Back To Intro to XMMX Editor
Key . Shift Alt Ctrl CAPS
Gray '*' search forward search back replace/search to/from search fold change search mode
Ins insert char insert line insert fold switch to insert mode Insert new page
Del delete char delete line/fold delete line/fold switch to overwrite mode .
Up 1 Line Up 1 Screen Up exit from fold/file to the top of the fold Mark Up
Down 1 Line Down 1 Screen Down enter Fold/File/Dir to the bottom of the fold Mark Down
Left 1 char Left 1 Word Left prev. page to the begin of line prev. Marked Line
Right 1 char Right 1 Word Right next. page to the end of line next Marked Line

Key . Shift Ctrl
CAPS+Left first/next marked line . first marked line
CAPS+Right last/prev. marked line . last marked line
Tab tab back tab .
Enter next line cut current line .
BS delete previous char glue lines .
F1 copy char to CCB move char to CCB copy all chars till end of line to CCB
Alt+F1 copy word to CCB move word to CCB copy all words till end of line to CCB
F2 copy chars from CCB clear CCB .
F3 copy line to LCB move line to CCB copy all lines till end of fold to LCB
Shift+F3 move line to LCB move line to CCB move all lines till end of fold to LCB
F4 copy lines from LCB clear LCB .
F7 Stop rec./execute TMacro Start recording TMacro .
Gray '+' delete current word delete end of line delete beginning of line
Gray '-' delete current word delete end of line delete beginning of line
Esc temporary exit to OS execute current line .

Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Esc - ABORT: exit without saving.
Alt+Enter - switch AutoIndent on/off
CAPS+BS - unmark last marked line
Alt+F4 - execute clipboard
F5 - put marked block to stack
F6 - get marked block from stack
CAPS + '1' - switch to Qq keyboard as alt
CAPS + '2' - switch to Qj keyboard as alt
CAPS + '3' - switch to Q\# keyboard as alt
Ctrl + 'S' - switch status line ON/OFF