Rehearsing for old age

A workshop for nurses at Victoria Hospital, Accrington, Lancashire, gave nurses an insight into the feelings of elderly patients. Frances Biley reported in the Nursing Times: 'Participants were asked to tie their legs together, place cotton wool plugs in their ears and wear spectacles with the lenses obscured. Music was played, a TV turned on and I was pulled out of my chair, led about the room and introduced to people. I was left to wander aimlessly about, painfully bumping into furniture, before being pushed into a chair. All sense of time was lost, my feelings became introverted and I began to resent any intrusion into my own safe world.'

'Participants were asked to tie their legs together, place cotton wool plugs in their ears and wear spectacles with the lenses obscured'

After the half hour exercise, Biley and her colleagues realised the necessity for change in their approach to the care of their elderly patients.

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