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Class symantec.itools.awt.RadioButtonGroupPanel


public class RadioButtonGroupPanel
extends Panel
Creates an invisible rectangular panel area that automatically groups the RadioButtons that it contains.

All the RadioButtons within the RadioButtonGroupPanel act together. Only one of the RadioButtons can be "on" at a time.

Constructor Index

 o RadioButtonGroupPanel()
Constructs a RadioButtonGroupPanel.

Method Index

 o add(Component)
Adds a component to the end of this container.
 o add(Component, int)
Inserts a component into this container at the given position.
 o add(String, Component)
Adds a component to the end of this container and to the layout manager.


 o RadioButtonGroupPanel
  public RadioButtonGroupPanel()
Constructs a RadioButtonGroupPanel.


 o add
  public Component add(Component c)
Adds a component to the end of this container. This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called to add a component to a container. The specified component is added to the end of this container.

c - the component to add
the added component
add in class Container
See Also:
 o add
  public Component add(Component c,
                       int p)
Inserts a component into this container at the given position. This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called to add a component to a container. The specified component is added to this container at the given zero-relative position index. A position index of -1 appends the component to the end.

c - the component to add
p - the zero-relative index at which to add the component or -1 for end
the added component
add in class Container
See Also:
 o add
  public Component add(String s,
                       Component c)
Adds a component to the end of this container and to the layout manager. This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called to add a component to a container. The specified component is added to the end of this container, and also added to this container's layout manager with the given name.

s - the positioning directive for the layout manager
c - the component to add
the added component
add in class Container
See Also:

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