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Add a hot spot rectangle to the image map using an ImageMapRect.
addRect(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Add a hot spot rectangle to the image map using coordinates.
AddressCode(int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.AddressCode
Create new formatted field.
addStringURL(String). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
addTab(String, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Appends a new tab and sets whether it is enabled.
addTabPanel(String, boolean, Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Appends a new tab and associated panel, which will be shown when the tab is selected.
addTextCell(int, int, String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the text of a cell at the given row and column position.
addURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
adjustHeadings(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Adjusts the columns to default width.
advanceTo(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MatrixEnumeration
Skips enumeration ahead to the start of the given row.
align. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
The current text alignment.
ALIGN_CENTERED. Static variable in interface symantec.itools.awt.AlignStyle
Defines the "center" label text alignment style.
ALIGN_LEFT. Static variable in interface symantec.itools.awt.AlignStyle
Defines the "left" label text alignment style.
ALIGN_RIGHT. Static variable in interface symantec.itools.awt.AlignStyle
Defines the "right" label text alignment style.
allowsMultipleSelections(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns true if this list allows multiple selections.
allSelected(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Query if all of the rows are selected.
ALPHA_LOWER. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be a lowercase alpha char.
ALPHA_TO_LOWER. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be an alpha char (it will be converted to lowercase).
ALPHA_TO_UPPER. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be an alpha char (it will be converted to uppercase).
ALPHA_UPPER. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be an uppercase alpha char.
ALPHANUMERIC_LOWER. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be a digit or a lowercase alpha char.
ALPHANUMERIC_TO_LOWER. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be a digit or alpha char (it will be converted to lowercase).
ALPHANUMERIC_TO_UPPER. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be a digit or alpha char (it will be converted to uppercase).
ALPHANUMERIC_UPPER. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be a digit or an uppercase alpha char.
AnimatedImageButton(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.AnimatedImageButton
AnimationSpeed. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Speed at which animation occurs.
Animator(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Constructs a default Animator.
ANY. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input can be any char.
append(TreeNode). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Adds a new node at root level.
applyMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Returns a formatted string, given an input string and the current valid string format mask.


BACKSPACE. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character constant, the backspace character.
baseline. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
The maximum ascent of the font used to display text.
BaseTabbedPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Constructs a BaseTabbedPanel with tabs on top and rounded.
BaseTabbedPanel(boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
BaseTabbedPanel(int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Constructs a BaseTabbedPanel with the desired tab position and corner style.
bevel. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
The "height" (cross-section) of a beveled edge, in pixels.
BEVEL_LINE. Static variable in interface symantec.itools.awt.BevelStyle
Defines the "line" shape border style.
BEVEL_LOWERED. Static variable in interface symantec.itools.awt.BevelStyle
Defines the "lowered" shape border style.
BEVEL_NONE. Static variable in interface symantec.itools.awt.BevelStyle
Defines the "none" shape border style.
BEVEL_RAISED. Static variable in interface symantec.itools.awt.BevelStyle
Defines the "raised" shape border style.
blockPaint(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Blocks the repainting of the control.
BORDER_NONE. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Defines the "no border" style.
BORDER_REGULAR. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Defines the "regular" (lowered) border style.
borderColor. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The border color.
BorderPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Constructs a new default BorderPanel.
BorderPanel(int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Constructs a new BorderPanel with the specified beveled border style.
BorderPanel(String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Constructs a new BorderPanel with the specified border label.
BorderPanel(String, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Constructs a new BorderPanel with the specified border label and given alignment.
BorderPanel(String, int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Constructs a new BorderPanel with the specified border label and given alignment and border styles.
borderWidth. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Width of the left and right borders combined, in pixels.
BOTTOM. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Position constant indicating tabs are to be put at the bottom of this panel.
bSun1_1. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
True if running under Sun Java 1.1, false otherwise.
ButtonBase(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Constructs a default ButtonBase.


Calendar(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Creates a default calendar with today's date initialized.
Calendar(Date). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Creates a calendar with the specified date initialized.
caret. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
The zero-relative index of the character after the insertion point caret.
cellHt. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Height of a single list cell, in pixels.
CENTER. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Center-justify column alignment constant.
centerMode. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Center image within component display area.
changeImage(int, Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Changes the image associated with a drop-down list item.
changeImage(int, Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Changes the image associated with the item at the specified zero-relative index.
changeSelection(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
This routine changes the selected row, handling multiple selections as needed.
changeText(int, String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Changes the text associated with a drop-down list item.
changeText(int, String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Changes the text associated with the item at the specified zero-relative index.
CHILD. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Constant indicating that the new node is to be a child of the existing node.
Circle(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Circle
Constructs a default Circle.
clear(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Clears all items from the drop-down list.
clear(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Deletes all items and images from the list.
clear(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Removes all rows from the MultiList.
clear(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar
Clears the text that gets displayed.
clear(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Clears the status area
clearFrame. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Clear frame between each image.
CLICKTHRESHOLD. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Maximum time inverval to register a double click (in milliseconds).
closeDialog(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.dialog.DialogBox
collapse(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Sets a flag indicating that this node is not expanded.
ComboBox(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Constructs a new default ComboBox.
ComboBox(boolean, boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Constructs a new editable and/or searchable ComboBox.
context. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Applet context that shows the document.
context. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Applet context that shows the document.
context. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Applet context that shows the document.
context. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The applet context that shows the document.
context. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
If used in an applet, this is the applet's context.
context. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Context(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.lang.Context
countComponents(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Returns the number of components in this container.
countItems(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the total number of items in the drop-down list.
countItems(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the total number of items in the list.
countTabs(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Gets the number of tab panels in the TabPanel.
createColumns(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Initializes the MultiList with the specified total numer of columns.
createTextParams(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Setup metrics information for current message.
CTRL. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
A constant that indicates CTRL was pressed with a key.
ctrlSelect(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Selects an index in a ImageListBox using the Ctrl modifier to mimic mouse selecting with the Ctrl modifier.
curIndex. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Zero-relative index of currently shown tab.
curPos. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
The current position of the slider thumb.
currCol(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MatrixEnumeration
Returns the column number of the current element.
current. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
The current selection value.
currentImage. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Image currently being shown.
currentTabIndex(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Determine the currently shown tab.
currIndex. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Index of current message text and URL
currLinkTo. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Current URL link.
currMessage. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Current message text.
currRow(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MatrixEnumeration
Returns the row number of the current element.


DaySpinner(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.spinner.DaySpinner
Construct DaySpinner component.
decButton. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
The button used to decrement the spinner value.
DEL. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character constant, the delete character.
delay. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Delay time between images, in milliseconds.
delay. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
delItem(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Deletes an item from the drop-down list.
delItem(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Deletes the specified item from the list.
delItems(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Deletes multiple items from the drop-down list.
delItems(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Deletes multiple items from the list.
delSelectedItem(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Deletes the currently selected item from the list.
delSelectedItems(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Deletes the currently selected items from the list.
deselect(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Deselects the drop-down list item at the specified zero-relative index.
deselect(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Deselects the item at the specified index.
deselectAll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Deselects all items in the list.
DialogBox(Frame). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.dialog.DialogBox
DialogBox(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.dialog.DialogBox
DialogBox(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.dialog.DialogBox
DIGIT. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be a digit char.
DIGIT_OR_SIGN. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be a digit or sign (+ or -) char.
DirectionButton(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
Constructs a default DirectionButton, which will point left.
DirectionButton(int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
Constructs a DirectionButton pointing the specified direction.
disable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Disables this component so that it doesn't respond to user input.
disable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Disables this component so that it doesn't respond to user input.
disable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
Disables this component so that it doesn't respond to user input.
disable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Disables this component so that it doesn't respond to user input.
disable(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Disables a drop-down list item at a given zero-relative index.
disable(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Disables the specified item in the list.
disableDownButton(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
This disables the decrementing button only.
disableUpButton(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
This disables the incrementing button only.
display(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Display the first image.
displayThread. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Thread which runs the animation.
doInfoTip. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
If true draw InfoTip during paint().
doMove(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
This routine updates the thumb position, paints the HorizontalSlider, and posts a new action event as needed.
doMove(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
This abstract routine updates the thumb position, paints the slider, and posts a new action event, as needed.
doMove(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
This routine updates the thumb position, paints the VerticalSlider, and posts a new action event as needed.
dopalette(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Setup Plasma Palette.
DOWN. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
The point DOWN style constant.
DownFileName. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The file name of the image to display while the mouse is over the button and pressed.
DownImage. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The image displayed while the mouse is pressed down inside the button.
DownURL. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The URL of the image to use while the mouse is over the button and pressed.
draw(int, int, String, FontMetrics, Color, Color). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.InfoTipManager
Draws the InfoTip in the InfoTip panel.
drawAlignedString(Graphics, String, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
This helper method draws a string aligned the requested way.
drawInfoTip(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Determines where to draw this button's InfoTip then draws it.
drawplasma(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Draws plasma data into an internal buffer.
drawTree(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Draws the TreeView into an offscreen image.
dropList(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Handles dropping and "un-dropping" the ComboBox list.
DynamicClass(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.lang.DynamicClass


editable. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
If true the field is editable.
elementAt(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Returns the element at the specified row and column.
elements(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Returns an enumeration of all the elements.
Ellipse(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Ellipse
Constructs a default Ellipse.
enable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Enables this component so that it will respond to user input.
enable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Enables this component so that it will respond to user input.
enable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
Enables this component so that it will respond to user input.
enable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Enables this component so that it will respond to user input.
enable(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Enables a drop-down list item at a given zero-relative index.
enable(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Enables the specified item in the list.
enable(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Conditionally enables a drop-down list item at a given zero-relative index.
enable(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Conditionally enables the specified item in the list.
enabled. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
(not used).
enableDownButton(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
This enables the decrementing button only.
enableTab(boolean, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Conditionally enables the tab at the specified index.
enableTabPanel(boolean, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Conditionally enables a tab and its associated panel at the given index.
enableUpButton(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
This enables the incrementing button only.
ENTER. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character constant, the enter character.
ESCAPE. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, the char following this ESCAPE will be placed into input string.
EVT_IMAGE_SELECT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
The ID of the event posted when the image part of a drop-down list item is selected.
EVT_IMAGE_SELECT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
The ID of the event posted when the image portion of a list item is selected.
exists(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Determines if the node with the given text is in the TreeView.
exists(TreeNode). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Determines if the given node is in the TreeView.
expand(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Sets a flag indicating that this node is expanded, if it is expandable.
extraPaint(Graphics, Rectangle). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Override this method to add any special painting effects after text and images are painted


fileName. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Name of file, if any, associated with this image.
fill. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Shape is filled if true.
fillColor. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Color to fill shape with if fill is true.
findRect(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Determines if a given point is an any of the image map's rectangles.
Firework(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Construct the defalut firework.
fm. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
The metrics of the font used to display text.
forever. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Run animation forever.
FormattedTextField(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Constructs a new FormattedTextField.
FormattedTextField(int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Constructs a new FormattedTextField with the specified number of columns.
FormattedTextField(String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Constructs a new FormattedTextField containing the specified text.
FormattedTextField(String, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Constructs a new FormattedTextField containing the specified text and able to have the specified number of columns.
frame. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
frame. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
frame. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
frame. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
frame. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Location in browser to show linked HTML pages.
freezeRockets(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Suspend the firework animation.
freq. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
The current tick mark display frequency.


g1. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Offscreen graphics context used for buffering the painting process.
gapColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the color of the gap between and around panels.
getAlignStyle(). Method in interface symantec.itools.awt.AlignStyle
Gets the current label alignment style.
getAlignStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current border label alignment.
getAlignStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Gets the current alignment style.
getAlignStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Gets the current text alignment style.
getAlignStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the current style of the progress bar's alignment
getAlignStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Gets the current text alignment setting.
getApplet(). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.Context
getArrowIndent(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
Returns the amount of blank space between the arrow and the button border in pixels.
getAutoStart(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Determines if the scrolling will automatically start when the applet is loaded.
getAutoTabState(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Gets the current automatic tab state.
getBackground(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Determines the current background color.
getBevelHeight(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Returns the current "height" (cross-section) of a beveled edge, in pixels.
getBevelStyle(). Method in interface symantec.itools.awt.BevelStyle
Gets the current border style.
getBevelStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current border style.
getBevelStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Gets the current border style.
getBevelStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Gets the current border style.
getBevelStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the current style of the progress bar's border
getBevelStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Returns the current style of the shape.
getBgHilite(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Gets the current background color of the selection hilite.
getBorderColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current border color.
getBorderedColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Gets the border color.
getBorderedColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the color for the border of BEVEL_LINE style ProgressBar.
getBorderIndent(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Gets the current border indent amount.
getBorderIndent(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Gets the current border indent amount.
getBorderIndent(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the border indent amount.
getBorderType(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the current border type of the ImageListBox.
getBottomLeftPanel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the bottom left panel.
getBottomPanel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the bottom panel of a horizontally split SplitterPanel.
getBottomRightPanel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the bottom right panel.
getBoxWidth(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the width of the boxes drawn for the progress bar.
getCaseSensitive(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the current ComboBox case-sensitive search status.
getCellBg(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Gets the current background color of cell text.
getCellBorders(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the current default cell border display mode.
getCellFg(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Gets the current foreground color of cell text.
getCellFont(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the font currently used for text in all the cells.
getCellImage(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the image of the specified cell, if any.
getCellText(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the text of the specified cell.
getCenterMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
Gets the current image centering mode.
getCenterMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Obtain current image centering mode.
getCenterMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the flag that determines whether to center the image within the bounds of the button.
getChild(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Gets the child of this node.
getClearFrame(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Gets the current clear frame setting.
getClearFrame(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the flag that determines if the background should be erased before the button is drawn.
getColumnAlignments(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Gets a string array containing the alignment of each column.
getColumnSize(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Get the column width, in pixels, for the specified column.
getColumnSizes(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns a string array containing the width of each column in pixels.
getComboBoxFont(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the current edit field and drop-down list font.
getComboMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the current "ComboBox mode" setting.
getComponent(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Gets the current component in the ScrollingPanel.
getComponent(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the component in this SplitterPanel.
getComponent(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the component at the specified zero-relative component index.
getComponents(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Returns all of the components in this container.
getComponents(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Returns all of the components in this container.
getCount(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Returns the total number of nodes in the tree.
getCurrent(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Gets the current value of the spinner.
getCurrentImageIndex(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Return the current image index being displayed.
getCurrentPanelNdx(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Returns the zero-relative index of the currently selected panel.
getCurrentText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ListSpinner
Gets the currently selected string from the list.
getCurrentText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.NumericSpinner
Gets the current text from the Spinner.
getCurrentText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Gets the currently selected string from the list.
getDataObject(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Gets the object associated with this node.
getDate(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Returns the date that the calendar is set to.
getDefaultEnabledTextColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the current color for enabled text items.
getDefaultFont(). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Util
getDelay(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Returns the current delay between animation frames.
getDelay(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
Returns the current delay between notification events of the spinner buttons in milliseconds.
getDelay(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Returns the current delay between notification events of the spinner buttons in milliseconds.
getDelay(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
The time between the display of each character in milliseconds
getDelay(). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Obtain the delay time setting for this timer.
getDepth(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Gets the depth of this node as previously noted in the latest setDepth() call.
getDescription(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Return the description of the image at the given index.
getDirection(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
Returns the direction the button is currently pointing.
getDisabledTextColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the current default color for disabled text items.
getDocumentBase(). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.Context
getDownFileName(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the file name of the image to display while the button is being pressed.
getDownImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the image displayed while the button is being pressed.
getDownURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the URL of the image to display while the button is being pressed.
getDrawBoxes(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the boolean that controls the drawing of the progress bar as a series of boxes.
getDropDownFont(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the current drop-down list font.
getEditable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Gets whether the ComboBox is user-editable.
getEditable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Gets whether the text field is currently editable.
getEditable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Returns whether the Spinner's TextField is editable.
getEdited(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the "edited" flag state for the item at the given zero-relative index.
getEditFieldFont(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the current edit field font.
getEditFont(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Returns the font used for editing in this field.
getEnforceMinDim(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the current "enforce minimum dimension" mode.
getEventType(). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Get the type of event the timer will produce.
getFgHilite(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Gets the current foreground color of the selection hilite.
getFileName(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Obtain the filename associated with the current image.
getFillColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Returns the current fill color of the shape.
getFillMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Returns the current fill mode of the shape.
getFontHeight(Font). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Util
getFontHeight(FontMetrics). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Util
getFontHeight(Graphics). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Util
getForeground(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Gets the current foreground color.
getFrame(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Gets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
getFrame(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Gets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
getFrame(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Gets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
getFrame(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
getFrame(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Obtain the display location of linked pages.
getGapColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the color of the gap between panels and around the outside border.
getGapWidth(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the gap width of the boxes drawn for the progress bar.
getGraphics(Image, Component). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Util
Preserves the font information of a graphics object retrieved from an image so that susequent calls to getFontMetrics through the graphics object will not result in a NullPointerException.
getHeading(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the heading text of the specified column.
getHeadingBg(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the color of the column heading text background.
getHeadingFg(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the color of the column heading text foreground.
getHeadingFont(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the font for column heading text.
getHeadings(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Get a String array of all of the column headings.
getHiliteColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Obtain the current color for text highlighting
getHorizontalGap(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Gets the current size of the gap between the contained component (panel) in this ScrollingPanel and the horizontal scroll bar.
getImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
getImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Obtain the image currently being displayed.
getImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Gets the proper image for this node in its current state, expanded or collapsed.
getImage(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the image associated with the item at the specified zero-relative index.
getImageList(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Returns the image list.
getImageURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
Returns the URL of the image being displayed in the button.
getImageURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
getIncrement(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.NumericSpinner
Gets the increment/decrement value.
getInfoTipDelay(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Returns the delay in milliseconds from the time the mouse enters the button till the InfoTip is displayed
getInfoTipPanel(). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.InfoTipManager
Creates a new panel for the InfoTip as needed, and then returns it.
getInfoTipText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Returns the text displayed in this button's InfoTip.
getInfoTipTextColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Returns the color of text displayed in this button's InfoTip.
getInternalInsets(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current internal border insets.
getIPadBottom(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current bottom border inset padding amount, in pixels.
getIPadSides(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current side border inset padding amount, in pixels.
getIPadTop(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current top border inset padding amount, in pixels.
getItem(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the drop-down list item at the specified zero-relative index.
getItem(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the item associated with the specified zero-relative index.
getLabel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Returns the text label displayed in the border.
getLabel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the current list box label.
getLabel(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Gets the label of the tab at the specified index.
getLabelColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current border label color.
getLabelTopMargin(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Returns the current margin above the label.
getLayout(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current border panel layout manager.
getLeftPanel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the left panel of a vertically split SplitterPanel.
getLinkToList(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Obtain the current set of URL links.
getListBoxFont(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the font used for the list box items.
getListItems(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the current list as an array.
getListItems(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the current list as a array.
getListItems(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ListSpinner
Returns the current list as an array of Strings.
getListItems(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the text contents of all the cells as a string array.
getMask(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Gets the current valid string format mask.
getMax(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Gets the current maximum value the spinner may have.
getMaxValue(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Returns the current maximum value of the slider.
getMessageList(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Obtain the current list of messages.
getMin(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Gets the current minimum value the spinner may have.
getMinColumnWidth(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the minimum allowable column width in pixels.
getMinimumHeight(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Gets the value used for the minimumSize() height of the ScrollingPanel.
getMinimumWidth(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Gets the current value used for the minimumSize() width of the ScrollingPanel.
getMinValue(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Returns the current minimum value of the slider.
getNotifyDelay(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Returns the current delay in milliseconds between notification events.
getNotifyWhilePressed(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Gets whether the button will continuously post events while pressed.
getNotifyWhilePressed(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
Gets the current notifyWhilePressed status.
getNotifyWhilePressed(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Gets the current notifyWhilePressed status.
getNumberOfCols(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the current number of columns.
getNumberOfImages(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Return the number of images in the slide show set.
getNumberOfRows(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Gets the current number of columns.
getNumLoops(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Returns the current animation set loop count.
getOrientation(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Gets the current orientation of the spin buttons.
getOverFileName(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the file name of the image to display while the mouse is over the button.
getOverImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the image displayed while the mouse is over the button.
getOverURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the URL of the image to display while the mouse is over the button.
getPaddingBottom(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current bottom border outside padding amount, in pixels.
getPaddingLeft(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current left border outside padding amount, in pixels.
getPaddingRight(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current right border outside padding amount, in pixels.
getPaddingTop(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Gets the current top border outside padding amount, in pixels.
getPanelLabels(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Gets the current tab labels associated with the panel positions.
getPanelTabIndex(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Gets the index for a specific panel.
getParent(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Gets the parent of this node.
getPreviewMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Gets the preview mode flag.
getPreviewMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Gets the preview mode flag.
getProgressBarColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the color that the progress bar will be drawing in.
getProgressBarTextColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the color of the percentage completed text in the progress bar.
getPropResize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the current "resize propagation" mode.
getRepeat(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
getRepeat(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
One behavior of the scrolling If true the text will continue scrolling over and over; if false, the text will scroll off and back on, then stop.
getRepeat(). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Obtain the repeat setting of the timer.
getRepeatMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Returns the current repeat mode setting.
getRightPanel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the right panel of a vertically split SplitterPanel.
getRightToLeft(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
The direction the text will scroll.
getRootNode(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Returns the "root" node.
getRows(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the number of currently visible lines in this list.
getRowsToShow(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the current number of rows to display.
getScaleMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
Gets the current image scaling mode.
getScrollClean(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
One behavior of the scrolling.
getScrollDirection(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Obtain the current direction of scrolling.
getScrollInterval(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Obtain the current scroll interval.
getScrollLineIncrement(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Gets the number of pixels to scroll for every scrollbar arrow press.
getScrollUnit(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Obtain the current size of the scroll step.
getSearchable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the current ComboBox "searchable" status.
getSelectedColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Returns the color that highlights the selected date on the calendar.
getSelectedIndex(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Gets the zero-relative index of the currently selected item in the drop-down list.
getSelectedIndex(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the zero-relative index of the selected item in the list.
getSelectedIndexes(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the indexes of all the selected items in the list.
getSelectedItem(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the selected item on the drop-down list.
getSelectedItem(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the currently selected item in the list.
getSelectedItems(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns all of the the selected items in the list.
getSelectedNode(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Gets the currently selected node.
getSelectedRow(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the zero-relative index of the currently selected row.
getSelectedRows(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns an integer index for each selected row.
getSelectedText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Gets the text of the currently selected node.
getShiftOffset(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.MovingAnimation
Gets the animation shift offset.
getShowBorder(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Returns the current border display flag.
getShowFocus(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Returns whether this button will be shown as having the focus when the mouse enters.
getShowHorizontalScroll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Gets the current horizontal scrollbar display option.
getShowHorizontalScroll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the current horizontal scrollbar visibility flag.
getShowHorizontalScroll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Gets the current horizontal scrollbar visibility flag.
getShowInfoTip(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Returns whether an InfoTip will appear after mouse has been over the button a few moments.
getShowLabel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Gets whether the label will be shown.
getShowProgress(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the boolean that controls the display of the progress number as a percentage.
getShowrect(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Obtain the current hilight mode.
getShowVerticalScroll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Gets the current vertical scrollbar display option.
getShowVerticalScroll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the current vertical scrollbar visibility flag.
getShowVerticalScroll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Gets the current vertical scrollbar visibility flag.
getSibling(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Gets the next sibling of this node.
getSplitType(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the type of split for this SplitterPanel.
getStandardFileName(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the file name of the image to display while the mouse is not over the button.
getStandardImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the image displayed while the mouse is not over the button.
getStandardURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the URL of the image to display while the mouse is not over the button.
getState(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Gets the current checkbox state: unchecked, checked, or default.
getStatusText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar
Gets the text currently displayed.
getStatusTextColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar
Gets the text color currently displayed.
getString(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
The string currently being used for scrolling
getStringWidth(Font, String). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Util
getStringWidth(FontMetrics, String). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Util
getStringWidth(Graphics, String). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Util
getStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
getStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Gets the current style: two-state or three-state.
getSub2Panel(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets a panel within a doubly split SplitterPanel with specified split types.
getSubPanel(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets a panel within a SplitterPanel.
getSubPanel(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets a panel within a SplitterPanel of specified type.
getSyncMode(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
getTabPanel(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Gets the panel for the tab at the given index.
getTabsOnBottom(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Gets whether the tabs are at the bottom of the dialog.
getTabsPosition(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Gets the current tabs position, TOP or BOTTOM.
getTabsStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Gets the current tab style, ROUNDED or SQUARE.
getTabToTextComponetsOnly(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Gets whether tabbing is to TextComponents only.
getTarget(). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Get the component that is the target of this timer.
getText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the text in the edit field portion of the ComboBox, unless the ComboBox is not editable.
getText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Gets the current label text.
getText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Gets the current label text.
getText(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Obtain the text that is currently being displayed.
getText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Gets the current text label for this node.
getText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Gets the current label text.
getTextColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Gets the current label text color.
getTextColor(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Gets the current label text color.
getTickFreq(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Returns the current tick mark display frequency.
getTickStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
Returns the current slider tick mark style.
getTickStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Returns the current slider tick mark style.
getTickStyle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
Returns the current slider tick mark style.
getTopLeftPanel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the top left panel.
getTopPanel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the top panel of a horizontally split SplitterPanel.
getTopRightPanel(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the top right panel.
getTreeStructure(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Gets a string array that reflects the current TreeView's contents.
getURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Returns the URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
getURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Obtain the URL associated with the current image.
getURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Returns the URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
getURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Returns the URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
getURL(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Gets the URL of the document to display on mouse up.
getURL(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Return the URL of the image at the given index.
getURLList(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
getValue(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Get the current percentage complete.
getValue(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Returns the current slider value.
getVerticalGap(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Gets the current size of the gap between the contained component (panel) in this ScrollingPanel and the vertical scroll bar.
getViewCount(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Returns the total number of viewable nodes in the tree.
getVisibleIndex(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the index of the item that was last made visible by the method makeVisible.
getWrappable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Gets whether the current value can wrap around from maximum to minimum and from minimum to maximum.
Gravity. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Controls gravity of the firework simulation.


halfBorderWidth. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Width of the left or right border, in pixels.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.dialog.DialogBox
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Processes events for this component.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Processes events for this component.
hasMoreElements(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MatrixEnumeration
Returns true if more elements are available to enumerate.
hasMoreRows(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MatrixEnumeration
Returns true if more rows are available to enumerate.
height. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Height of this shape.
height. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
The current component height.
hide(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Makes this component invisible.
hide(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Makes this component invisible.
hide(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Makes this component invisible.
hide(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Makes this component invisible.
hiliteColor. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Color for highlighted text.
HorizontalLine(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.shape.HorizontalLine
Constructs a default HorizontalLine.
HorizontalSlider(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
Constructs a default HorizontalSlider.
HorizontalSpinButtonPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSpinButtonPanel
Constructs the default HorizontalSpinButtonPanel.


iBdrSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the size of the border drawn between panels.
iGapHeight(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the size of the split between panels.
iGapWidth(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the size of the split between panels.
im1. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Offscreen image used for buffering the painting process.
image. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Image that this viewer is displaying.
IMAGE_CENTERED. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
IMAGE_SCALED_TO_FIT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
IMAGE_TILED. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
IMAGE_WIDTH. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Defines the width of all images displayed in the list, in pixels.
ImageButton(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
Constructs a new default ImageButton.
ImageHTMLLink(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Constructs a default ImageHTMLLink.
ImageList(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImageList
ImageListBox(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Constructs a default ImageListBox.
ImageListBox(Component, String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Construct an ImageListBox with a specific parent component and the specified label.
ImageListBox(Component, String, int, boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Constructs an ImageListBox.
ImageListBox(String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Constructs an ImageListBox with the specified label.
ImageListBox(String, boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Constructs an ImageListBox with the specified label and conditionally allow multiple selections.
ImageListBox(String, int, boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Constructs an ImageListBox with the specified label, the specified number of visible rows, and conditionally allow multiple list item selection.
ImageMap(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Create default image map.
ImageMap(boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Create image map with optional highlight.
ImageMap(boolean, Image). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Create image map with Image.
ImageMap(boolean, String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Create image map with filename.
ImageMap(boolean, URL). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Create image map with URL.
ImageMapRect(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMapRect
Construct ImageMapRect form coordinates.
ImagePanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
images. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Images to be displayed.
imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.MovingAnimation
Incrementally updates an image as image data becomes available.
ImageViewer(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Create default image viewer.
ImageViewer(Image). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Create image viewer with image.
ImageViewer(String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Crate image viewer with filename.
ImageViewer(URL). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Create image viewer with URL.
inButton. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
True if the mouse is over this button.
incButton. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
The button used to increment the spinner value.
increment. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Amount the current value changes when scrolling up or down.
INDENT_ONE. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Constant indicating a drawing margin of 1 pixel around the outside of the border.
INDENT_ONE. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Constant indicating a drawing margin of 1 pixel around the outside of a BEVEL_LINE border.
INDENT_ONE. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Border Indent constant INDENT_ONE.
INDENT_TWO. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Constant indicating a drawing margin of 2 pixels around the outside of the border.
INDENT_TWO. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Constant indicating a drawing margin of 2 pixels around the outside of a BEVEL_LINE border.
INDENT_TWO. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Border Indent constant INDENT_TWO.
INDENT_ZERO. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Constant indicating a drawing margin of 0 pixels around the outside of the border.
INDENT_ZERO. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Constant indicating a drawing margin of 0 pixels around the outside of a BEVEL_LINE border.
INDENT_ZERO. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Border Indent constant INDENT_ZERO.
index. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
INFINITE. Static variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
infoTipDelay. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
The delay in milliseconds till InfoTips first appear.
infoTipLayoutManager. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
The layout manager for InfoTips.
InfoTipManager(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.InfoTipManager
infoTipText. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
The text to display in the InfoTip.
infoTipTextColor. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
The color of the text in the InfoTip.
infoTipTimer. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
The timer used to time delay before InfoTips appear.
infoTipX. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
The horizontal location to display the InfoTip.
infoTipY. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
The vertical location to display the InfoTip.
insert(TreeNode, TreeNode, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Inserts a new node relative to an existing node in the tree.
insertItem(int, Image, String, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Inserts an item with an image at a specific zero-relative index and conditionally enables it.
insertItems(int, Vector, Image, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Inserts a vector list of items at a specific zero-relative index and conditionally enables them.
insertRow(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Inserts a new row at the given location.
insets(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Returns the amount of space used by the current border.
insets(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Returns the amount of space used by the current border.
internalInsets. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The internal border insets.
IntlLongDistPhoneNumber(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.IntlLongDistPhoneNumber
Create international long distance phone number text field.
InvisibleButton(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleButton
Constructs an InvisibleButton.
InvisibleHTMLLink(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Constructs a default InvisibleHTMLLink.
isApplet(). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.Context
isApplication(). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.Context
isAtFirstImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Query if displaying first image in slide show set.
isAtLastImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Query if displaying last image in slide show set.
isCenterMode. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
If true the image will be centered within the bounds of the button.
isClearFrame. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
If true the frame is cleared in between drawing different button states.
isEnabled(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the enabled state of a specific item in the list.
isExpandable(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Determines whether this node is expandable.
isExpanded(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Determines whether this node is expanded.
isMacintosh(). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.OS
isMouseDrag. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
True if the mouse is being dragged in the button.
isMouseOver. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
True if the mouse is over the button.
isMouseOver. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Mouse over message text.
isMouseOverText(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Determines if the given point is over the current text.
isPaused(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Obtain animator's current state.
isPressed. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
True if the mouse button is being pressed.
isRepeat. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
isRightToLeft. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
isScrollClean. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
isSelected(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the selection state of the list item at the given zero-relative index.
isSelected(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Gets the selected state of the item at the given index.
isSolaris(). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.OS
isSun1_1. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
isSun1_1. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
isVisibleIndex(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Determines if the item at the given index is visible.
isWindows(). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.OS
isWindows95(). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.OS
isWindowsNT(). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.OS
ixPad. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The side border inset padding amount, in pixels.
iyPadBottom. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The bottom border inset padding amount, in pixels.
iyPadTop. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The top border inset padding amount, in pixels.


keyDown(Event, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Processes KEY_PRESS and KEY_ACTION events.
keyDown(Event, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Processes KEY_PRESS and KEY_ACTION events.
keyDown(Event, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Processes KEY_PRESS and KEY_ACTION events.
KeyPressManagerPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Constructs a Panel which handles key press events.


label. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The text label to display in the border.
Label3D(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Constructs an empty Label3D with black text that is center aligned and a raised border with zero border indent.
Label3D(String, int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Constructs a Label3D with black text, zero border indent, and the specified text alignment and bevel styles.
Label3D(String, int, int, Color). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Constructs a Label3D with a zero border indent and the specified attributes.
Label3D(String, int, int, Color, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Constructs a Label3D with the specified attributes.
Label3D(String, int, int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Constructs a Label3D with black text and the specified attributes.
labelAlignment. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The border label alignment: ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTERED, or ALIGN_RIGHT.
LabelButton(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Constructs an empty LabelButton with center aligned black text and a raised border with zero border indent.
LabelButton(String, int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Constructs a LabelButton with black text, zero border indent, and the specified text alignment and bevel styles.
LabelButton(String, int, int, Color). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Constructs a LabelButton with a zero border indent and the specified attributes.
LabelButton(String, int, int, Color, int, boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Constructs a Label3D with the specified attributes.
LabelButton(String, int, int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Constructs a Label3D with black label text and the specified attributes.
labelColor. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The border label color.
LabelHTMLLink(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Constructs a default LabelHTMLLink.
labelipadx. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Label horizontal coordinate inset constant, in pixels.
labelpadx. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Label horizontal coordinate padding constant, in pixels.
LAST. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Constant indicating that the new node is to be the last sibling of the existing node.
lastMouseX. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Last mouse cursor position.
lastMouseY. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Last mouse cursor position.
layout(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Handles the laying out of components within this component.
layout(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Handles the laying out of components within this component.
layout(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Handles the laying out of components within this component.
LEFT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
The point LEFT style constant.
LEFT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Left-justify column alignment constant.
linkToList. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
URL links which correspond with messages.
LinkURL. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The URL of the document to show after the button has been pressed.
list. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ListSpinner
The list of strings that get displayed in the spinner.
ListSpinner(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ListSpinner
Constructs an empty ListSpinner.
LocalPhoneNumber(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.LocalPhoneNumber
Create local phone number text field.
LongDistPhoneNumber(int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.LongDistPhoneNumber
Create new formatted field.
LongZipCode(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.LongZipCode
Create nine digit Zip code text field.
lWidth. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Width of the list content portion of this component, in pixels.


makePadding(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Returns a String with howBig number of spaces as the content
makeVisible(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Scrolls the list as needed to ensure that the specified item is visible.
mask. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
The valid string format mask used to define legal field input.
maskStripEscapes. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
A string containing all the mask string characters except the ones immediately after ESCAPE characters.
maskStripEscapesLen. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
The length of maskStripEscapes.
Matrix(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Constructs an empty matrix.
MatrixEnumeration(Matrix). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.MatrixEnumeration
Constructs a matrix enumerator for the given Matrix.
max. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
The maximum value of the slider range.
max. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
The maximum possible value.
maxHeight. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Dimension of largest image in sequence.
MaxRocketExplosionEnergy. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Controls "energy" of firwork explosion.
MaxRocketNumber. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Maximum number of rockets.
MaxRocketPatchLength. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Controls the radius of the firework burst.
MaxRocketPatchNumber. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Controls the density of the firework burst.
maxWidth. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Dimension of largest image in sequence.
messageList. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
List of messages to scroll across the banner.
min. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
The minimum value of the slider range.
min. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
The minimum possible value.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ToolBarPanel
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ToolBarSpacer
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
minimumSize(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the minimum dimensions needed to show the given number of rows in the list.
ModalDialog(Frame). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.dialog.ModalDialog
ModalDialog(Frame, String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.dialog.ModalDialog
MonthSpinner(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.spinner.MonthSpinner
Construct MonthSpinner component.
mouseCalcIndex(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
A utility routine that determines the index of the item the mouse is in, given the vertical coordinate of the mouse.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleButton
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
Processes MOUSE_DOWN events.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
Processes MOUSE_DRAG events.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Processes MOUSE_DRAG events.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Processes MOUSE_DRAG events.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
Processes MOUSE_DRAG events.
mouseEnter(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Processes MOUSE_ENTER events.
mouseEnter(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Processes MOUSE_ENTER events.
mouseEnter(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Processes MOUSE_ENTER events.
mouseExit(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Processes MOUSE_EXIT events.
mouseExit(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Processes MOUSE_EXIT events.
mouseExit(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Processes MOUSE_EXIT events.
mouseExit(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Processes MOUSE_EXIT events.
mouseMove(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Processes MOUSE_MOVE events.
mouseMove(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Processes MOUSE_MOVE events.
mouseMove(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Processes MOUSE_MOVE events.
mouseMove(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Processes MOUSE_MOVE events.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Processes MOUSE_UP events.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Processes MOUSE_UP events.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleButton
Processes MOUSE_UP events.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Processes MOUSE_UP events.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Processes MOUSE_UP events.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Processes MOUSE_UP events.
moveplasma(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Moves Plasma occurance location at random within component.
moveSplit(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Moves the location of the gap between panels.
moveSplitCursor. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Determines the cursor to use when dragging the split between panels.
MovingAnimation(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.MovingAnimation
Constructs a default MovingAnimation.
MultiList(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Default constructor for MultiList.
MultiList(int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Constructs a new MultiList with the specified number of columns.
MultiList(int, boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Constructs a new MultiList with the specified number of columns and whether multiple row selection is allowed.
MultiList(int, boolean, Color). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Constructs a new MultiList with the specified number of columns, whether multiple row selection is allowed, and given background color.


needsPlatformHelp(). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Use this method to set a flag for use in your handleEvent to determine if the ComboBox needs help in "un-dropping".
NervousText(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Create defalut NervousText object.
NEXT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Constant indicating that the new node is to be the next sibling of the existing node.
nextElement(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MatrixEnumeration
Returns the next element.
nextImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Display the next image in the slide show set.
nextPos(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Increment scroll step.
nextRow(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MatrixEnumeration
Skips enumeration ahead to the start of the next row.
notified. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
True if a notification has been posted in response to a mouse down.
notifyDelay. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
The delay in milliseconds between notifications while the button is pressed.
notifyTimer. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Timer used to time notification events while button pressed.
notifyWhilePressed. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
If true the button will continuously post events while pressed.
nTopRow. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Zero-relative index of the item displayed in the top row.
NumericSpinner(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.NumericSpinner
Constructs an empty NumericSpinner.
numLoops. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Number of times to show the animation sequence.


oBdrSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the size of the border drawn around the outside of the SplitterPanel.
oGapHeight(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the size of the split around the inside of the SplitterPanel border.
oGapThis(Event). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Override this method if you want a behavior when events occur in the outer gap.
oGapWidth(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Gets the size of the split around the inside of the SplitterPanel border.
okButton. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.dialog.DialogBox
ORIENTATION_DEFAULT. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
The default orientation of the spinner buttons (vertical).
OutlineView(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.OutlineView
OverFileName. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The file name of the image to display while the mouse is over the button.
OverImage. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The image displayed while the mouse is over the button.
overlap(ImageMapRect). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Determines if a rectangle overlaps an existing image map rectangle.
OverURL. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The URL of the image to use while the mouse is over the button.


padbottom. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The bottom border outside padding amount, in pixels.
padleft. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The left border outside padding amount, in pixels.
padright. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The right border outside padding amount, in pixels.
padtop. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The top border outside padding amount, in pixels.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Ellipse
Paints the ellipse using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Paints a black background for this firework.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleButton
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.MovingAnimation
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Rect
Paints the rectangle using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ToolBarSpacer
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paint(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Paints this component using the given graphics context.
paintComponent(Component, Component, Rectangle, Graphics). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.TransparencyTrickUtils
This method paints one component that intersects with the invisible component.
paintComponentsBehind(Component, Graphics). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.TransparencyTrickUtils
This method implements the painting of transparent components.
panel. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
The panel within the border.
paramString(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns a string representing the state of this object.
paramString(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Returns an empty string.
pause(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Temporarily suspend the animation of the nervous text.
PhoneNumber(int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.PhoneNumber
Create new formatted field.
PLAIN. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
A constant that indicates no modifier keys (SHIFT,CTRL) were pressed with a key.
Plasma(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Create default plasma component.
play(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
PostalCode(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.PostalCode
Create postal code text field.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ToolBarPanel
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ToolBarSpacer
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
preferredSize(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Returns the preferred dimensions needed for the list with the specified number of rows.
pressed. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
True if the button is currently pressed.
pressed. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleButton
True if the button is currently pressed.
pressedAdjustment. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
A drawing location adjustment for the 3-D bevel while button is pressed.
previewMode. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Preview this component at design time.
previousImage(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Display the previous image in the slide show set.
prevPos. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
The position of the slider thumb the last time this component was painted.
printRow(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Prints the specified row to System.out.
printTree(TreeNode). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Print out the text of each node in the TreeView beginning with the given node.
ProgressBar(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Constructs a progress bar with a centered progress %, no border and zero indentation.
ProgressBar(int, int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Constructs a progress bar with the style and indentation variables specified.


RadioButtonGroupPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.RadioButtonGroupPanel
Constructs a RadioButtonGroupPanel.
Rect(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Rect
Constructs a default Rectangle.
rects. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
List of rectangles in this image map.
redraw(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Paints this component into an offscreen image for cleaner screen repaints.
redraw(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Lays out the vertical and horizontal scrollbar as needed, then draws the TreeView into an offscreen image.
RegExp(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.util.RegExp
RegExpValidator(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.util.RegExpValidator
released. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
True if the button has been released.
remove(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Removes the specified component from this container.
remove(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Removes the specified component from this container.
remove(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Removes the specified component from this container.
remove(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Removes the specified component from this container.
remove(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Removes the specified component from this container.
remove(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Removes the node with the given text from the TreeView.
remove(TreeNode). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Removes the given node from the TreeView.
removeAll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Removes all the components from this container.
removeAll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Removes all the components from this container.
removeAll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Removes all the components from this container.
removeAll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Removes all the components from this container.
removeAllElements(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Removes all elements of the matrix.
removeAllTabPanels(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Removes all tabs and their associated panels, clearing the TabPanel entirely.
removeAllTabs(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Removes all tabs.
removeCancelButton(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Removes Escape key association with current Cancel button/event
removeDefaultButton(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Removes Enter/Return key association with current default button/event.
removeElementAt(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Deletes the element at the specified row and column.
removeFKeyEvent(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Removes association of an event with a Function key press
removeFKeyEvent(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Removes association of an event with a Function key press
removeNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Tells this component that it is being removed from a container.
removeNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Tells this component that it is being removed from a container.
removeNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Tells this component that it is being removed from a container.
removeNotify(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Tells this component that it is being removed from a container.
removeRow(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Deletes all elements on the specified row.
removeRow(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Remove a single row from the MultiList.
removeSelected(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Removes the currently selected node from the TreeView.
removeTab(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Removes the tab at the specified index.
removeTabPanel(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Removes a tab and its associated panel at the given index.
repaint(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Redraws this component.
resetKeyManager(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Resets all KeyPressManager associations (default button, cancel button, tab stop list).
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Circle
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.HorizontalLine
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSpinButtonPanel
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Square
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.VerticalLine
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSpinButtonPanel
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Moves and/or resizes this component.
reshapeHeight(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Reshapes the height and/or vertical position.
reshapeWidth(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Reshapes the width and/or horizontal position.
resize(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Resizes this component.
RIGHT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
The point RIGHT style constant.
RIGHT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Right-justify column alignment constant.
RocketStyleVariability. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Chance of different rocket style.
RollOverButton(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Constructs a default RollOverButton.
RollOverButton(Image, Image, Image). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Constructs a RollOverButton with an image given for each button state.
RollOverButton(String, String, String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Constructs a RollOverButton with an image file name given for each button state.
RollOverButton(URL, URL, URL). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Constructs a RollOverButton with an image file URL given for each button state.
ROUNDED. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Style constant indicating tabs are to have rounded corners.
rows(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Returns the number of rows in the matrix.
run(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Body of Animation Thread.
run(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Firework thread body.
run(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.MovingAnimation
Body of MovingAnimation Thread.
run(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
NervousText thread body.
run(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Plasma thread body.
run(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
ScrollingText thread body.
run(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
The main logic loop
run(). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Thread body.
running. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
True if the notify timer is running.


scale. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
If true the image is scaled to fit the button.
SCROLL_LEFT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Constant which indicates that the banner should scroll from right to left
SCROLL_RIGHT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Constant which indicates that the banner should scroll from left to right
scrollDirection. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Current scroll direction.
scrollDown(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls down by the number of pixels specified in the method setScrollLineIncrement().
scrollDown(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Decrements the spinner's value and handles wrapping as needed.
scrollHorizontal(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Scrolls the ImageListBox horizontally
scrollHorizontalAbsolute(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls to an absolute horizontal position.
ScrollingPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Constructs a default ScrollingPanel.
ScrollingPanel(Component, int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Constructs a new ScrollingPanel initialized with the specified component, minimum height and minimum width.
ScrollingText(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Construct default scrolling text banner.
scrollLeft(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls left by the number of pixels specified in the method setScrollLineIncrement().
scrollPageDown(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls one "page" down.
scrollPageLeft(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls one "page" left.
scrollPageRight(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls one "page" right.
scrollPageUp(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls one "page" up.
scrollRight(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls right by the number of pixels specified in the method setScrollLineIncrement().
scrollString(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Handles the manipulation of the string buffer to give the desired scrolling effect.
scrollThread. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Thread which runs the scrolling animation.
scrollUnit. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Distance to scroll on each update.
scrollUp(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls up by the number of pixels specified in the method setScrollLineIncrement().
scrollUp(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Increments the spinner's value and handles wrapping as needed.
scrollVertical(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Scrolls the ImageListBox vertically.
scrollVerticalAbsolute(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Scrolls to an absolute vertical position.
SEL_CHANGED. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
The type ID of the event posted when the selection has changed.
select(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Selects the drop-down list item with the specified zero-relative index.
select(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Selects the item at the specified index.
select(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Selects the first drop-down item in the list which has exactly matching text.
select(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Selects the first item in the list which has exactly matching text.
selectAll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Selects all the items in the list.
selectAll(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Selects all the elements in the MuliList.
selectMultiple(int, boolean, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Selects an item at the specified index in a multiple-selection-enabled ImageListBox using Shift, Ctrl or Ctrl-Shift modifiers to mimic mouse selecting with the Shift, Ctrl or Ctrl-Shift modifiers.
setAlignStyle(int). Method in interface symantec.itools.awt.AlignStyle
Sets the new label alignment style.
setAlignStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the border label alignment.
setAlignStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Sets the text alignment style.
setAlignStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Sets the text alignment style.
setAlignStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the style of the progress bar's alignment.
setAlignStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Sets the text alignment.
setApplet(Applet). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.Context
setAppletContext(Applet). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
StatusScroller needs an AppletContext in order to set the status area This version takes an Applet object and gets the needed AppletContext from it.
setAppletContext(AppletContext). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Sets the applet context used to view documents.
setAppletContext(AppletContext). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Sets the applet context used to view documents.
setAppletContext(AppletContext). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Sets the applet context used to view documents.
setAppletContext(AppletContext). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the applet context used to view documents.
setAppletContext(AppletContext). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Specify the current applet context.
setAppletContext(AppletContext). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
StatusScroller needs an AppletContext in order to set the status area This version takes an AppletContext object directly.
setArrowIndent(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
Sets the amount of blank space between the arrow and the button border in pixels.
setAutoStart(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Determines if the scrolling will automatically start when the applet is loaded.
setAutoTabState(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Sets the automatic tab state.
setBackground(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets this component's background color.
setBackground(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Sets this component's background color.
setBdrSizes(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the size of the border drawn between panels and around the outside of the SplitterPanel.
setBdrSizes(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the size of the border drawn between panels and around the outside of the SplitterPanel.
setBevelHeight(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Sets the "height" (cross-section) of a beveled edge, in pixels.
setBevelStyle(int). Method in interface symantec.itools.awt.BevelStyle
Sets the new border style.
setBevelStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the border style.
setBevelStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Sets the border style.
setBevelStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Sets the border style.
setBevelStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the style of the progress bar's border.
setBevelStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Sets the border style of the shape.
setBgHilite(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Sets the background color of the selection hilite.
setBorderColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the current border color.
setBorderColor(Color, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the current border color, and optionally the border label color.
setBorderedColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Sets the border color.
setBorderedColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Sets the border color.
setBorderedColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the color for the border of BEVEL_LINE style ProgressBar.
setBorderIndent(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Sets the border indent amount.
setBorderIndent(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Sets the border indent amount.
setBorderIndent(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the border indent amount.
setBorderType(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the border type of the ImageListBox.
setBoxWidth(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the width of the boxes drawn for the progress bar.
setCancelButton(Button). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Sets the button to press when the Escape key is pressed.
setCancelButton(Button, Event, Container, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Associates a button and an event with pressing the Escape key.
setCaseSensitive(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Conditionally sets the ComboBox to be case-sensitive during searches.
setCellBg(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the background color of cell text.
setCellBorder(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Conditionally show a border around the cell at the specified index.
setCellBorders(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the ImageListBox cell border display default, and resets all items to have the border conditionally.
setCellColors(Color, Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets foreground and background colors of cell text.
setCellFg(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the foreground color of cell text.
setCellFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the font used for text in all the cells.
setCenterMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
Conditionally sets the image centering mode.
setCenterMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Specify or change the image centering mode.
setCenterMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the flag to center the image within the bounds of the button.
setClearFrame(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Sets whether or not the animation frame area is cleared between each frame.
setClearFrame(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the flag to erase the background before drawing the button.
setCollapsedImage(Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Sets the image to use for this node when it is not expanded.
setColumnAlignment(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Set the alignment of the text in the specified column.
setColumnAlignments(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the alignment of each column.
setColumns(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the number of columns to be used by minimumSize().
setColumns(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Initializes the MultiList with the specified total numer of columns.
setColumnSizes(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the the width of each column in pixels.
setComboBoxFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Sets the edit field and drop-down list font.
setComboMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets ImageListBox "ComboBox mode".
setComponent(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Sets the component in this ScrollingPanel.
setCurrent(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Sets the value of the spinner.
setCurrentPanelNdx(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Selects the specified tab and shows its associated panel.
setDataObject(Object). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Sets an object to associate with this node.
setDate(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Sets the date selected on the calendar.
setDefaultButton(Button). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Sets the button to press when the Enter or Return key is pressed.
setDefaultButton(Button, Event, Container, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Associates a button and an event with pressing the Enter/Return key.
setDefaultEnabledTextColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the default color for enabled text items.
setDelay(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Sets the delay between animation frames.
setDelay(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
Sets the notification event delay of the spinner buttons in milliseconds.
setDelay(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Sets the notification event delay of the spinner buttons in milliseconds.
setDelay(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Set the time between the display of each character in milliseconds.
setDelay(int). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Set the delay time for this timer.
setDescription(int, String). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Set the description of the image at the given index.
setDirection(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
Sets the direction of the arrow after construction.
setDirectNotify(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
The ImageListBox posts LIST_SELECT and ACTION_EVENT events directly to a specific parent if one is specified.
setDirty(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Set the list to be "dirty" to force a complete paint on next repaint.
setDisabledTextColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the default color for disabled text items.
setDocumentBase(URL). Static method in class symantec.itools.lang.Context
setDownFileName(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the file name of the image to display while the button is being pressed.
setDownImage(Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the image to display while the button is being pressed.
setDownURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the URL of the image to display while the button is being pressed.
setDrawBoxes(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the boolean that controls the drawing of the progress bar as a series of boxes.
setDropDownFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Sets the drop-down list font.
setEditable(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Conditionally sets the ComboBox to be user-editable.
setEditable(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Sets whether the text field is editable.
setEditable(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Conditionally enables editing of the Spinner's TextField.
setEdited(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets a flag indicating that the item at the given zero-relative index has been edited.
setEditFieldFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Sets the edit field font.
setEditFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Sets the font used in the field.
setEnabled(boolean, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Conditionally enables the tab at the specified index.
setEnabledTextColor(int, Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the text color for an item at the given index.
setEnforceMinDim(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the "enforce minimum dimension" mode.
setEventType(int). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Set or change the type of event the timer will produce.
setExpandedImage(Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Sets the image to use for this node when it is expanded.
setFgHilite(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Sets the foreground color of the selection hilite.
setFileName(String). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Specify or change the image filename.
setFileNameHelper(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
A function used to consolidate shared code between the three file name setting methods.
setFillColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Sets the fill color of the shape.
setFillMask(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Sets the text field's contents to be an input template.
setFillMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Sets the fill mode of the shape.
setFirstImage(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Reset slide show and add first image.
setFKeyEvent(int, Event, Container). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Associates an event with pressing a Function key.
setFKeyEvent(int, int, Event, Container). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Associates an event with a modified Function key press.
setFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Sets this component's text font.
setFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Takes no action, use setEditFont instead.
setFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets this component's text font.
setFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Sets this component's text font.
setForeground(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Sets this component's foreground color.
setFrame(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Sets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
setFrame(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Sets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
setFrame(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Sets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
setFrame(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet viewer.
setFrame(String). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Specify the display location of linked pages.
setGapColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the color of the gap between panels and around the outside border.
setGapSizes(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the size of the split between panels and around the inside of the SplitterPanel border.
setGapSizes(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the size of the split between panels and around the inside of the SplitterPanel border.
setGapSizes(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the size of the split between panels and around the inside of the SplitterPanel border.
setGapWidth(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the gap width between boxes drawn for the progress bar.
setHeading(String, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets a column's heading text and width.
setHeadingBg(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the column heading text background color.
setHeadingColors(Color, Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the column heading text foreground and background colors.
setHeadingFg(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the column heading text foreground color.
setHeadingFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the font for column heading text.
setHeadings(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Initializes all the column headings with the given list.
setHiliteColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Set the highlight color for text.
setHorizontalGap(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Sets the size of the gap between the contained component (panel) in this ScrollingPanel and the horziontal scroll bar.
setImage(Image). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Set or change the current image.
setImage(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Display the image at the given index.
setImageHelper(Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
A function used to consolidate shared code between the three image setting functions.
setImageList(URL[]). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Sets the image list.
setImageURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
Sets the URL of the image to display in the button.
setImageURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
setIncrement(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.NumericSpinner
Sets the value to increment/decrement the Spinner by.
setInfoTipDelay(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Sets the delay till an InfoTip is displayed for this button.
setInfoTipText(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Sets the text displayed in this button's InfoTip.
setInfoTipTextColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Sets the color of text displayed in this button's InfoTip.
setInternalInsets(Insets). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the internal border insets.
setIPadBottom(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the bottom border inset padding amount, in pixels.
setIPadSides(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the side border inset padding amount, in pixels.
setIPadTop(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the top border inset padding amount, in pixels.
setLabel(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the text label to display in the border.
setLabel(String, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Changes the label of the tab at the specified index.
setLabelColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the border label color.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Takes no action.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the layout manager to be used to layout this container.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Takes no action.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
Takes no action.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Takes no action.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Takes no action.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar
Takes no action.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ToolBarPanel
Takes no action.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Takes no action.
setLayout(LayoutManager). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.View
Takes no action.
setLinkToList(URL[]). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Specify the list of URLs for message links.
setListBoxFont(Font). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the font for the items in the list box.
setListItems(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Adds the string array to the list.
setListItems(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Initializes the list with the string array.
setListItems(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ListSpinner
Adds the given string array to the end of the list.
setListItems(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Initializes all the MultiList cells with text.
setMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Sets the valid string format mask for this field.
setMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.IntlLongDistPhoneNumber
Takes no action.
setMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.LocalPhoneNumber
Takes no action.
setMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.LongZipCode
Takes no action.
setMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.PostalCode
Takes no action.
setMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.SocialInsuranceNumber
Takes no action.
setMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.SocialSecurityNumber
Takes no action.
setMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.USLongDistPhoneNumber
Takes no action.
setMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.ZipCode
Takes no action.
setMax(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Sets the maximum value the spinner may have.
setMaxValue(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Sets the maximum value of the slider.
setMessageList(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Specify the current list of messages.
setMin(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Sets the minimum value the spinner may have.
setMinColumnWidth(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the minimum allowable column width.
setMinimumHeight(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Sets the value to be used for the minimumSize() height of the ScrollingPanel.
setMinimumSize(Dimension). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the minimum size of this SplitterPanel.
setMinimumWidth(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Sets the value to be used for the minimumSize() width of the ScrollingPanel.
setMinValue(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Sets the minimum value of the slider.
setMultiColumnMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the mode of the ImageListBox to "MultiColumnListBox mode".
setMultipleSelections(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets whether this list should allow multiple selections or not.
setNotifyDelay(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Sets the notification event delay in milliseconds.
setNotifyWhilePressed(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Sets whether the button will continually post notify events while pressed.
setNotifyWhilePressed(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
Sets whether the spinner buttons will continually post notify events while pressed.
setNotifyWhilePressed(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Sets whether the spinner buttons will continually post notify events while pressed.
setNumLoops(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Sets the number of loops to perform when displaying the animation set.
setOrientation(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Sets the orientation of the spin buttons.
setOverFileName(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the file name of the image to display while the mouse is over the button.
setOverImage(Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the image to display while the mouse is over the button.
setOverURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the URL of the image to display while the mouse is over the button.
setPadding(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the border padding amounts.
setPaddingBottom(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the bottom border outside padding amount, in pixels.
setPaddingLeft(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the left border outside padding amount, in pixels.
setPaddingRight(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the right border outside padding amount, in pixels.
setPaddingTop(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Sets the top border outside padding amount, in pixels.
setPanel(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Adds the panel to the base panel and shows it.
setPanelLabels(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Sets the tab labels associated with the panel positions.
setPaused(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Temporarily suspend the animation of the nervous text.
setPreferredSize(Dimension). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the preferred size of this SplitterPanel.
setPreviewMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Sets the preview mode flag.
setPreviewMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Sets the preview mode flag.
setProgressBarColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the color that the progress bar will be drawn in.
setProgressBarTextColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the color of the percentage completed text in the progress bar.
setPropResize(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Sets the "resize propagation" mode.
setRepeat(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Controlls one behavior of the scrolling If true the text will continue scrolling over and over; if false, the text will scroll off and back on, then stop.
setRepeat(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Change the repeat setting of the timer.
setRepeat(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
setRepeatMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Sets the repeat mode setting.
setRightToLeft(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Controlls the direction the text will scroll.
setRowsToShow(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the number of rows to display in the ImageListBox.
setScaleMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
Conditionally sets the image scaling mode.
setScrollClean(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Controlls one behavior of the scrolling.
setScrollDirection(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Specify the banner's current scroll direction.
setScrollInterval(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Set sleep time between scroll steps.
setScrollLineIncrement(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Sets the number of pixels to scroll for every scrollbar arrow press.
setScrollUnit(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Specify the size of each scroll step.
setSearchable(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Conditionally sets the ComboBox to be searchable.
setSelectedColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Sets the color used to highlight the selected date on the calendar.
setSelectedRow(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Sets the specified row as the selected row.
setShiftOffset(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.MovingAnimation
Sets the animation shift offset.
setShowBorder(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Sets the border display flag.
setShowFocus(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Sets whether this button will be shown as having the focus when the mouse enters.
setShowHorizontalScroll(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Sets whether or not the horizontal scrollbar should be made visible when necessary or should never be made visible.
setShowHorizontalScroll(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the horizontal scrollbar visibility flag.
setShowHorizontalScroll(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Sets whether the horizontal scrollbar should be made visible when necessary or should never be made visible.
setShowInfoTip(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Sets whether an InfoTip is displayed for this button.
setShowLabel(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Sets whether the label will be shown.
setShowProgress(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the boolean that controls the display of the progress number as an percentage.
setShowrect(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageMap
Change the hilight mode.
setShowVerticalScroll(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
Sets whether or not the vertical scrollbar should be made visible when necessary or should never be made visible.
setShowVerticalScroll(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Sets the vertical scrollbar visibility flag.
setShowVerticalScroll(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Sets whether the vertical scrollbar should be made visible when necessary or should never be made visible.
setStandardFileName(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the file name of the image to display while the mouse is not over the button.
setStandardImage(Image). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the image to display while the mouse is not over the button.
setStandardURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the URL of the image to display while the mouse is not over the button.
setState(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Sets the current checkbox state to unchecked, checked, or default.
setStatusText(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar
Sets the text that is displayed.
setStatusTextColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar
Sets the color of the text that is displayed.
setString(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Sets the string to use for scrolling
setStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImagePanel
setStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Sets the current style to two-state or three-state.
setSyncMode(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
setTab(String, boolean, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Labels and conditionally enables the tab at the specified index.
setTabPanel(String, boolean, Component, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Replaces a tab and its associated panel at the index specified.
setTabsInfo(int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Sets the position and style of all the tabs.
setTabsOnBottom(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Puts the tabs on the top or bottom of the dialog.
setTabsPosition(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Sets the position of the all tabs to the top or bottom of this panel.
setTabsStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Sets the style of the tabs to ROUNDED or SQUARE.
setTabStop(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Allows tabbing to the specified component.
setTabToTextComponetsOnly(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
Sets whether tabs should only change focus to TextComponents.
setTarget(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Change the component that is the target of this timer.
setText(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Sets the label text.
setText(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Sets the label text.
setText(String). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Specify the text that will be displayed by NervousText.
setText(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Sets a new text label for this node.
setText(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Sets the label text.
setTextColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
Sets the label text color.
setTextColor(Color). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Sets the label text color.
setTickFreq(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Sets the tick mark display frequency.
setTickStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
Sets the current slider tick mark style.
setTickStyle(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
Sets the current slider tick mark style.
setTopRow(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Forces the item at the specified index to be visible at the top of the window.
setTreeStructure(String[]). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Initializes the TreeView from a string array.
setupcos(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Setup Plasma cosine table.
setURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Sets the URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
setURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
Specify or change the image URL.
setURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Sets the URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
setURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Sets the URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
setURL(URL). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Sets the URL of the document to display on mouse up.
setURLList(URL[]). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
setValue(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the current percentage complete.
setValue(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Sets the slider value.
setVerticalGap(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Sets the size of the gap between the contained component (panel) in this ScrollingPanel and the vertical scroll bar.
setWrappable(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Conditionally sets whether the current value wraps around from maximum to minimum and from minimum to maximum.
Shape(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Construct default Shape with BEVEL_LINE style.
SHIFT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.KeyPressManagerPanel
A constant that indicates SHIFT was pressed with a key.
shiftSelect(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Selects an index in a multiple-selection-enabled ImageListBox using Shift or Ctrl-Shift modifiers to mimic mouse selecting with the Shift or Ctrl-Shift modifiers.
show(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.dialog.DialogBox
Shows the dialog.
show(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Makes this component visible.
show(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Makes this component visible.
show(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.NervousText
Makes this component visible.
show(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Makes this component visible.
show(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Makes this component visible.
showBorder. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
A flag indicating if border should be drawn.
showFocus. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
If true show the focus when the mouse enters the button.
showInfoTip. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
If true an InfoTip will appear after mouse has been over the button a few moments.
showLabel. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Indicates whether to display the label text.
showPanel(Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Adds the panel to the base panel and shows it.
showTab(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Shows the tab at the specified index.
showTabPanel(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Selects the tab at the given index, showing it and its associated panel.
shrinkTriangle(int, int, int, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
Sets the extra amount, in pixels, to shrink the arrow triangle.
SIGN. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Character mask constant, input must be a sign (+ or -) char.
sLabel3D. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Label3D
The label text.
sLabelButton. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
The button label text.
sleepTime. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Controls the speed of the scroll.
Slider(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Constructs the Slider.
SlideShow(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Constructs a new SlideShow.
SocialIDNumber(int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.SocialIDNumber
Create new formatted field.
SocialInsuranceNumber(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.SocialInsuranceNumber
Create social insurance number text field.
SocialSecurityNumber(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.SocialSecurityNumber
Create social security number text field.
sort(CompareFunc, int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Sorts all rows into ascending order.
SoundPlayer(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
SpinButtonPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.SpinButtonPanel
Constructs a spinner with up/down buttons.
Spinner(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Construct an empty Spinner.
split(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Splits a SplitterPanel into two panels.
split(int, Component, Component). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Splits a SplitterPanel into two panels and adds two components.
SPLIT3_BOTTOM. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Panel split constant for the SplitterPanel constructor.
SPLIT3_LEFT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Panel split constant for the SplitterPanel constructor.
SPLIT3_RIGHT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Panel split constant for the SplitterPanel constructor.
SPLIT3_TOP. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Panel split constant for the SplitterPanel constructor.
SPLIT_BOTH. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Panel split constant for the SplitterPanel constructor.
SPLIT_BOTH_V. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Panel split constant for the SplitterPanel constructor.
SPLIT_HOR. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Indicates a horizontal panel split.
SPLIT_HORIZONTAL. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Horizontal panel split constant for the SplitterPanel constructor.
SPLIT_VER. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Indicates a vertical panel split.
SPLIT_VERTICAL. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Vertical panel split constant for the SplitterPanel constructor.
SplitterPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Constructs a new default SplitterPanel.
SplitterPanel(int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Constructs a new SplitterPanel which is split into panels.
SplitterPanel(int, Component, Component, Component, Component). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Constructs a new SplitterPanel which is split into panels to which components are added.
SplitterPanel(int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Constructs a new SplitterPanel of the specified size which is ready to be split into panels.
SplitterPanel(int, int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Constructs a new SplitterPanel of specified size which is split into panels.
SQUARE. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Style constant indicating tabs are to have square corners.
Square(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Square
Constructs a default Square.
sslength. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
StandardFileName. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The file name of the image to display while the mouse is not over the button.
StandardImage. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The image displayed while the mouse is not over the button.
StandardURL. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
The URL of the image to use in while the mouse is not over the button.
start(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Start the status text scrolling
start(). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Start the timer with existing settings.
start(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Start the timer using the specified repeat setting.
start(int). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Start the timer using the specified delay
start(int, boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Start the timer using the specified delay and repeat settings.
startAnimation(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Starts the animation.
startPlasma(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Resume plasma animation.
startScrollingText(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Resumes the animation of the scrolling text.
STATE_CHECKED. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
A state constant indicating that the current state is "checked".
STATE_DEFAULT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
A state constant indicating that the current state is "default".
STATE_UNCHECKED. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
A state constant indicating that the current state is "unchecked".
StateCheckBox(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
Constructs a two-state StateCheckBox that is currently unchecked.
StatusBar(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar
Constructs a default StatusBar.
StatusScroller(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Default Constructor
statusString. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
stop(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
stop(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Stops the status text from scrolling
stop(). Method in class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Stop the timer.
stop(int). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SoundPlayer
stopAnimation(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Stops the animation.
stopPlasma(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Suspend plasma animation.
stopScrollingText(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Suspends the animation of the scrolling text.
stripMask(String). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Strips escape characters from the given string.
style. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
style. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Border style of this shape.
style. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
The current slider tick mark style.
suspended. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
State of scrolling animation.


tabIsEnabled(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Determines whether or not the tab at the index is enabled.
TabPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Constructs a TabPanel with tabs on top, rounded
TabPanel(boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
TabPanel(int, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
Constructs a TabPanel with the tabs in the given position and having the specified look.
text. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
The text of the current selection.
text. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar
The text to display.
text. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
The text string being displayed.
textColor. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.StatusBar
The color of the displayed text.
textField. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
The optional text field for this spinner.
textHeight. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Height of current message text.
textWidth. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Width of current message text.
textWidth. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
The width of the optional text field for this spinner, in columns.
textX. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Current horizontal text position.
textY. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Current vertical text position.
thread. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
THREE_STATE. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
A style constant indicating that this is a three-state checkbox.
TICK_BOTH. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Defines the slider tick style where the tick marks appear both to the left and right of the slider thumb.
TICK_BOTTOM. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Defines the slider tick style where the tick marks appear below the slider thumb.
TICK_HEIGHT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
Length of the gauge ticks in pixels.
TICK_LEFT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Defines the slider tick style where the tick marks appear to the left of the slider thumb.
TICK_NONE. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Defines the slider tick style where no tick marks are drawn.
TICK_RIGHT. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Defines the slider tick style where the tick marks appear to the right of the slider thumb.
TICK_TOP. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
Defines the slider tick style where the tick marks appear above the slider thumb.
TICK_WIDTH. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
Length of the gauge ticks in pixels.
Timer(Component). Constructor for class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Create default timer.
Timer(Component, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Create timer with specified delay.
Timer(Component, int, boolean). Constructor for class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Create timer with specified delay and repeat setting.
Timer(Component, int, boolean, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.util.Timer
Create timer with specified delay, repeat setting, and event.
toggle(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Toggles the node state between collapsed and expanded, if the node is expandable.
ToolBarPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.ToolBarPanel
Create ToolBarPanel.
ToolBarSpacer(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.ToolBarSpacer
Create a ToolBarSpacer.
TOP. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.BaseTabbedPanel
Position constant indicating tabs are to be put at the top of this panel.
toString(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Returns a string representation of this component.
toString(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Returns a string representation of this component.
TransparencyTrickUtils(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.TransparencyTrickUtils
TreeNode(String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Constructs a TreeNode with the given text label.
TreeNode(String, Image, Image). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.TreeNode
Constructs a TreeNode with the given text label, and collapsed and expanded images.
TreeView(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Constructs an empty TreeView.
TreeView(TreeNode). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Constructs a TreeView with the given node.
TWO_STATE. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.StateCheckBox
A style constant indicating that this is a two-state checkbox.


unDropLastDropped(). Static method in class symantec.itools.awt.ComboBox
"Un-drop" the last ComboBox that was dropped down.
unfreezeRockets(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Firework
Resume the firework animation.
UP. Static variable in class symantec.itools.awt.DirectionButton
The point UP style constant.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Animator
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.BorderPanel
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ButtonBase
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.Calendar
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageButton
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleButton
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelButton
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.MultiList
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.Plasma
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ScrollingPanel
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.SlideShow
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
update(Graphics). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TreeView
Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
updateCurrentMessage(boolean). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Move to next message in message list.
updateElement(int, int, Object). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Matrix
Adds or updates the element at the specified row and column, as needed.
updatePanelLabels(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.TabPanel
This routine re-sets all the tab labels using the latest string array provided in setPanelLabels().
updateProgress(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.ProgressBar
Set the percentage complete for the process being tracked.
updateText(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.Spinner
Updates the text field with the current text, as needed.
updateWorkingBuffer(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
Updates the string buffer depending on the settings
url. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
The URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
url. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ImageViewer
URL of the image being displayed.
url. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
The URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
url. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
The URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
use3dBdr. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.SplitterPanel
This flag specifies how to draw the border around panels.
USLongDistPhoneNumber(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.edit.USLongDistPhoneNumber
Create US long distance phone number text field.
Util(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.util.Util


validate(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.HorizontalSlider
Ensures that this component is laid out properly, as needed.
validate(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageHTMLLink
Ensures that this component is laid out properly, as needed.
validate(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.InvisibleHTMLLink
Ensures that this component is laid out properly, as needed.
validate(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.LabelHTMLLink
Ensures that this component is laid out properly, as needed.
validate(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.RollOverButton
Ensures that this component is laid out properly, as needed.
validate(). Method in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Ensures that this component is laid out properly, as needed.
validate(). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
Ensures that this component is laid out properly, as needed.
Validator(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.util.Validator
validChar(String, int, char). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.FormattedTextField
Returns the next valid character in the input string.
validIndex(int). Method in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Determines if the given index is valid.
VerticalLine(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.shape.VerticalLine
Constructs a default VerticalLine.
VerticalSlider(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSlider
Constructs a default VerticalSlider.
VerticalSpinButtonPanel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.VerticalSpinButtonPanel
Constructs the default VerticalSpinButtonPanel.
View(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.View


wasMouseOverText. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Status of mouse position.
wasStatusMessage. Variable in class symantec.itools.multimedia.ScrollingText
Previous status message.
wblength. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
width. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.shape.Shape
Width of this shape.
width. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.Slider
The current component width.
workingBuffer. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
WrappingLabel(). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Constructs a default wrapping label.
WrappingLabel(String). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Constructs a wrapping label that displays the specified string.
WrappingLabel(String, int). Constructor for class symantec.itools.awt.WrappingLabel
Constructs wrapping label with the specified text and alignment.


yAdj. Variable in class symantec.itools.awt.ImageListBox
Top margin before the contents of the first list item, in pixels.