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I recently ran across a catalog of video tapes for old series and in it I found that they offer a set of six videos of six Rockford Files epidsodes which I have been dying to find. They are available for $74.88 from "Critic's Choice Video" P.O. Box 749 Itasca, Ill. 60143-0749 or by Ph. at 1-800-367-7765 Episodes are : Blacklash from the Hunter, The Big Ripoff, The No-Cut Contract, Nice Guys Finish Dead, Lions-Tigers-Monkeys and Dogs, The Kirkoff Case Price is $74.88 and the stock # is HYCCV100375 .

Thanks go to

I just have a few questions: (1) If Jim has completed his 6 movie contract, when will we see the others? (2) What are they? (3) I missed "Blessing In Disguise". What was it about? 20:17:45 96/02/19from
Greetings Garner fans. I have just come across a very well written bio on Jim that is now out of print but can be ordered through almost any good book store. It is called: James Garner A Biography, and was written by Raymond Strait. Its not just abou t episode and films, its about the great man himself. Anyone interested in chatting, e-mail me. -STEVE 10:06:28 96/02/21from
Good news for the people in Orange Co. a local TV station KDOC CH 56 has been showing the Rockford Files Mon thru fri night at 6 pm. You never grow tired of seeing the master work the sweet cons. But now can some one pleaseee explain the last movie Garner and his gang did, it had all a lot of the cast members from the series but it sure did not have the feel, writing or anything else that made me a fan. When did Becker have a son? Where did Rockford get several hundred dollars to pass out like it was nothing, Where was the mystery & cons and classic dialogue that we have all loved over & over all of these years. About the only thing I could say that I liked was Rockfords new Portable Printing Press for his business card cons. Great Idea but I just do not see Jimmy spending several thousand dollars for a laptop, & Portable printer & hook up for his Car. Just not Rockford Style, something that Rockford could always say he had was STYLE. I hope the last two? episodes will be the best two episodes. And when That day comes and garner calls it quits may the final episode send Rockford out in style like deserves and has earned. Maybe he even catches the bad guys who framed him years ago for the bank robbery that he did time for. Who knows maybe theres a BIG REWARD so Jimmy can retire and go fishing or maybe park his trailer on the beach with his old pal MAGNUM formerly known as LANCE WHITE siting back watching Zoos & Apollo chase ANGLE in to the sunset. Whatever THE ENDING MAYBE MAY IT BE HIS SWEETEST CON AND HIS FINEST HOUR. submited by REDBIRD2 P.S I would to see what other people thought of that last eps. 04:20:54 96/03/09from
WE ARE LINKING The National Association Of Investigative Specialists (real life private investigators) are linking to this site under our link list subject: JUST FOR FUN 16:50:24 96/03/10from
15:56:42 96/03/12from
Moon Mullins 09:53:42 96/03/13from
I'm a neophite on the Web. Am searching for info. on shooting schedules in LA area for last two R. Files episodes. Anyone have any tips? My internet address is Thanks! 10:19:23 96/03/15from
I'm not sure what to write here, but my favorite episode (s) that would be "Never send a boy king..." 18:55:52 96/03/22from
09:13:31 96/03/25from
I am producing a television commercial that is selling a collection of TV Theme songs from the 1970's. The theme from "The Rockford Files" is included in this collection. I would like any information you have on how I can attain either photos or video fro m "The Rockford Files" shows for this commercial. I appreciate any information you can provide. Thanks, JHP. 12:12:03 96/03/27from
kim richards 08:44:20 96/04/05from
Police detective 11:46:36 96/04/12from
Screenwriter with treatment for a RF. who/where should I contact. Thanks 11:25:35 96/04/13from
Walt Aubry Disney 22:27:03 96/04/20from
If you live in the Philadelphia metropolitan area you can currently catch reruns of the "Rockford Files" on WGTW-TV 48 weekdays at 6:00 PM ET. I was really disappointed when Arts & Entertainment discontinued airing the episodes last December, but luckily WGTW began airing them around the same time! 15:33:47 96/04/22from
Needless to say, we all know 4/25 is an important day! We'll all be screening a new Files movie. Heaven is new Files. Thanks Jimmy and everybody! Hope there's another one soon, I heard there were five and this is the fifth. Tell me I'm wrong... anyon e have more scoops? KEK 17:34:50 96/04/24from
Hey Files Fans! Guess we'll all be tuning in tomorrow (4/25) for the newest Files Flick! Thanks Jimmy and everyone. I heard five or six movies, and this is five. Anyone know more? Hey Jimmy and CBS - keep it up! KEK 17:38:52 96/04/24from
Hey Files fans! Let's have some chit-chat about the movie last night - "Friends and Foul Play". What did you think? I liked it - well, I've liked them all. This one had a nice feel to it. Jimmy (of course) is such a good guy. A few unanswered questi ons - did he get his nifty lap-top back? Will Chapman ever get his just-desserts? Does anyone remember Dennis cussing in Italian in the past? Will the Criminologist (sp?) make another appearance? What about Richie Brokelman and Lance White? Or LJ the plumber? Anyway, hope to hear from you soon! 10:25:37 96/04/26from
"Friends and Foul Play" was certainly the best of the two-hour movie specials. I'd like to know what they did to make this one so much more entertaining. Becker cursing in Italian, what a riot! Since when is Becker an Italian name? I sure you noticed that the actress playing the criminologist also played Mr. Kotter's wife in the old ABC sitcom "Welcome Back Kotter." Eeeedog@aol 20:54:03 96/04/26from
Marcia Strassman, the criminologist in "Friends & Foul Play" also appeared in a two-parter in the series. That episode was titled "Only Rock & Roll Will Never Die" and she was a nosy journalist, blowing Jimmy's cover with a recording industry mobster and generally mucking up the issues. 10:50:50 96/05/03from
Marcia Strassman was Courtney Something in "Only Rock & Roll Will Never Die" . 17:54:06 96/05/04from
Scottie Becker made his on screen appearance in "Kill the Messenger," originally aired October 27, 1978. As a nervous Becker prepares to take the examination for lieutenant, Chapman assigns him a departmental hot potato -- the homicide of parole officer Eileen Towne, wife of Deputy Police Chief Eugene Towne. When Peggy Becker convinces Rockford to help Dennis by conducting a preliminary investigation, he inadvertently jeopardizes their friendship and nearly sabotages BeckerÆs chances for promotion. JimÆs disclosure that Mrs. Towne frequently cheated on her husband (she fooled around with both parolees and young police officers {a young Ed Harris, for one}) provides the Deputy Chief with a motive for killing her. It also puts Dennis in the awkward position of interrogating the very same man who presides over the examination proceedings. To get back to Scottie; the sub-plot has an old friend of DennisÆ visiting from out of town with kids in tow and expectations of visits to studio backlots, etc. TheyÆve named their sons (Scott & "Little Den") after each other, to JimÆs dismay: He thought Scottie was named after him (James Scott Rockford). The boys make their on screen appearance with a harried Becker giving them their "ride in a police car," once around the station house parking lot with siren and lights. Scottie appears off screen in at least one other episode. The scene that comes to mind has Becker lifting two LakersÆ tickets from Jimbo for some favor. Later, Jim, trying to follow up on his favor with a late night call, catches Dennis just returned home, but the call is interupted by Peggy: "I donÆt know what you fed him at that game, buster, but youÆre cleaning this mess up after him!!" Actually, Marcia Strassman appeared as Whitney Cox, reporting for Knickerbocker Magazine. As a "20th Anniversary Tribute To A Classic Television Series," AEN was offering "This is Jim Rockford...." The Rockford Files, by Ed Robertson, Pomegrante Press, Ltd., Los Angeles & London (P.O. Box 17217, Beverly Hills, CA 90209-3217.) Back- ground on the creation of the series, seasonal ratings, a synopsis of activity for each season and individual episode synopses including cast list and ALL the answering machine recordings as well as some info about the filming of the first two of the "Return" TV movies. Quite a deal for $19.95. And for you TRULY hardcore Garner fans, there is "Maverick: Legend of the West," a similar treatment of that series (possibly the same author). Same character, different time frame. Some of the story lines were even recycled into RF. God bless James Garner and the entire cast/crew of both these classics!! 07:26:28 96/05/07from
I have a question, and it may sound stupid to the hardcore fans, but what year was Rockford's firebird? Someone told me it was a '79, but I haven't seen an episode without it or it not being mentioned. Also, was it a standard or automatic, I have a bet with a guy at work over this question. Another question, was it a firebird or a firehawk. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions! 11:42:53 96/05/08from
12:36:26 96/05/09from
Jim Rockford's car was a 1974 to 1978 Pontiac Firebird (depending on the year of the episode). The 1974 Firebird was an Esprit model, and was equipped with a 400 cubic inch V8 (if you looked very closely, you can spot the "400" medallions on the front fen ders, and the "Esprit" name on the roof. This car was basically a plain jane Firebird, virtually no fancy options were in the car. This car did have dual exhausts and factory Pontiac wheels. This car was equiped with a console operated automatic transmiss ion. This car suited Jim Rockford fine, as it was fast and sporty enough for the car chases, but not fancy enough to totally break Jimmy's wallet - it woudn't be appropriate for Jimmy to drive a fancy car, because he couldn't afford it). As the series pro gressed, a new Firebird was used for each new season (you can tell by the different grilles). However, from 1979-1980, Rockford did not upgrade to a 1979 or 1980 Firebird - he stuck with the 1978 Firebird (or 1977, I can't tell the years apart). I'm not s ure why, but a possible reason was that most 1979 Firebirds (excluding Trans Ams) had gutless engines. I'm not sure what type of engines were equipped in the 1975-1978 'birds, but I imagine they were probably 350 or 400 V8s. Who knows, maybe the producers upgraded the engines and the car for the car chases. Except for the changing grilles, all cars used were almost identical. Maybe someone out (James Garner, are you watching?) can shed more information on the car. Great page, Aaron. SIGNED, CRAIG FROM EDMONTON, ALBERTA , CANADA 12:56:01 96/05/09from
What a terrible thing to live in the Big Apple and have no access to Jimbo. For a while, this best of all P.I. series was on A&E and Channell 11 here in New York. The episodes on Ch. 11 were presented UNCUT and with beautiful prints. But once they got thr ough the series once, they pulled it. (At about the same time that A&E pulled it.) So since January, nothing -- except the new ones, which are nice but surely way inferior to the originals. Lucky for me I was able to tape all but a handful of episodes on their uncut Channel 11 presentation. But I still want those handful! 15:30:37 96/05/30from
was that the real kim richards? i checked all the pages today. great 'rockford files' website. i noticed that whoever set the answering machine scripts listed several 'unavailable' entries. hey, i have tapes of virtually all episodes and could transcr ibe them if that's all you're missing. most episodes i have were videotaped from the television in reasonably decent versions during syndications in the early 1980's. of course they were broadcast direcct from film, rather than contemporary methods of v ideo transfer. but that makes them more interesting because they have that original film/broadcast quality, rather than the flat videotape appearance. the recent 'rockford files' television movies were interesting; alas, as others have commented on thes e postings, there are occasional lapses where we who are 'rockford files'-files catch the omissions. actually, myself being involved in videography production, i find it a challenge seeking such incongruities, and debating whether the element was done deliberately or whether by happenstance. 'rocky' passed us too soon. it would have been nice to see the new episodes with him. jim and 'rocky' portrayed a very reputable parent-child relationship; the characters could have their rough moments, but the bottom line always exhibited mutual love and respect between each other as friends (and as well as parent and child). the next thing are the various re-runs. i personally must say that i watch little current programming simply because virtually all broadcast and cable stations and networks muddle the picture with their infernal logos and scrawls. it is my way protesting such childish behaviour by these telecasters; and i beseach othres to likewise consider corresponding with the miscreants who cont inue that practice. i have written challenges to broadcasters, but so far it appears my lone status is but a flea in their ointment. reading the information on these pages that 'rockford files' will be shown on a cable station is guarantee that they wil l proliferate the cablecast with their obnoxious logo; as well as endless commercial interruption. which is another reason to further resist cable television -- why should you pay for the cable service (which essential substitutes the financial c ost for commercial advertisements), and then must sit through minutes of dead air ads and cable station promotions. find decent versions of clean episodes, and watch those on your own v-c-r instead; you will enjoy the show much more! anyone who wishes t o correspond may call or write (postal and e-mail): sharon anne nichols-mc cartney -- (602) 248 8326; 1848 east pinchot avenue, phoenix, arizona 85016; e-mail via phoenix college ( would love to read more goodies about one o f television's best series. thanks for your patience reading this tome. 16:31:23 96/06/01from
Hello out there!!! Greetings from Germany. I'm doing a short presentation on the Rockford Files at the Uni. and would like some info. sent out to me via e-mail. Some basic questions for discussion: Why was the show successful? Was it realistic? Jimmy's Character? (Maveric-esque?) (Strong, gutsy..witty) Setting? / Effect on show in general... Entertaining? --Was there always a "happy-end?" ** Compare this show with other modern related Series ** How does "Files" compare with "Columbo" ??? ****** ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ****** Thanks!! Sincerely, James Miller ..... e-mail: SLS737@EO-NWFS-1KU-EICHSTAETT.DE 10:44:58 96/06/04from
Series Premiere 09:25:11 96/06/10from
Rockford still rules. I dont think Jimbo is done yet. latest reviews indicated ratings are high for the files. I do not believe Jim Garner has lost interest yet and he has always been one to take care of his cast and crew. I dont think well see full series situation, but 4 to 6 a year may continue for awhile. The fan response has been positive and the studio people are listening. Hopefully, more episode coming. The series is a part of so many of us, and the traditional good will approach of Rockford is something much needed in 1996. Happy watching. 20:43:35 96/06/17from
13:03:57 96/06/18from
Jim Rockford's car was a 1974-1978 Pontiac Firebird (depending on the year of the episode). With this car, Jimmy virtually patented the "Rockford" 180 degree reverse spin. The 1974 Firebird he used in the pilot was an Esprit model. It was powered by a 400 cubic inch V8 (if you looked closely, you could see the "400" emblems on the front fenders. The car had a three speed automatic transmission, and dual exhausts. The car was pretty much your plain Jane Firebird, with buckets, console, whitewall tires, and factory sporty wheels. This car suited Jim fine, as it was quick and nimble enough for the chases, but not too fancy, since Jim couldn't afford a really flashy car. As the series went on, a new Firebird would be used every season. It would be identical to the one used in previous years, except it would have a different front grille. I would imagine the 1975-78 Firebirds has either 350 or 400 cube V8's (Jimmy needed all that power for the chases). However, instead of switching to a 1979 Firebird for the 1979-80 seasons, Jimmy still hung on to the 1978 version. A possible reason could be that the 1979-80 Firebirds were totally gutless. 13:16:35 96/06/18from
who was Tenison Keats on one of the recent Rockford Files. the one where the bartender killed his boss and Jim was readind the dead waitress' diary. what's his real name? can he be E-mailed or written to? 22:34:02 96/06/18from
theme song 18:00:33 96/06/28from
Deoes anyone know what company supplies the Firebirds for the Rockford Files? Please let me know. 17:16:26 96/07/01from
This may sound simplistic, but what is the significance of the answering machine messages? from 11:02:05 96/07/16from
Any luck on the real life name of tenison keats? He was cute! 13:58:27 96/07/20from
james garner birthday 16:54:21 96/07/25from
I'm looking for the early 80's Playboy interview with James Garner. Does anyone know if it's on-line anywhere? Wasn't it referenced from this home page at one time?? Also, I believe there was an interview in a '94 TV Guide. Are these on-line? Any help would be appreciated...thanks! 16:09:10 96/07/28from
About the car---I once read that Garner, a racing fanatic, had the car tweaked to a fare-thee-well but ti remained a plain jane outside. The story was that in a chase scene to be filmed from a helicopter, the car was so hot that the pilot had a hard time keeping up! 05:24:09 96/08/11from
What did the License Plate "853 OKG" mean on the Show? Please Help... 23:29:47 96/08/11from
I am looking for a copy of the Rockford movie with Renee O'Connor as an actress that Rockford protects. I'd like the tape, but I'd also just like to know the name. Please e-mail 19:19:30 96/08/17from
Jacqueline Smith, 106146, 17:14:05 96/08/18from