CopyRecord、CopyTo、SaveToFile メソッドの例 (VB)

この例では、Stream オブジェクトまたは Record オブジェクトを使ってファイルのコピーを作成する方法を示します。インターネットで公開するためのコピーを Web フォルダに 1 つ作成します。Stream TypeOpenLoadFromFileRecord Open など、ほかのプロパティおよびメソッドも示されています。

Public Sub CopyRecordX()
' Declare variables
    Dim strPicturePath, strStreamPath, strStream2Path, _
        strRecordPath, strStreamURL, strRecordURL As String
    Dim objStream, objStream2 As Stream
    Dim objRecord As Record
    Dim objField As Field
    ' Instantiate objects
    Set objStream = New Stream
    Set objStream2 = New Stream
    Set objRecord = New Record
    ' Initialize path and URL strings
    strPicturePath = _
    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Clipart\Popular\Checkmrk.wmf"
    strStreamPath = "\\adot20\davfs\mywmf.wmf"
    strStreamURL = "URL=http://adot20/davfs/mywmf.wmf"
    strStream2Path = "D:\samples\check2.wmf"
    strRecordPath = "\\adot20\davfs\mywmf2.wmf"
    strRecordURL = "http://adot20/davfs/mywmf2.wmf"
    ' Load the file into the stream
    objStream.Type = adTypeBinary
    objStream.LoadFromFile (strPicturePath)
    ' Save the stream to a new path and filename
    objStream.SaveToFile strStreamPath, adSaveCreateOverWrite
    ' Copy the contents of the first stream to a second stream
    objStream2.Type = adTypeBinary
    objStream.CopyTo objStream2
    ' Save the second stream to a different path
    objStream2.SaveToFile strStream2Path, adSaveCreateOverWrite
    ' Because strStreamPath is a Web Folder, open a Record on the URL
    objRecord.Open "", strStreamURL
    ' Display the Fields of the record
    For Each objField In objRecord.Fields
        Debug.Print objField.Name & ": " & objField.Value
    ' Copy the record to a new URL
    objRecord.CopyRecord "", strRecordURL, , , adCopyOverWrite
    ' Load each copy of the graphic into Image controls for viewing
    Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(strPicturePath)
    Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(strStreamPath)
    Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(strStream2Path)
    Image4.Picture = LoadPicture(strRecordPath)
    ' Clean up
End Sub