Xitami Xitami 1.3c

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  • Overview
  • Xitami Feature List
  • Installation
  • Quick Download Corner
  • Xitami for Windows 3.1 or 3.11
  • Xitami for Windows 95 or NT
  • Vanilla Xitami for Windows 95 and NT
  • Xitami Service for Windows NT
  • Vanilla Xitami for OS/2 With EMX
  • Source Installation For UNIX
  • Source Installation For Other Systems
  • Administration
  • Xitami Under Windows
  • Xitami Under UNIX
  • Testing Xitami
  • Using Xitami
  • User Authentication
  • Xitami Log Files
  • Configuration
  • Configuration File Syntax
  • The [Version] Section
  • The [Server] Section
  • The [Alias] Section
  • The [Virtual-Hosts] Section
  • The [Mime] Section
  • The [CGI] Section
  • The [CGI-Environment] Section
  • The [Security] Section
  • The [ServerLog] Section
  • The [AccessLog] Section
  • Using CGI
  • CGI Programs Under 16-bit Windows
  • CGI Programs Under 32-bit Windows
  • CGI Programs Under UNIX
  • CGI Programs Under OS/2
  • CGI Directories
  • CGI Error Messages
  • Insufficient resources to run this CGI program
  • CGI arguments are too long - request was refused
  • Cannot create stdin stream for CGI
  • Cannot create CGI process - program not found
  • CGI process ended with an error status
  • CGI process was interrupted before ending
  • Internal server error while running CGI
  • Undetermined error
  • Image Maps
  • Virtual Hosting
  • A Beginner's Guide
  • Setting-up a Web Site
  • General Remarks
  • Top Ten Things To Do
  • Things To Avoid Like The Plague
  • Installing Xitami
  • FAQ
  • Windows
  • Xitami does not work - why not?
  • How do I change my IP Address?
  • How do I change my 'Web server address'?
  • My web server address is 'http://default:777/' - why?
  • Xitami is reporting the wrong server address!
  • How do I use Xitami with a PPP connection?
  • Directory listings don't work on a PPP connection
  • Ping will find "" but not "MyHost.com"
  • Can I run CGI under Windows 3.x?
  • Are there still plans to introduce CGI for Win 3.x?
  • Xitami is ignoring the .cfg file
  • I can't run 16-bit CGI programs
  • Can I use my Win95 system as a real server?
  • Why does xiwin16.exe use all my CPU?
  • Can the 95/NT version run on Win 3.x under win32s?
  • Xitami is reporting errors on its control panel
  • How do I set-up a web site counter?
  • Does Xitami support http://ipaddress/~username?
  • I cannot run CGI's in Bulgaria with Windows 95 OSR2!
  • Unix
  • Xitami does not build on my XXXX system
  • CGI - the Common Gateway Interface
  • How do I write CGIs?
  • When I run a CGI program, my browser seems to hang
  • Why does my Perl CGI not run?
  • When I try to run a Perl CGI, my browser says 'Save to disk?'
  • Why do I get "HTTP/1.0 502: Service temporarily overloaded"?
  • Why is the REMOTE_USER not correctly filled-in?
  • Must I use /cgi-bin in CGI URLs?
  • Can I use Sendmail in a CGI?
  • Multihosting/Virtual Hosting
  • How do I set-up a virtual host on another port?
  • Miscellaneous
  • Do I need two computers to use Xitami?
  • Love Xitami (except for all of those log files)
  • What's 'Vanilla' Xitami?
  • Why Is Xitami.aut not encoded?
  • How do I use the Xitami log files?
  • How do I provide space for individual users on my system?
  • And how about their CGI scripts?
  • Can I use "home.html" instead of "default.htm"?
  • Can I set my hostname in xitami.cfg or custom.cfg?
  • How do I move my web site to a nice domain name?
  • How do I make my server run faster?
  • When will I be able to...?
  • Technical Implementation
  • Getting Support
  • For Regular Information
  • For Technical Support
  • Release History
  • License Agreement
  • License Agreement
  • Statement Of Copyright
  • Conditions Of Use
  • Disclaimer Of Warranty
  • Technical Support
  • Other Licensing Conditions

  • Overview

    What Is Xitami?

    Why Yet Another Web Server?

    Is Xitami A Real Web Server?

    Why is Xitami Different?

    Xitami represents the new generation of software from iMatix: fast, scalable, efficient, and portable.

    Xitami Feature List

    | << | < | > | >>
    | Contents | Installation | Administration | Configuration | Using CGI | Image Maps | Virtual Hosting | A Beginner's Guide | FAQ | Technical Implementation | Getting Support | Release History | License Agreement

    iMatix Designed by Pieter Hintjens © 1997 iMatix