Right-click menu on a clip

Create clipInscriber's ICG file importerStarts up the titling application (TitleMotionPro).
Color BarShows the [Color Bar Setup] dialog box.
Color MatteOpens the [Color Matte Setup] dialog box.
Add ClipOpens the [Open] dialog box to select your desired clip to add.
CutCuts a clip on a track.
Ripple CutShifts clips after the cut clip to the left to fill the gap made by the cut. At the same time, clips on other tracks are also shifted to the left. The cut clip can paste on a track.
CopyCopies a clip on a track.
PasteCursorPastes a clip to the position of the timeline cursor.
InPastes to the In point of the selected clip.
OutPastes to the Out point of the selected clip.
ReplacePastes the cut or copied clip by overwriting the currently selected clip.
Replace partsFilterPastes only the filter effect of the cut or copied clip to the selected clip by overwriting the original.
MixerPastes only the mixer effect of the cut or copied clip to the selected clip by overwriting the original.
ClipPastes the cut or copied clip by overwriting the currently selected clip. No filters and mixers attached to the clip will be pasted to the selected clip.
Both Clip and FilterPastes the cut or copied clip and its filters or mixers to the selected clip by overwriting the original.
Paste transitionCursorPastes the cut or copied transition to the position of the timeline cursor.
InPastes the cut or copied transition to the In point of the selected clip.
OutPastes the cut or copied transition to the Out point of the selected clip.
New TransitionCursorCreates a default transition at the position of the timeline cursor.
InCreates a default transition at the In point of the selected clip.
OutCreates a default transition at the Out point of the selected clip.
DeleteDeletes the selected clip.
Ripple DeleteShifts clips after the deleted clip to the left to fill the gap made by the deletion. At the same time, clips on other tracks are also shifted to the left.
Delete PartsVideo ClipDeletes only the video part of the selected clip.
Audio ClipDeletes only the audio part of the selected clip.
MixerAllDeletes all mixers of the selected clip.
Track transitionDeletes track transitions of the selected clip.
KeyDeletes the selected key.
TransparencyDeletes the transparency of the selected clip.
FilterAllDeletes all filters of the selected clip.
VideoDeletes only the video filter of the selected clip.
AudioDeletes only the audio filter of the selected clip.
Audio Rubber BandVolumeDeletes the volume set on audio clip.
PanDeletes the pan set on audio clip.
Jump Here InMoves the timeline cursor to the In point of the selected clip.
OutMoves the timeline cursor to the Out point of the selected clip.
SelectAllSelected TrackSelects all the clips on the selected clip.
All TracksSelects all clips on all tracks.
To StartSelected TrackSelects all the clips to the left of timeline cursor on the selected track.
All TracksSelects all the clips to the left of timeline cursor on all tracks.
To EndSelected TrackSelects all the clips to the right of timeline cursor on the selected track.
All TracksSelects all the clips to the right of timeline cursor on all tracks.
CursorSelected TrackSelects the clip at the position of the timeline cursor on the selected track.
All TracksSelects the clips at the position of the timeline cursor on all tracks.
In/OutSelected TrackSelects clips between the In and Out markers on the selected track.
All TracksSelects clips between the In and Out markers on all tracks.
Match CutCursorSelected TrackDivides the clip at the timeline cursor position on the selected track.
All TracksDivides clips at the timeline cursor position on all tracks.
In/OutSelected TrackDivides a clip between the In and Out markers on the selected track.
All TracksDivides clips between the In and Out markers on all tracks.
V-muteSets the volume level of the timeline cursor position to 0 (mute).
RenderingUse this function to perform rendering on the clip basis to play back large clips or clips to which numerous effects have been applied.


  • Temporary output file is generated during rendering. Make sure that there is enough disk space for temporary file before starting rendering.
  • Note that if you perform clip rendering on a material with alpha effect, alpha information will not be effective.
  • Mixer part cannot be rendered.
Trim The [Trim] dialog box will appear to allow you to trim the selected clip.
  • Mode
    Specify the trim setting by either selecting your desired trimming type from the check boxes.
  • Target
    Select the target to trim.
  • Link
    Checkmark if trim video and audio separately.
  • Typing a timecode value to the box or dragging the mouse.

SpeedOpens the [Clip Speed] dialog box to allow you to change the playback speed for each clip.
  • Rate
    Sets which rate to playback by the normal speed.
  • Duration
    Sets the clip duration.
  • Processing Option
    Select the option on the interlace.

Duration...Opens the [Duration] dialog box to allow you to change the clip length within the range of the source data based on the In point.

Add to BinAdds the selected clip the Bin window.
Search binSame Clip NameSearches clips with the same name of the selected clip in the Bin window.
Including InSearches clips containing the same In point with the selected clip in the Bin window.
Including OutSearches clips containing the same Out point with the selected clip in the Bin window.
Including StartSearches clips containing the same starting point with the selected clip in the Bin window.
Including EndSearches clips containing the same ending point with the selected clip in the Bin window.
Show in PlayerShows the selected clip on the Source monitor.
LayoutOpens the [LAYOUTER] dialog box.
PropertiesOpens the [Clip Properties] dialog box for the selected clip .