[Bin search] dialog box

Using the [Bin search] dialog box, you can search clips registered to the Bin window by specifying search conditions.

Search by
  • Category
    Select a search item from the list.


    The search conditions shown differ depending on your selected item.

[Add] button
Adds the condition specified in the [Search by] area to the list of registered conditions.
[Remove] button
Removes a search condition from the list of registered conditions.
Search only current folder root
If checkmarked, a search is conducted only in the current folder.
It is given priority even if [Folder selection] of the Category is chosen.
Serch by - When you select "Clip name" on the "Category"

Input a clip name you want to search in "Text".
  • Text

Serch by - When you select "Timecode" on the "Category"

  • Type
    Select from "Clip duration","In TC","Out TC" and so on.
  • Option
    Select the timearea for search.
  • Time
    Input the timecode of a clip you want to search.

Serch by - When you select "Clip type" on the "Category"

  • Clip type
    Input the type of a clip you want to search.

Serch by - When you select "Clip comments" on the "Category"

  • Text
    Input the clip comment of a clip you want to search in "Text"

Serch by - When you select "Timeline reference" on the "Category"

  • On timeline
    Select which the clip you want to search is used on the timeline or not.

Serch by - When you select "Folder selection" on the "Category"

  • Folder name
    Select the folder name of a clip you want to search.