Intro to XMMX Editor

Distributed under terms of Gnu General Public License

About Linux text editors

Xmmx is a text editor designed especially for programmers (or TeX users). Versions for following platforms (tested only on i86+, i386+ PC-s) are avialable:

You can Download current (14.dec.1996) version of editor (300+K) It includes binaries, config-files, sources and documentation. Unfortunately a big part of documentation is in Russian language.

Features avialable:

Not avialable text formatting, multiple fonts, printing and other stuff you can find in text processors like MS-WORD ... Also not avialable UnDo feature, but I'll add it later.

If You got distribution, You'll find some executables in bin directory, and all you need is to put editor executable to your PATH, configure editor with mmm_cfg utility and use it. Note: It's impossible to use Xmmx without system-dependent configuration file. If Configuration file does not exist or is empty, or is unusable (has errors), then the only function avialable is ABORT (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Esc keystroke) - exiting from editor without saving anything (this restores screen & keyboard to their normal state and says _exit(-1) ).

If You don't want to use binaries from my distribution (maybe you're afraid of viruses), or something goes wrong, You can Compile editor yourself.

mmm_cfg generates file with default keyboard layout Now you're ready to use Xmmx. But please read description of default keyboard layout carefully.

Description of main concepts and HOWTO

Note: Under Linux, editor switches keyboard into RAW mode hence you can't use Xmmx on X-terminal or through telnet. I think later version with getc keyboard will be written. Then editor will work on Suns, Alphas, Crays, ... everywhere. RULES!

This editor was written by two people: my scientific advisor Andrey V. Astrelin and me Oleg Machulski.

Brief history

1994 - automn 1995 base version of Xmmx for DOS with Folds support was written by Astrelin
nov 1995 Some simple modifications (Machulski)
nov-dec 1995 Marked lines (blocks),Multiple pages (Machulski)
dec 1995 Conviguration is saved in .cfg file (Both)
winter 1995/1996 Ugly version of regular expressions search (Machulski)
early spring 1996 Ugly version of macrocommands (Machulski)
Two weeks later Ugly version of macrocommands removed
spring 1996 Very good (final) version of search (Astrelin)
late spring 1996 Port to OS/2 (Machulski)
summer-automn 1996 Port to Win95/NT (Astrelin)
automn 1996 Port to Linux (Machulski)
late automn 1996 MMMl compiler (Machulski)
14.dec.1996 First port to X11 (Machulski)
24.dec.1996 Editor renamed from MMM to XMMX to avoid name-collision

If you encounter a problem with Xmmx then visit Machulsk's homepage & mail me

scuze me for bad english, but my native language is Russian