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Description of main concepts and HOWTO

  • How to run editor?
  • Names of executables for various platforms are different.

    Executable for linux console is called mmx. To run it just put executable to your PATH and type mmx.

    Executable for linux X11 is called Xmmx. To run it just put executable to your PATH and type Xmmx.

    Executable for OS/2 is called mm2.exe. To run it just put executable to your PATH and type mm2.

    Real mode DOS executable is called mmmx.exe, but to run editor You must call mmm.bat script (You can run either mmmx.exe, but in that case some features will be not avialable). To do so, edit mmm.bat to change location of mmmx.exe executable (by default it's c:\mim\), put mmm.bat file to your path, and run it with mmm or mmm.bat command.

    Win32 executable is called mmw.exe. To run it just put executable to your PATH and type mmw or mmw.exe.

    When run XMMX editor, you can see usual text and cursor on it. You can move cursor by pressing arrow buttons and type letters by pressing usual buttons (letters and digits). You can quit from XMMX (Alt+UpArrow) or enter into another files (Ald+DownArrow). Some lines of your text are white (usual lines) and some are yellow (yellow lines are Folds). You can place cursor on yellow line and press Ald+DownArrow to enter this Fold. There you can type more text. You can insert new Fold in current position by pressing Alt+Ins or delete current Fold/Line. Fold concept helps you to structurize text of your program.

  • How to Search?
  • Press Ctrl+'*' (gray '*' but not white '*' above '8' digit), and You'll find yourself in Search Page. Then insert empty line, type expression you want to search and press Ctrl+'*' one more time to return to your text. Now You can search forward by pressing '*' or backward by pressing Shift+'*'. If You want to search regular expressions (wildcars, [],{}, ... as in VI) then you have to start your expression from backslash with space after it. For example \ b{[ebo]}o{[ebo]}p pattern will find words: bop, bobeep, boeebp

  • How to Replace?
  • Your search-expression must looks the foolowing way: What to Find\ What To Substitute (backslash with space separates two expressions) After that you can press Alt+'*' to replace.

  • How to Execute program from within XMMX
  • Just type expression you want send to command interpreter and press Shift+Esc on that line. If the Line under cursor was Fold then all lines from that fold will be executed.

  • What is Block?
  • You can mark line by pressing Caps+UpArrow or Caps+DownArrow on it, and so you can mark a lot of lines. When later you type something in one of the marked lines, everything you type will be written syncronous in every marked line.

  • How to enter into file with name /my file with spaces in name/ from within editor?
  • Type

    "my file with spaces in name"

    put cursor on /my/ or /name/ word, press Alt+DownArrow and you will find yourself in that file. If you place cursor on one of the other words (spaces for example) then editor will open file with short name (here: spaces).

  • What is in status line?