Xitami Xitami 1.3c

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You can install Xitami in a few minutes on most platforms. You do not need to be a system administrator; Xitami will run in 'user space'; for instance using socket number 5080. For UNIX systems, Xitami is provided as a source kit that you must build on your system. Ready-to-run installation kits are supplied for Windows.

Select your system:

Quick Download Corner

These self-installing packages are available for downloading:

xic3212e.exe    326657 97/06/21  8:36:06  Executable
xic3213b.exe    331405 97/07/23 17:10:36  Executable
xic3213c.exe    339316 97/07/31 10:59:20  Executable
xis3212e.exe    363263 97/06/21  8:36:20  Executable
xis3213b.exe    368332 97/07/23 17:10:44  Executable
xis3213c.exe    376341 97/07/31 10:59:42  Executable
xiw1612e.exe    326395 97/06/25 17:56:04  Executable
xiw1613b.exe    330649 97/07/23 17:10:58  Executable
xiw1613c.exe    338410 97/07/31 11:00:04  Executable
xiw3212e.exe    362088 97/06/29 19:01:30  Executable
xiw3213b.exe    342875 97/07/23 17:10:22  Executable
xiw3213c.exe    350835 97/07/31 10:58:54  Executable

These .zip packages are available for downloading - please read the readme.txt included:

xic3212e.zip    172005 97/06/21  8:36:08  ZIP archive
xic3213b.zip    176905 97/07/23 17:10:36  ZIP archive
xic3213c.zip    185209 97/07/31 10:59:22  ZIP archive
xios212e.zip    192983 97/07/22  9:01:14  ZIP archive
xios213b.zip    199264 97/07/23  9:36:34  ZIP archive
xis3212e.zip    208932 97/06/21  8:36:24  ZIP archive
xis3213b.zip    214037 97/07/23 17:10:46  ZIP archive
xis3213c.zip    222461 97/07/31 10:59:46  ZIP archive
xiuni12e.zip    433272 97/06/21  8:35:28  ZIP archive
xiuni13b.zip    454365 97/07/23 17:11:00  ZIP archive
xiuni13c.zip    454598 97/07/31 11:09:02  ZIP archive
xiw1612e.zip    171668 97/06/21  8:36:36  ZIP archive
xiw1613b.zip    175925 97/07/23 17:11:00  ZIP archive
xiw1613c.zip    184105 97/07/31 11:00:06  ZIP archive
xiw3212e.zip    208569 97/06/29 19:01:38  ZIP archive
xiw3213b.zip    189011 97/07/23 17:10:24  ZIP archive
xiw3213c.zip    197398 97/07/31 10:58:58  ZIP archive

These .tgz packages are GZIP/tar versions of the eponymous .zip files:

xiuni12e.tgz    433181 97/06/21  8:35:20  Gzip/tar archive
xiuni13b.tgz    454274 97/07/23 17:11:00  Gzip/tar archive
xiuni13c.tgz    454507 97/07/31 11:08:56  Gzip/tar archive

Each package is named as follows: xi<model><version>. The models are: w16 = 16 bits Windows; w32 = 32-bits Windows; s32 = 32-bits service for NT; c32 = 32-bits Windows console version; os2 = OS/2; uni = UNIX.


Xitami for Windows 3.1 or 3.11

To run Xitami on a Windows 3.x PC you must have a 386 or higher processor. Xitami will run on a modest system; 4Mb RAM is enough if you do not run any large applications.

Download and run the 16-bit Windows package. The installation program will prompt you for an installation directory, and will build a program group and icons to run Xitami.

To uninstall Xitami, double-click the Uninstall icon. Xitami does not create any files in the Windows directories.

When you have installed Xitami, run it, then connect with any web browser. You should see the "Welcome To Xitami" test page. If another web server is already using port 80, Xitami will not start. In that case, you can choose a new port (e.g. 2080) and then connect using the URL http://localhost:2080/.

We have tested Xitami with some 16-bit Winsock libraries, but these are notoriously unstable. Our best recommendation are the Microsoft winsock libraries, supplied with recent 16-bit versions Explorer. Windows 3.11 is also reasonably robust.

The limitations of 16-bit Windows mean that Xitami does not support CGI programs under Windows 3.x. If someone tries to run a CGI program, Xitami will show an error page. This limitation may be removed in later versions. Otherwise Xitami runs fully.


Xitami for Windows 95 or NT

Download and run the 32-bit Windows package. The installation program will prompt you for an installation directory, and will build a program group and icons to run Xitami.

You can uninstall Xitami by double-clicking the Uninstall icon. Under Windows 95 and NT 4.x you can also select the 'Add/Remove Programs' option in the control panel. Xitami maintains various items in the Windows registry.

When you have installed Xitami, run it, then connect with any web browser. You should see the "Welcome To Xitami" test page. If Xitami cannot run on its normal port (80), it shows an error message: this can happen if another server is using port 80. You can use an alternative HTTP port such as 2080. You then connect using the URL http://localhost:2080/.


Vanilla Xitami for Windows 95 and NT

The console version of Xitami is less good-looking than the full Windows version, but runs a little faster. Otherwise it offers exactly the same functionality, and is fully compatible in terms of log files, security, etc. Download and run the 32-bit Windows console package. The installation program will prompt you for an installation directory, and will build a program group and icons to run Xitami.

When you have installed Xitami, run xidos32, then connect with any web browser. You should see the "Welcome To Xitami" test page. If Xitami cannot run on its normal port (80), it shows an error message: this can happen if another server is using port 80. You can use an alternative HTTP port such as 2080. You then connect using the URL http://localhost:2080/.

To halt Xitami, press Ctrl-C. This shuts-down the server cleanly.

You can uninstall Xitami by double-clicking the Uninstall icon. Under Windows 95 and NT 4.x you can also select the 'Add/Remove Programs' option in the control panel.


Xitami Service for Windows NT

Download and run the NT service package. The installation program will prompt you for an installation directory, and will install Xitami as an NT service. You can start and stop the service using the Service Control Manager or the Xitami control panel (in the Control Panel window).

The Xitami Service version accepts various command-line arguments when run in a Dos window:
Argument: Has this purpose:
-i Installs Xitami as a service.
-u Uninstalls the Xitami service.
-d Run Xitami as a console program.
-d -h Show help for command-line arguments.

You can pass any command-line arguments except -i, -u, and -d in the 'Startup Parameters' field in the Service Control Manager. When you run the Xitami service as a command-line program, it acts identically to the vanilla console version. You can use the service version on Windows 95, although the -i and -u switches will not work.

The Xitami service version has the same performance as the normal 32-bits version, but will continue to work after you log off. Performance is comparable to the Microsoft IIS, but the Xitami service version additionally runs on Windows NT 3.51.

You can uninstall Xitami by double-clicking the Uninstall icon. Under Windows NT 4.x you can also select the 'Add/Remove Programs' option in the control panel. Xitami maintains various items in the Windows registry.


Vanilla Xitami for OS/2 With EMX

The OS/2 version of Xitami was built using GCC and runs with the EMX 0.9c environment. The EMX DLLs will be required, and are available from fine FTP sites everywhere (e.g. ftp.leo.org, ftp.cdrom.com, hobbes.nmsu.edu). Compiled with assertions and gdb debugging information disabled. The OS/2 version of Xitami was built by Ewen McNeill who also ported SFL and SMT to OS/2.

Download the OS/2 package -- you'll need an unzip tool to extract the archive.

When you have installed Xitami, run it, then connect with any web browser. You should see the "Welcome To Xitami" test page. If Xitami cannot run on its normal port (80), it switches to port 5080, a common alternative HTTP port. You can then connect using the URL http://localhost:5080/.

To halt Xitami, press Ctrl-C. This shuts-down the server cleanly.


Source Installation For UNIX

With an ANSI C compiler, you can rebuild Xitami on your system. Note that the Xitami sources are ANSI C/POSIX compatible, and should compile cleanly on the majority of UNIX systems. However, we have not tested this on systems other than those listed here:

You can download the Xitami sources as a .tgz file or a .zip file. To unpack a .tgz file you need GNU gunzip; to unpack a .zip file you need InfoZip's unzip tool.

Download one of these files:

To unpack the .tgz file, give these commands:

gunzip xiuni13c.tgz
tar -xvf xiuni13c.tar

To unpack the .zip file, you need unzip. Give these commands:

unzip xiuni13c
tar -xvf xiuni13c.tar

The resulting directory structure includes the full sources for Xitami (basically the SFL and SMT packages), plus a build script, xibuild, plus the directories and web pages you need to get started with Xitami.

The xibuild script compiles Xitami and installs the executable program in the top directory (where xibuild is located). To run xibuild, give these commands:

chmod +x xibuild

When you have built Xitami, run the comamnd xitami. Then connect with any web browser using the URL http://hostname/ or http://hostname:5080/. You should see the "Welcome To Xitami" test page. You will need root privileges to run Xitami on its normal port (80); Xitami automatically switches to the backup port 5080 if necessary.  

Source Installation For Other Systems

Xitami should be easily portable to non-UNIX systems, such as Digital OpenVMS, depending on the release. For example, later versions of OpenVMS have better support for POSIX-compliant programs. There are a few specific functions in Xitami that will not work on older OpenVMS systems. These are documented in the SFL documentation. If you want to port Xitami to a non- supported system, we recommend that you start by porting the SFL and SMT kernel on which Xitami is based. When you have successfully built these two packages, you have ported Xitami.

If you find yourself in this position, let us know, and we'll gladly help in any way possible.

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