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WindowMaker/2 Enlightenment/2

about enlightenment/2

what is enlightenment/2

It is Enlightenment for OS/2. Exactly it's the port of Enlightenment to XFree86OS/2.

Enlightenment is a Windowmanager for X-Windows, with the aim of perfect customizable look with perfect usability. In my opinion they're hitting their goal.
Enlightenment is using themes to change it's complete look, and behavior. That means instead just changing Pixmaps some samesized pixmaps or bars it changes the complete outlook, that includes, dragbars, buttons with different features, resizecorners and it's behaviors.

You don't believe it or can't imagine how far this can go? Take a look at the screenshots or the official themes gallery.

why another enlightenment page?

As Enlightenment is very popular, there are a lot of sites about it out there, so why this ugly page? The question is easy answered, it's about Enlightenment/2.

First this site was build, because Enlightenment/2 was not accepted by the Enlightenment team, now it is accepted and I got different aims for this page:
First of all I want to thank all people that port X programs to OS/2 with this page. Especially Platon Fomichev and Hung Chi Chu for porting Enlightenment.
And as a lot of ports are made in asia or russia I want to mirror the needed files here, so people from the US and Germany have a faster access..

about WindowMaker/2

What is Window Maker

Window Maker is an X11 window manager designed to give additional integration support for GNUstep applications. It tries to emulate the elegant look and feel of the NeXTSTEP(tm) GUI. It is relatively fast, feature rich, and easy to configure and use.

If you have any questions about Window Maker, you're urged to read the FAQ that is maintained by Chris Green. You can also read a slightly modified version by Largo. If the answer to your question(s) isn't available in the FAQ's, you can try the Mailing Lists. If you are new to Window Maker, you might try reading the Window Maker Guided Tour by Georges Tarboriech. Unfortunately all these documents say nothing about the XFree86/2 Port of Windowmaker, but nevertheless you will get a quick view about Windowmaker.

For those of you that can view postscript, you should take a look at the User Guide. You can also view the HTML version in the works by Jeremy Crabtree.

There is another Windowmaker/2 Site in Russia, you should take a look at.

Window Maker/2 is ported by Andrew Zablotny. If you like WM/2 please write him some words, also if you have suggestions or questions. You can download Window Maker/2 and all needed Libraries at our Download Section.