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Class symantec.itools.awt.shape.VerticalLine


public class VerticalLine
extends Rect
This is a vertical line component.

Constructor Index

 o VerticalLine()
Constructs a default VerticalLine.

Method Index

 o reshape(int, int, int, int)
Moves and/or resizes this component.


 o VerticalLine
  public VerticalLine()
Constructs a default VerticalLine. The line width is 2.


 o reshape
  public void reshape(int x,
                      int y,
                      int width,
                      int height)
Moves and/or resizes this component. This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called to move and/or resize this component. Components that are in containers with layout managers should not call this method, but rely on the layout manager instead.

x - horizontal position in the parent's coordinate space
y - vertical position in the parent's coordinate space
width - the new width
height - the new height
reshape in class Shape

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